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Metropolitan Area Disposable Personal Income - Methodology and Results for 2001-2002
by Ann E. Dunbar

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes annual estimates of state disposable personal income, the difference between state personal income and state personal current taxes. BEA also publishes annual estimates of personal income for sub-state areas, but BEA does not publish corresponding estimates of disposable personal income (DPI) due to the absence of estimates of taxes. This paper researches practical and conceptual issues in producing sub-state personal current taxes, investigates source data availability, and presents annual estimates of disposable personal income for the 361 metropolitan areas for 2001 and 2002. The methodology relies on sub-state IRS personal tax data and individual state data. Also, preliminary estimates of DPI are presented for the 179 BEA economic areas in appendix B.


Last changed: April 3, 2006