Applications Team Staff
Name Phone Position Affiliation
FMI Project Leader      
Robert Keane 406-329-4846 Research Ecologist USDA Forest Service
Full-time Staff      
Don Helmbrecht 406-829-7370 Spatial Analyst USDA Forest Service
Laurie Kurth 406-329-4947 Fire Behavior Specialist USDA Forest Service
Duncan Lutes


Fire Effects Analyst USDA Forest Service
Jim Menakis 406-329-4958 Fire Landscape Ecologist USDA Forest Service
Elizabeth Reinhardt 406-329-4760 Research Forester USDA Forest Service
Stacy Drury 406-829-6934 Fire Ecologist USDA Forest Service
Sharon Hood 406-329-4818 Forester USDA Forest Service
Joe Scott 406-829-7342 Research Forester Systems for Environmental Management
Pamela Sikkink 406-829-7343 Research Ecologist Systems for Environmental Management
Denny Simmerman 406-329-4806 Graphics Specialist Systems for Environmental Management
Rick Stratton 406-329-4864 Fire Modeling Analyst Systems for Environmental Management
Erin Noonan-Wright 406-829-6964 Fire and Fuels Analyst Systems for Environmental Management
Jason Herynk 406-829-7364 Fire and Fuels Analyst Systems for Environmental Management
Diane Gercke 919-968-9191 Spatial Fire/Fuels Analyst Systems for Environmental Management
Eva Karau 406-829-6950 Ecologist USDA Forest Service
Lisa Holsinger 406-329-4810 Ecologist USDA Forest Service


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Maintained by L. Kurth and P. Sikkink
Fire Modeling Institute
Last modified: Oct. 30, 2008

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