Sample Public Service Announcements

:60 Seconds: If you are a victim of crime, it's important to know that you have a voice in our justice system, and you have a voice in making our communities safer for us all. April 25 to

May 1 is National Crime Victims' Rights Week. Here in (city/state) and across the nation, we join together this week to honor victims of crime and those who serve them, and to recognize the powerful impact their good work has had on our nation.

Because of victims and their advocates, there are over 30,000 laws that define and protect victims' rights, including 32 state constitutional amendments. Over 10,000 organizations operate in our communities and justice system to ensure that victims are treated with dignity and respect, and are afforded opportunities to participate in and be kept informed of the justice process. Victims helping victims have created a strong foundation of mutual support that promotes help and healing for those who are affected by crime.

Victims' voices -- silent no more. The chorus of concern for victims' rights and public safety has created a powerful groundswell for a caring justice system, and communities that stand ready to assist victims of crime. During 1999 National Crime Victims' Rights Week and throughout the year, listen to the powerful voices of victims and learn from all they have to share. And remember, you can get help or help out. For information about victim assistance or volunteer opportunities, please call (agency) at (area code/telephone number).

:30 Seconds: Young and old, rich and poor, rural and urban, and every culture imaginable. These are the faces of victims of crime in America. And their voices swell in unison to remind us that victims have rights, and victims deserve our care and support. Victims' voices: silent no more . . .

This is 1999 National Crime Victims' Rights Week -- April 25 to May 1. During this week and throughout the year, remember that crime victims in our community have rights, and services are available to help them. Whether you have been hurt by crime or are concerned about justice, you can make a positive difference. Let your voice be heard -- let all our voices for victims be silent no more. Remember, you can get help or help out. For information about victim assistance or volunteer opportunities, please call (agency) at (area code/telephone number).

:15 Seconds: If you are a victim of crime, rights and services are available to assist you. It's National Crime Victims' Rights Week. Today and throughout the year, victims' voices are silent no more. Call to get help or call to give help -- (agency) at (area code/telephone number).

If your agency has a web site or electronic mail address, incorporate it into the text of your public service announcements.

This document was last updated on May 29, 2008