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Western Ecology Division


The Western Ecology Division employs some of the most talented scientists in the world, many of whom are considered to be world-class authorities on several subjects which have a great deal of impact on your life.  If your local Corvallis-area group is looking for an interesting, knowledgeable speaker on subjects you can identify with every day, please don't hesitate to contact any of the folks listed below.


Speaker Topics
Thomas D. Fontaine, PhD
Director, Western Ecology Division
Research at EPA's Western Ecology Division: Importance for the community, region, and nation
Robert Lackey, PhD
Fishery Biologist
Special Assistant to the Director
Salmon Science and Policy
David Olszyk, PhD
Acting Branch Chief, Risk Characterization Branch
Climate Change
Air Pollution (In General)
Air Pollution and Vegetation
Sustainable Agriculture - especially in terms of pesticides

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