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Research Publications

2001 Publications

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Andersen, C.P. 2001. Understanding the role of ozone stress in altering belowground processes. Pages 65-79 in S. Hattunen, H. Heikkila, J. Bucher, B. Sundberg, P. Jarvis and R. Matyssek, editors. Trends in European Forest Tree Physiology Research Cost Action E6: Eurosilva. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. WED-00-104

Andersen, C.P. W.E. Hogsett, M. Plocher, K. Rodecap, and E. Henry Lee, 2001. Blue wild-rye grass competition increases the effect of ozone on ponderosa pine seedlings. Tree Physiology 21:319-327. WED-00-008

Anderson, C.P., and N.E. Grulke. 2001. Complexities in understanding ecosystem response to ozone. Hum. & Ecol. Risk Assess.7(5):1169-1182. WED-01-138

Andersen, C.P., B.E. Law, and D.M. Olszyk, editors. 2001. Ponderosa Pine Ecosystem and Environmental Stress: Past, Present and Future, Special issue of Tree Physiology, Vol. 21. WED-01-139

Andersen, C.P. 2001. Ozone stress and changes below ground: linking root and soil processes. Phyton 40:7-12. WED-00-026

Botton, B., M. Chalot, P. Dizengremel, F. Le Tacon, P.T. Rygiewicz and M. Topa, editors. 2001. Dynamics of Physiological Processes in Woody Roots. Second Symposium. Special double issue of Tree Physiology Vol. 21 (2-3).

Bracken, C.L., Hendricks, C.W., and Harding, A.K. 2001. Water quality monitoring for public health and environmental protection. South Africa Water Bulletin 27(5)12-15. (S.G. Paulsen) WED-01-050

Cao, Y., D.P. Larsen, and R.St-J. Thorne. 2001. Rare species in multivariate analysis for bioassessment: some considerations. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 20(1)144-153. NHEERL-COR - 2364J

Cao, Y., D.P. Larsen, and R.M. Hughes. 2001. Evaluating sampling sufficiency in fish assemblage surveys -- a similarity-based approach. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58:1782-1793. WED-01-017

Chapman, S.S., J.M. Omernik, J.A. Freeouf, D.A. Huggins, J.R. McCauley, C. C. Freeman, G. Steinauer, R.T. Angelo and R.L. Schlepp. 2001. Ecoregions of Nebraska and Kansas. (2 sided color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs). U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. Scale 1:1,800,000. (S.G. Paulsen) WED-00-112

Compton, J.E., and D.W. Cole. 2001. Fate and effects of phosphorus additions in soils under N2-fixing red alder. Biogeochemistry 53:225-247. WED-00-050

Cordoba, A.S., M.M.de Mendonça, S.L. Stürmer and P.T. Rygiewicz. 2001. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi along a sand dune stabilization gradient: A case study at Joaquina Beach on the Island of Santa Catarina, South Brazil. Mycoscience 42:379-387. WED-00-121

DeWitt, T.H., T.S. Bridges, D.S. Ireland, L.L. Stahl, M.R. Pinza and L.D. Antrim. 2001. Methods for Assessing the Chronic Toxicity of Marine and Estuarine Sediment-associated Contaminants with the Amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus. EPA 600/R-01/020, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. WED-01-073

Donegan, K.K., L.S. Watrud, R.J. Seidler, S.P. Maggard, T. Shiroyama, L.A. Porteous and G. DiGovanni. 2001. Soil and litter organisms in Pacific Northwest forests under different management practices. Appl. Soil Ecol. 18:159-175. NHEERL-COR-2283J

Dong, S., C.F. Scagel, L. Cheng, L.H. Fuchigami, and P.T. Rygiewicz. 2001. Soil temperature and plant growth stage influence nitrogen uptake and amino acid concentration of apple during early spring growth. Tree Physiology 21:541-547 WED-01-004

Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, and K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acidic Deposition in the Northeastern United States: sources and inputs, ecosystem effects, and management strategies. BioScience 51(3):180-198. WED-01-072

Entry, J.A., L.S. Watrud, and M. Reeves. 2001. Influence of organic amendments on the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr contaminated soil by three grass species. Water, Air and Soil Pollut. 126:385-398. NHEERL-COR 2230J

Fernald, A.G., P.J. Wigington, Jr., and D.H. Landers. 2001. Transient storage and hyporheic flow along the Willamette River, Oregon: field measurements and model estimates. Water Resources Research 37:1681-1694. WED- 00-016

Foster, T.E., and J.R. Brooks, 2001. Long-term trends in growth of Pinus palustris and Pinus elliottii along a hydrological gradient in central Florida. Can. J. Forest Res. 31:1661-1670. WED-00-111

Grulke, N.E., C.P. Andersen, and W.E. Hogsett. 2001. Seasonal changes in above- and belowground carbohydrate concentrations of ponderosa pine along a pollution gradient. Tree Physiol. 21:1-9. NHEERL-COR-2374J

Hill, K., D. White, M. Maupin, B. Ryder, J.R. Karr, K. Freemark, R. Taylor, and S. Schauman. 2001. In expectation of relationships: centering theories around ecological understanding. Pages 271-303 in B. Johnson and K. Hill, editors. Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning. Island Press, Washington, D.C. WED-01-044

Hobbie, E.A., N.S. Weber, and J.M. Trappe. 2001. Mycorrhizal or saprotrophic status of fungi: the isotopic evidence. New Phytologist 150:601-610. (B.C. McComb) WED-00-065

Hobbie, E.A, D.M. Olszyk, P.T. Rygiewicz, D.T. Tingey and M.G. Johnson. 2001. Foliar nitrogen concentrations and natural abundance 15N suggest nitrogen allocation patterns of Douglas-fir and mycorrhizal fungi during development in elevated carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. Tree Physiology 21:1113-1122. WED-00-046

Johnson, M.G., D.T. Tingey, D.L. Phillips, and M.J. Storm. 2001. Advancing fine root research with minirhizotrons. Environ. Exp. Botany 45:263-289. WED-01-003

Krupa, S.V., M.T. McGrath, C.P. Andersen, F. Booker, K.O. Burkey, A. Chappelka, B. Chevone, E. Pell, and B. Zilinskas. 2001. Ambient ozone and plant health. Plant Disease 85(1):4-12. WED-00-113

Lackey, R.T. 2001. Policy conundrum: restoring wild salmon to the Pacific Northwest. In Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 10-14, 2000, Corvallis, Oregon. WED-00-095

Lackey, R.T. 2001. Defending reality. Fisheries 26(6):26-27. WED-00-115

Lackey, R.T. 2001. Values, policy and ecosystem health. BioScience 51(6)437-443. NHEERL-COR-2373

Lackey, R.T. 2001. Salmon and the Endangered Species Act: troublesome questions. Renewable Resources Journal 19(2):6-9. WED-01-126

Landers, D.H. 2001. Willamette River main corridor restoration–what is important to salmon? Pages 96-101 in Oregon Salmon: Essays on the State of the Fish at the Turn of the Millennium. Oregon Trout. WED -00-033

Larsen, D.P., T.M. Kincaid, S.E. Jacobs, and N.S. Urquhart. 2001. Designs for evaluating local and regional scale trends. BioScience 51(12):1069-1078. NHEERL-COR-2309J

Laurence, J.A., W.A. Retzlaff, J.S, Kern, E.H. Lee, W.E. Hogsett, and D.A. Weinstein. 2001. Predicting the regional impact of ozone and precipitation on the growth of loblolly pine and yellow-poplar using linked TREGRO and ZELIG models. Forest Ecology and Management 146:247-263. WED-00-018

Lee, E.H.,
and W.E. Hogsett. 2001. Interpolation of temperature and non-urban ozone exposure at high spatial resolution over the western United States. Climate Research 18:163-179. WED-00-051

Lewis, J.D., M. Lucash, D. Olszyk and D.T. Tingey. 2001. Seasonal patterns of photosynthesis in Douglas fir seedlings during the third and fourth year of exposure to elevated CO2 and temperature. Plant Cell and Environment 24:539-548. WED-00-012

Li, J., A. Herlihy, W. Gerth, P.R. Kaufmann, S. Gregory, S. Urquhart, and D.P. Larsen. 2001. Variability in stream macroinvertebrates at multiple spatial scales. Freshwater Biology 46:87-97. NHEERL-COR-1978J

Lin, G., P.T. Rygiewicz, J.R. Ehleringer, M.G. Johnson, and D.T. Tingey. 2001. Time-dependent responses of soil CO2 efflux components to elevated atmospheric [CO2 ] and temperature in experimental forest mesocosms. Plant and Soil 229:259-270. WED-00-054

Nebeker, A.V., and R.B. Bury. 2001. Response of juvenile softshell turtles (Apalone mutica) in a thermal gradient. Chelonian Conservation & Biology 4(1):162-165. (A. Fairbrother) NHEERL-COR-2350J

Norton, S.A., B.J. Cosby, I.J. Fernandez, J.S. Kahl, and M.R. Church. 2001. Long-term and seasonal variations in CO2: linkages to catchment alkalinity generation. Hydrology & Earth System Science 5(1):83-91. NHEERL-COR-2348J

Olszyk, D.M., M.G. Johnson, D.L. Phillips, R. J. Seidler, D.T. Tingey, and L. Watrud. 2001. Interactive effects of CO2 and O3 on a ponderosa pine plant/litter/soil mesocosm. Environmental Pollution 115:447-462. WED-01-007

Pennington, A.T., A.K. Harding, C.W. Hendricks, and H.M.K. Campbell. 2001. Evaluating microbial indicators of environmental condition in Oregon rivers. Environ. Mgt. 28(6):833-341. (S.G. Paulsen) NHEERL-COR-2360J

Phillips, D.L. 2001. Mixing models in analyses of diet using multiple stable isotopes: a critique. Oecologia 127:166-170.  WED-00-013

Phillips, D.L., and J.W. Gregg. 2001. Uncertainty in source partitioning using stable isotopes. Oecologia 127:171-179. WED-00-064

Santelmann, M, K. Freemark, D. White, J. Nassauer, M. Clark, B. Danielson, J. Eilers, R. Cruse, S. Galatowitsch, S. Polasky, and J. Wu. 2001. Applying ecological principles to land-use decision-making in agricultural watersheds. Pages 226-252 in V.H. Dale and R. Haeuber, editors. Ecological Principles in Land Use Planning. Springer-Verlag, New York. WED-00-041

Shirazi, M.A., L. Boersma, and C.B. Johnson. 2001. Particle size distributions: comparing texture systems, adding rock, and predicting soil properties. Soil Sci Soc of Am. J. 65:300-310. NHEERL- COR-2370.

Shirazi, M.A., L. Boersma, P.K. Haggerty and C.B. Johnson. 2001. Spatial extrapolation of soil characteristics using whole soil particle size distributions. J. Environ. Qual. 30:101-111. NHEERL- COR-2371

Shirazi, M.A., L. Boersma, C.B. Johnson and P.K. Haggerty. 2001. Predicting physical and chemical water properties from relationships with watershed soil characteristics. J. Environ. Qual. 30:112-120. NHEERL-COR-2372

Sigleo, A.C., and Frick, W.E. 2001. Estimation of total dissolved nitrate load in natural stream flows using an in-stream monitor. Pages 220-227 in J.A. Ramirez, editor. Proceedings of the 21st Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.WED-01-062

Skjelkvåle, B.L., J.L. Stoddard, and T. Andersen. 2001. Trends in surface water acidification in Europe and North America (1989-1998). Water Air Soil Pollut.130:787-792. WED-01-069

Stemberger, R.S., D.P. Larsen, and T.M. Kincaid. 2001. Sensitivity of zooplankton for regional lake monitoring. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58:2222-2232. WED-01-060

Stoddard, J.L., T.S. Traaen, and B.L. Skjelkvåle. 2001. Assessment of nitrogen leaching at UN/ECE ICP-Waters sites. Water Air Soil Pollut. 130:781-786. NHEERL-COR-2303J

Tingey, D.T., J. Laurence, J.A. Weber, J. Greene, W.E. Hogsett, S. Brown and E.H. Lee. 2001. Elevated CO2 and temperature alter the response of Pinus ponderosa to ozone: A simulation analysis. Ecological Applications 11(5):1412-1424. WED-00-085

Whittier, T.R., R.M. Hughes, and D.V. Peck. 2001. Comment: Test of an Index of Biotic Integrity. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc.130:167-172. WED-00-007

Wilhere, G.F., N.H. Schumaker, and S.P. Horton. 2001. A spatially realistic population model for informing forest management decisions. Pages 538-544 in D.H. Johnson and T.A. O’Neill, editors, Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis. WED-00-092

Woods, A.J., D.A. Lammers, S.A. Bryce, J.M. Omernik, R.L. Denton, M. Domeier, and J.A. Comstock, 2001, Ecoregions of Utah (2 sided color poster with 1:1,175,000 map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs): USGS. Reston, VA. (S.G. Paulsen) WED-00-084

Yoshida, L.C., J.A. Gamon, and C.P. Andersen. 2001. Differences in above- and below-ground responses to ozone between two populations of a perennial grass. Plant and Soil 233:203-211. NHEERL-COR-2181

Young, D.R., R.J. Ozretich, H. Lee II, S. Echols, and J. Frazier. 2001. Persistence of DDT residues and dieldrin off a pesticide processing plant in San Francisco Bay, California. Chapter 15, pages 204-217 in R.L Lipnick, J.L.M. Hermens, K.C. Jones, and D.C.G. Muir, editors, Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals I: Fate and Exposure, American Chemical Society, Washington DC. NHEERL-COR-2378A

Zupo, V., W.G. Nelson, and M.C. Bambi. 2001. Measuring invertebrate grazing on seagrasses and epiphytes. Pages 271-292, Chapter 14 in F.T. Short and R.G. Coles, editors. Global Seagrass Research Methods, Elsever Scientific Publishing, Amsterdam, Netherlands. WED-01-061

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