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2000 Publications

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Andersen, C.P. 2000. Ozone stress and changes below-ground: Linking root and soil process. Phyton, (Austria), special issue: Root-soil interactions. 40:7-12. WED-00-026

Apple, M.E., D.M. Olszyk, D.P Ormrod, J. Lewis, D. Southworth, and D.T. Tingey. 2000. Morphology and stomatal function of Douglas fir needles exposed to climate change: elevated CO2 and temperature. Internat. J. Plant Scientists 16(1):127-132. NHEERL-COR-2345J

Boese, B.L., R.J. Ozretich, J.O. Lamberson, F.A. Cole, R.C. Swartz, and S.P. Ferraro. 2000. Phototoxic evaluation of marine sediments collected from a PAH contaminated site. Arch. of Envir. Contam. Tox. 38:274-282. NHEERL-COR-2344J

Bugmann, H.K.M., and A.M. Solomon. 2000. Explaining forest composition and biomass across multiple biogeographical regions. Ecological Applic. 10(1):95-114. NHEERL-COR-2161J

Bury, R.B., A.V. Nebeker, and M. J. Adams. 2000. Responses of hatchling and yearling turtles to thermal gradients: comparison of Chelydra serpentina and Trachemys scripta. J. Thermal Biology 25(3):221-225. (A. Fairbrother) NHEERL-COR-2179J

Cairns, M.A., P.K. Haggerty, R. Alvarez, B.H.J. De Jong, and I. Olmsted. 2000. Tropical Mexico's recent land-use change: a region's contribution to the global carbon cycle. Ecological Applic. 10(5):1426-1441. NHEERL-COR 2251

Carr, D.B., A.R. Olsen, S.M. Pierson, and J-Y. P. Courbois. 2000. Using linked micromap plots to characterize Omernik ecoregions. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 4:43:67 NHEERL-COR-2300

Chong, C.T., S.T. Larned, A.P. Covich, and R.A. Kinzie III. 2000. Species interactions between estuarine detritivores: inhibition or facilitation? Hydrobiologia 434:11-16.(W.G. Nelson) NHEERL-COR-2341J

Clinton, P.J., D.R. Young, B.D. Robbins, and D.T. Specht. 2000. Issues in digital image processing of aerial photography for mapping submersed aquatic vegetation. Pages 292-298, Vol. 2, in Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for the Marine and Coastal Environments, Charleston, South Carolina, May 2000, Veridian ERIM International, Ann Arbor. WED-01-055

Cole, F.A., B.L. Boese, R.C. Swartz, J.O. Lamberson, and T.H. DeWitt. 2000. Effects of storage on the toxicity of sediments spiked with fluoranthene to the amphipod Rhepoxynius abronius. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 19(3):744-748. NHEERL-COR-2304J

De Jong, B.H.J., S. Ochoa-Gaona, M.A. Castillo-Santiago, N. Ramírez-Marcial, and M.A. Cairns. 2000. Carbon flux and patterns of land-use/land-cover change in the Selva Lacandona, Mexico. Ambio 29(8)504-511. NHEERL-COR-2353J

Dykaar, B.B., and P.J. Wigington, Jr. 2000. Floodplain formation and cottonwood colonization patterns on the Willamette River, Oregon, USA. Environ. Mgt. 25(1):87-104. NHEERL-COR 2184

Eldridge, P.M., and J.W. Morse. 2000. A diagenetic model for sediment-seagrass interactions. Marine Chemistry 70:89-103. WED-00-002

Feldman, K.L., D.A. B.R. Dumbauld, T.H. DeWitt, and D.C. Doty. 2000. Oysters, crabs and burrowing shrimp: review of an environmental conflict over aquatic resources and pesticide use in Washington State's (USA) coastal estuaries. Estuaries 23(2):141-176. NHEERL-COR-2368J

Fernald, A.G., D.H. Landers, P.J. Wigington, Jr. 2000. Water Quality effects of hyporheic processing in a large river. Pages 167-178 in P.J. Wigington, Jr., and R.L. Beschta, editors. Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds, Proc. AWRA Specialty Conference, Portland, OR, Aug. 28-31, 2000. WED-00-061

Helmer, E.H., and S. Brown. 2000. Gradient analysis of biomass in Costa Rica and a first estimate of country-wide emissions of greenhouse gases from biomass burning. Chapter 17, pages 503-526 in Quantifying Sustainable Development. Academic Press. (R.T. Lackey) NHEERL-COR-2186A

Herilhy, A.T., D.P. Larsen, S.G. Paulsen, N.S. Urquhart, and B.J. Rosenbaum. 2000. Designing a spatially balanced, randomized site selection process for regional stream surveys: The EMAP Mid-Atlantic Pilot Study. Environ. Mont. Assess. 63:95-113. NHEERL-COR-2307J

Homann, P.S., R.B. McKane, P. Sollins. 2000. Belowground processes in forest-ecosystem biogeochemical simulation models. For. Ecol. & Mgmt.138:3-18. NHEERL-COR-2317J

Hostetler, S. W., P. J. Bartlein, P.U. Clark, E. E. Small and A.M. Solomon. 2000. Simulated influences of Lake Agassiz on the climate of central North America 11,000 years ago. Nature 405:334-337. NHEERL-COR-2330J

Hughes, R.M., S.G. Paulsen, and J.L. Stoddard. 2000. EMAP-Surface Waters: a multiassemblage probability survey of ecological integrity. Hydrobiologia 442/423: 429-443. NHEERL-COR-2334J

Hulse D., J.E. Eilers, K.E. Freemark, D. White, and C. Hummon. 2000. Planning alternative future landscapes in Oregon: evaluating effects on water quality and biodiversity. Landscape Journal 19(2):1-19. NHEERL-COR-2354J

Hyman, J.B., and S.G. Leibowitz. 2000. A general framework for prioritizing land units for ecological protection and restoration. Environ. Mgt. 25(1):23-35. NHEERL-COR-2252J

Hyman, J.B., and S.G. Leibowitz. 2000. JSEM: A framework for identifying and evaluating indicators. Environ. Mont. Assess. 66(3):207-232. NHEERL-COR-2092J

Johnson, M.G., D.L. Phillips, D.T. Tingey, and M.J. Storm. 2000. Effects of elevated CO2, N-fertilization and season on survival of ponderosa pine fine roots. Can. J. Forest Res. 30(2):220-228. NHEERL-COR 2318J

Kentula, M.E. 2000. Perspectives on setting success criteria for wetland restoration. Ecological Engineering 15(3-4):199-209. NHEERL-COR-2247J

Kimerling, A.J., K. Sahr, D. White and L. Song. 2000. Comparing geometrical properties of global grids. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 26(4)271-188. NHEERL-COR-2314J

Krupa, S., M.T. McGrath, C.P. Andersen, F. L. Booker, K.O. Burkey, A.H. Chappelka, B.I. Chevone, E.J. Pell and B.A. Zilinskas. 2000. Ambient Ozone and Plant Health. Plant Disease 85(1):4-12. WED-00-113

Lackey, R.T. 2000. Managing place scale problems: ecosystem management. Pages 16.11: 16-20 in J.H. Lehr, editor. The Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health, and Technology McGraw-Hill, New York. NHEERL-COR-2275A

Lackey, R.T. 2000. Restoring wild salmon to the Pacific Northwest: chasing an illusion? Pages 91-143 in P. Koss and M. Katz, editors. What We Don't Know about Pacific Northwest Fish Runs: An Inquiry into Decision-Making. Portland State University, Portland. WED-00-083

Landers, D.H., P.K. Haggerty, S. Cline, W. Carson, and F. Faure. 2000. The role of regionalization in large river restoration. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 27:344-351. NHEERL-COR-2278J

Leibowitz, S.G., C. Loehle, B.L. Li, and E.M. Preston. 2000. Modeling landscape functions and effects: a network approach. Ecological Modelling 132(1-2):77-94. NHEERL-COR-2085J

Lewis, J.D., R.B. McKane, D.T. Tingey and P.A. Beedlow. 2000. Vertical gradients in photosynthetic light response within an old-growth Douglas-fir and western hemlock canopy. Tree Physiology 20:447-456. NHEERL-COR-2241J

McAllister, L.S., B.E. Peniston, S.G. Leibowitz, B. Abbruzzese, and J.B. Hyman. 2000. A synoptic assessment for prioritizing wetland restoration efforts to optimize flood attenuation. Wetlands 20(1):70-83. NHEERL-COR-2263J

McCormick, F.H., D.V. Peck, and D.P. Larsen. 2000. Comparison of Geographic Classification Schemes for Mid-Atlantic Stream Fish Assemblages. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 19(3):385-404. WED-00-124

McCrady, J.K. and C.P. Andersen. 2000. The effect of ozone on below-ground carbon allocation in wheat. Environ. Pollution 107:(3)465-472. NHEERL-COR-2221J

Moser, T.J., D.R. Lindeman, P.J. Wigington, Jr., M.J. Schuft, and J. Van Sickle. 2000. Methods for multi-spatial characterization of riparian corridors. Pages 511-516, in P.J. Wigington, Jr., and R.L. Beschta, editors. Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds, Proc. AWRA Specialty Conference, Portland, OR, Aug. 28-31, 2000. WED-00-044

Nebeker, A.V. and R.B. Bury. 2000. Temperature selection by hatchling and yearling Florida red-bellied turtles (Pseudemys nelsoni) in thermal gradients. J. Herpetology 34(3)465-469. (A. Fairbrother) NHEERL-COR-2302

Nebeker, A.V. and G.S. Schuytema. 2000. Effects of ammonium sulfate on growth of larval Northwestern salamanders, red-legged frog and Pacific treefrog tadpoles, and juvenile fathead minnows. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 64:(2)271-278. (A. Fairbrother) NHEERL-COR-2286J

Neufeld, H.S., E.H. Lee, J.R. Renfro, and W.D. Hacker. 2000. Seedling insensitivity to ozone for three conifer species native to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Environ. Pollution 108:141-151. NHEERL-COR-2312J

Okada, M. and S.A. Peterson. 2000. Preface in Water Pollution Control Policy and Management: The Japanese Experience. M. Okada and S.A. Peterson, editors. 287 pp. Gyosei Publishers, Tokyo, Japan. WED-00-075

Olszyk, D.M., D.T. Tingey, L. Watrud, R. Seidler, and C. Andersen. 2000. Interactive effects of O3 and CO2: implications for terrestrial ecosystems. Pages 97-136 in S.N. Singh, editor. Trace Gas Emissions and Plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam. NHEERL-COR 2202A

Omernik, J.M., S.S. Chapman, R.A. Lillie, and R.T. Dumke. 2000. Ecoregions of Wisconsin. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 88:77-103. (S.G. Paulsen) WED 00-080

Ozretich, R.J., S.P. Ferraro, J.O. Lamberson, and F.A. Cole. 2000. A test of [sigma] polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon model at the creosote-contaminated site, Elliott Bay, Washington, USA. Envir. Toxicol. Chem. 19(9)2378-2389. NHEERL-COR-2346J

Peterson, S.A. and N.S. Urquhart. 2000. Estimating trophic state proportions of a regional lake population: are larger samples always better? Environ. Mont. Assess. 62:71-89. NHEERL-COR-2207J

Phillips, D.L., S.L. Brown, P.E. Schroeder, and R.A. Birdsey. 2000. Toward error analysis of large-scale forest carbon budgets. Global Ecology and Biogeography 9:305-313. NHEERL-COR 2316

Phillips, D.L., M.G. Johnson, D.T. Tingey, C. Biggart, R.S. Nowak, and J. Newsom. 2000. Minirhizotron installation in sandy, rocky soils with minimal soil disturbance. Soil Sci. Soc. of Am. J. 64:761-764. NHEERL-COR-2331J

Polasky S., J.D. Camm, A.R. Solow, B. Csuti, D. White, and R. Ding. 2000. Choosing reserve networks with incomplete species information. Biological Conserv. 94(1):1-10. NHEERL-COR-2356J

Ringold, P.L., M. Bollman, J. Van Sickle, J. Barker, and J. Welty. 2000. Predictions of stream wood recruitment from riparian forests: Effects of data resolution. Pages 505-510 in P.J. Wigington, Jr., and R.L. Beschta, editors. Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds, Proc. AWRA Specialty Conference, Portland, OR, Aug. 28-31, 2000. WED-00-082

Robbins, B.D. and S. Bell. 2000. Dynamics of a subtidal seagrass landscape: seasonal and annual change in relation to water depth. Ecology, 81(5)1193-1205. (W.G. Nelson) WED-00-110

Rygiewicz, P.T., K. J. Martin, and A. R. Tuininga. 2000. Morphotype community structure of ectomycorrhizas on Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) seedlings grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature. Oecologia 124(2)299-308. NHEERL-COR-2337

Shaffer, B.T., F. Widmer, L.A. Porteous, and R.J. Seidler. 2000. Temporal and spatial distribution of the nifH gene of N2-fixing bacteria in forests and clearcuts in western Oregon. Microbial Ecology 39:12-21. NHEERL-COR 2342J

Shaffer, P.W., C.A. Cole, M.E. Kentula, and R.P. Brooks. 2000. Effects of measurement frequency on water-level summary statistics. Wetlands. 20(1):148-161. NHEERL-COR-2339J

Sigleo, A.C., P.J. Neale, and A. Spector. 2000. Phytoplankton pigments at the Weddell-Scotia confluence during the 1993 austral spring. J. Plankton Res. 22(10):1426-1441. NHEERL-COR- 2213J

Specht, D.T., D.R. Young, and P.J. Clinton. 2000. Near infrared aerial photo-detection of Zostera japonica communities in Pacific Northwest estuarine intertidal habitats. Pages 161-167, Vol. 2, in Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for the Marine and Coastal Environments, Charleston, SC, May 2000, Veridian ERIM International, Ann Arbor. WED-00-060

Stimson, J., and S.T. Larned. 2000. Nitrogen efflux from the sediments of a subtropical bay and the potential contribution of macroalgal nutrient requirements. J. Exp. Marine Biology & Ecol. 252:159-180. (W.G. Nelson) NHEERL-COR 2359J

Tingey, D.T., D.L. Phillips, and M.G. Johnson. 2000. Elevated CO2 and conifer roots: Effects on growth, life span and turnover. New Phytologist 147:87-103. NHEERL-COR-2366J

Tingey, D.T., R.S. Waschmann, D.L. Phillips, and D.M. Olszyk. 2000. The carbon dioxide leakage from chambers measured using sulfur hexafluoride. Environ. Exp. Botany 43:101-110. NHEERL-COR-2332J

Van Sickle, J. and R.M. Hughes. 2000. Classification strengths of ecoregions, catchments, and geographic clusters for aquatic vertebrates in Oregon. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc.19(3):370-384. NHEERL-COR-2315J

Van Sickle, J. 2000. Modeling variable-width riparian buffers, with an application to woody debris recruitment. Pages 107-112, in P.J. Wigington, Jr., and R.L. Beschta, editors. Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds, Proc. AWRA Specialty Conference, Portland, OR, Aug. 28-31, 2000. WED-00-017

Waite, I.R., A.T. Herlihy, D.P. Larsen, and D.J. Klemm. 2000. Comparing strengths of geographic and nongeographic classifications of stream benthic macroinvertebrates in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands, USA. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 19(3):429-441. NHEERL-COR-2333J

Watrud, L.S., 2000. Genetically Engineered Plants in the Environment: Applications and Issues, Pages 59-79 in N.S. Subbarao and Y.R. Dommergues, Microbial Interactions in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 2. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi. NHEERL-COR-2324A

White, D.
2000. Global grids from recursive diamond subdivisions of the surface of an octahedron or icosahedron. Environ. Mont. Assess. 64(1):93-103. NHEERL-COR-2347J

Young, D.R., S.P. Cline, D.T. Specht, P.J. Clinton, B.D. Robbins, and J.O. Lamberson. 2000. Mapping spatial/temporal distributions of green macroalgae in a Pacific Northwest coastal estuary via small format color infrared aerial photography. Pages 285-286, Vol. 2, in Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for the Marine and Coastal Environments, Charleston, South Carolina, May 2000, Veridian ERIM International, Ann Arbor. WED-00-069

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