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Research Publications

1999 Publications
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Allen, A.P., T.R. Whittier, P.R. Kaufmann, D.P. Larsen, R.J. O'Connor, R.M. Hughes, R.S. Stemberger, S.S. Dixit, R.O. Brinkhurst, A.T. Herlihy, and S. G. Paulsen. 1999. Concordance of taxonomic richness patterns across five assemblages in lakes of the northeastern USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:739-747. NHEERL-COR 2226J

Allen, A.P., T.R. Whittier, D.P. Larsen, P. R. Kaufmann, R.J. O'Connor, R.M. Hughes, R.S. Stemberger, S.S. Dixit, R.O. Brinkhurst, A.T. Herlihy, and S. G. Paulsen. 1999. Concordance of taxonomic composition patterns across multiple lake assemblages: effects of scale, body size, and land use, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 56(11):2029-2040. NHEERL-COR 2249J

Andersen, C.P., and P.T. Rygiewicz. 1999. Understanding plant-soil relationships using controlled environment facilities. Advances in Space Research. 24(3):309-318 NHEERL-COR-2017J

Apple, M.E., M.S. Lucash, D. L. Phillips, D. M. Olszyk, and D.T. Tingey. 1999. Internal temperature of Douglas-fir buds is altered at elevated temperature. Environmental and Experimental Botany 41:25-30. NHEERL-COR 2227J

Arbogast, M., M.L. Powelson, M.R. Cappaert, and L.S. Watrud. 1999. Response of six potato cultivars to amount of applied water and Verticillium dahliae. Phytopathology. 89(9):782-788. NHEERL -COR -2267J.

Boese, B. L., R. J. Ozretich, J. O. Lamberson, R. C. Swartz, J. Pelletier, F.A. Cole, J. Pelletier, and J. Jones. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures of highly lipophilic PAH compounds in marine sediment: can the [sigma]PAH model be extrapolated? Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 36:270-280. NHEERL-COR-2218J

Brown, S.L., P. Schroeder, and J. S. Kern. 1999. Spatial distribution of biomass in forests of the Eastern USA. Forest Ecology and Management 123:81-90. (H. Kibby) NHEERL-COR-2239J

Brown, S.L., and P. Schroeder. 1999. Spatial patterns of aboveground production and mortality of woody biomass for eastern U.S. forests. Ecological Applications 9(3):968-980. (H. Kibby) NHEERL-COR-2248J

Bryce, S., D. P. Larsen, R. M. Hughes, and P. R. Kaufmann. 1999. Assessing the relative risks to aquatic ecosystems in the Mid-Appalachian region of the United States. J. Am. Wtr. Resource Assoc. 35(1):23-36. NHEERL-COR-2220J 

Bryce, S.A., J.M. Omernik, and D. P. Larsen. 1999. Ecoregions: A geographic framework to guide risk characterization and ecosystem management. Environmental Practice, Journal of the National Association of Environmental Professionals 1(3):142-155. NHEERL-COR-2310J

Church, M.R. 1999. The Bear Brook Watershed Manipulation Project: Watershed science in a policy perspective, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 55:1-5. NHEERL-COR-2026J

Church, M.R.
and J. Van Sickle. 1999. Potential relative future effects of sulfur and nitrogen deposition on lake chemistry in the Adirondack Mountains, United States. Water Resources Research 35:2199-2211. NHEERL-COR 2266J

Clark, J.R., K.L. Dickson, J.P.Giesy, R.T. Lackey, E.M. Mihaich, R.G. Stahl, and M.G. Zeeman. 1999. Using reproductive and developmental effects data in ecological risk assessment for oviparous vertebrates exposed to contaminants. Pages 363-401 in R.T. DiGiulio and D.E. Tillitt, editors. Reproductive and Development Effects of Contaminants in Oviparous Vertebrates. SETAC Press, Pensacola. NHEERL-COR 2285A

Davies, T.D., M. Tranter, P. J. Wigington, Jr., K.N. Eshleman, N.E. Peters, J. Van Sickle, D.R. DeWalle, and P.S. Murdoch. 1999. Prediction of episodic acidification in North-eastern USA: an empirical/mechanistic approach. Hydrological Processes 13:1181-1195.  NHEERL-COR-1746J

De Jong, B. H. J.; M.A. Cairns, N. Ramirez-Marcial, S. Ochoa-Gaona, J. Mendoza-Vega, P.K. Haggerty, M. Gonzalez-Espinosa, and I. March-Mifsut. 1999. Land-use change and carbon flux between the 1970s and 1990s in the central highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Environmental Management. 23(3):375-385. NHEERL-COR-2171J

DeWitt, T.H., C.W. Hickey, D. J. Morrisey, R.B. Williamson, L. Van Dam, E.K. Williams, M.G. Nipper, and D.S. Roper. 1999. Do amphipods have the same concentration-response to contaminated sediment in situ versus in vitro? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18(5):1026-1037 NHEERL-COR-2256J

Di Giovanni, G.D., L.S. Watrud, R. J. Seidler and F. Widmer. 1999. Fingerprinting of mixed bacterial strains and Biolog Gram negative (GN) substrate communities by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence-PCR (ERIC-PCR). Current Microbiology 38:217-223. NHEERL-COR 2235J

Di Giovanni, G.D., L.S. Watrud, R. J. Seidler, F. Widmer. 1999. Comparison of parental and transgenic alfalfa rhizophere bacterial communities using biolog GN metabolic fingerprinting and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence-PCR (ERIC-PCR). Microbial Ecology  37:129-139. NHEERL - COR 2195J.

Dixit, S.S., J.P. Smol, D.F. Charles, R. M. Hughes, S. G. Paulsen, G. B. Collins. 1999. Assessing water quality changes in the lakes of the northeast United States using sediment diatoms. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56(1):131-152. NHEER-COR-2233J.

Donegan, K.K., and R.J. Seidler. 1999. Effects of transgenic plants on soil and plant microorganisms. Pages 415-424, Vol. 3 in S.G. Pandalai, editor. Recent Research Developments in Microbiology. Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India. NHEERL- COR -2313A. (H. Kibby)

Donegan, K.K., R.J. Seidler, J.D. Doyle, L.A. Porteous, G. DiGiovanni, F. Widmer and L. S. Watrud. 1999. A field study with genetically engineered alfalfa inoculated with recombinant Sinorhizobium meliloti: effects on the soil system. Journal of Applied Ecology 36:920-936. NHEERL-COR-2243J 

Entry, J.A., L. S. Watrud, and M. Reeves. 1999. Accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr from contaminated soil by three grass species inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi. Environmental Pollution 104:449-457. NHEERL-COR-2229J.

Griffith, G., J.M. Omernik, and A. Woods. 1999. Ecoregions, watersheds, basins, and HUC’s: how state and federal agencies frame water quality. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 54(4):666-677. NHEERL-COR-2319J

Gwin, S.E., M.E. Kentula, and P.W. Shaffer. 1999. Evaluating the effects of wetland management through hydrogeomorpic classification and landscape profiles. Wetlands 19(3):477-489. NHEERL-COR 2245J

Holmes, M.T., E.R. Ingham, J.D. Doyle, C.W. Hendricks. 1999. Effects of Klebsiella planticola SDF20 on soil foodweb organisms and wheat growth in sandy soil. Applied Soil Ecology 11:67-78. NHEERL-COR 2075J.


Johnson, C.B, G. W. Weaver, and D. P. Larsen. 1999. A comparison of land use and land cover data in watersheds of the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA. Environmental Practice 1:209-226. NHEERL-COR-2138J

Kravitz, M. J., J. O. Lamberson, S. P. Ferraro, R.C. Swartz, B. L. Boese and D. T. Specht. 1999. Avoidance response of the estuarine amphipod Eohaustorius estuarius to PAH-contaminated field-collected sediments. Environ. Toxicology and Chem. 18:(6)1232-1235. NHEERL-COR 2296J

Lackey, R
.T. 1999. The savvy salmon technocrat: Life’s little rules. Environmental Practice. 1(3):156-161. NHEERL-COR-2299

Lackey, R.T. 1999. Salmon policy: science, society, restoration, and reality. Renewable Resources Journal 17(2):6-16. Reprinted in Environmental Science and Policy 2:369-379. NHEERL-COR-2311J

Lackey, R.T. 1999. Radically contested assertions in ecosystem management. J. Sustainable Forestry 9(1-2):21-34. NHEERL-COR 2274J

Lee, E.H.
, and W.E. Hogsett. 1999. Role of concentration and time of day in developing ozone exposure indices used in modeling crop loss. J. of Air & Waste Management Assn. 49:669-681. NHEERL-COR-1821J

Lee, J.J., D.L. Phillips, and V.W. Benson. 1999. Soil erosion and climate change: assessing potential impacts and adaptation practices. J. Soil Water Cons. 54(3):529-536. NHEERL-COR 1872J

Leibowitz, S.G. and J.B. Hyman. 1999. Use of scale invariance in evaluating judgment indicators. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 58:283-303. NHEERL-COR-2178

Lewis, J.D., D.M. Olszyk, and D. T. Tingey. 1999. Seasonal patterns of photosynthetic light response in Douglas-fir seedlings subjected to elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature. Tree Physiology19:243-252. NHEERL-COR-2238

Lin, G., J.R. Ehleringer, P. T. Rygiewicz, M. G. Johnson, and D. T. Tingey. 1999. Elevated CO2 and temperature impacts on different components of soil CO2 efflux in douglas-fir terracosms. Global Change Biology 5:157-168. NHEERL-COR-1926J

Lugo, A. E., S.L. Brown, R. Dodson, T. S. Smith, and H.H. Shugart. 1999. The Holdridge Life Zones of the conterminous United States in relation to ecosystem mapping. Journal of Biogeography 26:1025-1038. (H. Kibby) NHEERL-COR-2194J

Magee, T.K., T. L. Ernst, K.A. Dwire, and M. E. Kentula. 1999. Floristic comparison of freshwater wetlands in an urbanizing environment. Wetlands 19(3):517-524. NHEERL-COR-2185J

Montgomery, C.A., R.A. Pollak, K.E. Freemark, and D. White. 1999. Pricing biodiversity. J. Environmental Econ. and Management 38:1-19. NHEERL-COR-2288J

Norton, S.A., J.S. Kahl, I.J. Fernandez, T.A. Haines, L.E. Rustad, S.C. Nodvin, J.P. Scofield, T.C. Strickland, H.E. Erickson, P. J. Wigington, Jr., and J.J. Lee. 1999. The Bear Brook Watershed (BBWM). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 55:7-51. NHEERL-COR-1514J

Olsen, A.R., J. Sedransk, D. Edwards, C. A. Gotway, W. Liggett, S. L. Rathbun, K.H. Reckhow, and L. J. Young. 1999. Statistical issues for monitoring ecological and natural resources in the United States. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 54:1-45. NHEERL-COR-2015J

Olsen, A.R. 1999. Going against the current: expanding the inland aquatic monitoring culture of federal and state agencies. Pages 25-32 in Proceedings of the Biometrics Section, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA. NHEERL-COR-2369A

Olszyk, D.M., C. Wise, E. VanEss, M. Apple, and D.T. Tingey. 1999. Phenology and growth of shoots, needles, and buds of Douglas-fir seedlings with elevated CO2 and/or temperature. Can. J. Bot.  76:1991-2001. NHEERL-COR 2231J

Olszyk, D.M., H.G.S. Centano, L.H. Ziska, J.S.Kern, and R.B. Matthews. 1999. Global Change, Rice Productivity and Methane Emissions: Comparison of Predicted and Experimental Results. Agric. For. Meteorology 9:87-101. NHEERL-COR 2270J

Ormrod, D.P., V.M. Lesser, D.M. Olszyk, and D. T. Tingey. 1999. Douglas-fir needle pigment responses to elevated CO2 and/or temperature and correlations with needle weight and seedling growth. Intl. J. Plant Sci.160:529-534. NHEERL-COR 2232J

Pan, Y., R.J. Stevenson, B.H. Hill, P.R. Kaufmann, and A. T. Herlihy. 1999. Spatial patterns and ecological determinants of benthic algal assemblages in Mid-Atlantic Highland streams, U.S.A. Journal of Phycology 35:460-468. NHEERL-COR-2262J

Peterson, S.A., N.S. Urquhart, and E. B. Welch. 1999. Sample representativeness: a must for reliable regional lake condition estimates. Environmental Science and Technology. 33(10):1559-1565.

Pfleeger, T. G., M.A. da Luz, and C.C. Mundt. 1999. Lack of synergistic interaction between ozone and wheat leaf rust in wheat swards. Environmental and Experimental Botany 41(3):195-207. NHEERL-COR-2222J

Pfleeger, T.G., C.C. Mundt, and M.A. da Luz. 1999. Effects of wheat leaf rust on interactions between wheat and wild oats planted at various densities and proportions. Can. J. Botany 77:1669-1683. NHEERL-COR-2271J

Power, J. H. and E.B. Moser. 1999. Linear model analysis of net catch data using the negative binomial distribution. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:191-200. NHEERL-COR-2259J

Rathert D., D. White, J. Sifneos, and R.M. Hughes. 1999. Environmental associations of species richness in Oregon freshwater fishes. Journal of Biogeography 26:257-273. NHEERL-COR-2127J

Ringold, P.L., B. Mulder, J. Alegria, R.L. Czaplewski, T. Tolle and K. Burnett. 1999. Establishing a regional monitoring strategy: The Pacific Northwest Forest Plan. Environmental Management 23(2):179-192. NHEERL-COR-2115J

Roelke, D.L., P.M. Eldridge, and L.A. Cifuentes. 1999. A model of phytoplankton competition for limiting and non-limiting nutrients: implications for development of estuarine and nearshore management. Estuaries 22(1):92-104. NHEERL-COR-2297J

Rygiewicz, P.T., and E.R. Ingham. 1999. Soil biology and ecology. Pages 564-567 in R.W. Fairbridge and D.E. Alexander, editors. Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. NHEERL-COR-1600A 

Schuft, M.J., T.J. Moser, P. J. Wigington, Jr., D.L. Stevens, Jr., L.S. McAllister, S.S. Chapman, and T.L. Ernst. 1999. Development of landscape metrics for characterizing riparian-stream networks. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 65(10)1157-1167. NHEERL-COR-2216J

Schuytema, G. S., and A.V. Nebeker. 1999. Comparative effects of ammonium and nitrate compounds on Pacific treefrog and African clawed frog embryos. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 36:200-206.   NHEERL-COR 2236J

Schuytema, G.S., and A.V. Nebeker. 1999. Comparative toxicity of ammonium and nitrate compounds to Pacific treefrog and African clawed frog tadpoles. Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 18(10):2251-2257.   NHEERL-COR-2258J

Schuytema, G.S., and A.V. Nebeker. 1999. Effects of ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate and urea on red-legged frogs, Pacific treefrogs and African clawed frogs. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 63:357-364. NHEERL-COR 2306J.

Shaffer, P.W., M. E. Kentula, and S.E. Gwin. 1999. Characterization of wetland hydrology using hydrogeomorphic classification. Wetlands 19(3):490-504. NHEERL-COR-2246J

Stevens, D.L., Jr. and A. R. Olsen. 1999. Spatially restricted surveys over time for aquatic resources. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 4:415-428. NHEERL-COR 2343

Stoddard, J. L., D.S. Jeffries, A. Lükewille, T.A. Clair, P.J., Dillon, C.T. Driscoll, M. Forsius, M. Johannessen, J.S. Kahl, J.H. Kellogg, A. Kemp, J. Mannio, D. Monteith, P.S. Murdoch, S. Patrick, A. Rebsdorf, B.L. Skjelkvåle, M. Stainton, T. Traaen, H. van Dam, K.E. Webster, J. Wieting, and A. Wilander.1999. Regional trends in aquatic recovery from acidification in North America and Europe. Nature 401:575-578. NHEERL-COR-2323J

Swartz, R.C. 1999. Consensus sediment quality guidelines for PAH mixtures. J. Environ. Toxicol Chem 18(4):780-787. (W.G. Nelson) NHEERL-COR-2165J.

Tong, Y., and B. Lighthart. 1999. Life state of airborne bacteria. Pages 499-517, Vol. 2 in S.G. Pandalai, editor. Recent Research Developments in Microbiology. (H. Kibby) NHEERL-COR- 2204A 

Tong, Y., and B. Lighthart. 1999. Diurnal concentration and particle size distribution of culturable bacteria and fungi in the ambient atmosphere at a rural site. Aerosol Science and Technology 30:246-254. (H. Kibby) NHEERL-COR-2234J. 

Weerakoon, W.M., D. M. Olszyk, and D.N. Moss. 1999. Effects of nitrogen nutrition on responses of rice seedlings to carbon dioxide. Agric. Ecos. Environ. 72:1-8. NHEERL-COR-1862J

White, D., E.M. Preston, K.E. Freemark, and A.R. Kiester. 1999. A hierarchical framework for conserving biodiversity. Pages127-153 in J.M. Klopatek and R.H. Gardner, editors. Landscape Ecological Analysis: Issues and Applications. Springer-Verlag, New York.  NHEERL-COR 2281J

Widmer, F., B.T. Shaffer, L.A. Porteous, and R.J. Seidler. 1999. Analysis of nifH gene pool complexity in soil and litter at a Douglas Fir forest site in the Oregon Cascade mountain range. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65(2):374-380. NHEERL-COR-2255J

Wigington, P.J. 1999. Episodic acidification: causes, occurrence and significance to aquatic resources. Proceedings of the 1998 PA Acidic Deposition Conference, Vol II. Environmental Resources Research Institute, University Park, PA. NHEERL-COR-2292A

Woods, A.J., J.M. Omernik, J.A. Nesser, J. Shelden, and S.H. Azevedo. 1999. Ecoregions of Montana (2 sided, 2 sheet color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs): Reston: U.S. Geological Survey, map scale 1:1,500,000. NHEERL-COR 2295H

Young, D.R., RJ. Ozretich, F. A. Roberts, O.A. Brinken, and I.N. Taganov. 1999. Evaluation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination of Lake Baikal and Angara River surface waters. J. Russian Acad. Sci. 131(1):65-69. NHEERL-COR 2254J

Young, D.R.
, D.T. Specht, B.D. Robbins and P.J. Clinton. 1999. Delineation of Pacific Northwest SAVs from aerial photography: Natural color or color infrared film? Pages 1173-1178 in Proceedings of the 1999 ASPRS Annual Conference, American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD. NHEERL-COR-2325J

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