US Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 01-139
Online version 1.0

Geochemical Analysis of Soils and Sediments, Coeur d’Alene Drainage Basin, Idaho: Sampling, Analytical Methods, and Results

By Stephen E. Box, Arthur A. Bookstrom, Mohammed Ikramuddin, and James Lindsay


map of the district

This report presents a compilation of about 1,000 geochemical analyses of alluvial sediments, collected from stream- and river- beds, banks, and floodplains downstream from mines and mills of the Coeur d'Alene (CdA) silver-lead-zinc mining district in north Idaho. Methods of sample collection, preparation, and analysis are described. Locations of sample sites are shown on maps and listed in tables showing latitude and longitude (in degrees to four decimal places), sample-depth intervals (cm), sample descriptions, and chemical analytical results for as many as 40 chemical elements.

Results of these analyses are included in the report as appendices. They may be downloaded individually from the report, as .xls or .dbf files, from the table below.

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 readme.txt file listing all files available for download

8 kB

 Read the text of this report as a 206-page PDF (of01-139.pdf)

4.7 MB


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 Metadata file (ASCII text file)

91 kB

The following tables are appendices attached to the Open-File report. They are provided here as separate .xls or .dbf files, for import into spreadsheet software. For descriptions of these table please refer to the Open-File-Report text.

To download the .dbf files below, you must right-click (on a PC computer) or option-click (on a Macintosh) on the link

 Sample site location information




52 kB

36 kB

 Lithologic description of samples




128 kB

192 kB

USGS EDXRF analytical data




124 kB

20 kB

EWU 4-acid ICP-MS, ICP-AES, and FAA analytical data




244 kB

112 kB

CHEMEX nitric/aqua regia ICP-AES analytical data




120 kB

80 kB

XRAL 4-acid ICP-AES analytical data




192 kB

128 kB

ACZ microwave-assisted nitric-acid ICP-AES analytical data




20 kB

4 kB

For questions about the scientific content of this report, please contact: Steve Box

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