USAID Angola: From the American People

Photo Galleries

Angola: Its People & Land

Huambo countryside

The source of Angola's great potential lies in its beautiful, hardworking people and vast, rich land. This gallery will give you a glimpse into the heart of Angola.

Democracy & Governance

Administrator and Vice Administrators of Tumbulu municipality, in Benguela province

USAID/Angola identified good governance as the linchpin of its program, and has sought to incorporate several integrated links between the governance reform strategic objective and the other two strategic objectives into each new Mission activity. Strengthened capabilities of government, civil society, and the private sector to perform and to interact productively, will lead to increased and effective participation

Economic Growth

Public-Private Alliance partners attending farmers field day

One of USAID/Angola central objectives is economic growth. As such, the mission supports both systemic, national level reform and local growth through agricultural and small business development. Agricultural programs have the goals of improving both food security and the commercial viability of national crops. This gallery contains some photos from our work, providing a singular view into the potential of the Angolan people.


Thanks to the President's Malaria Initiative, these two at-risk girls, they have been protected from malaria.

As part of its health programs, USAID/Angola focuses on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and curbing the prevalence of malaria. In this gallery you will find photos of several of our programs - including youth centers which teach young people about HIV/AIDS prevention and the President's Malaria Initiative Program which is spraying the homes of 600,000 people in southern Angola to help prevent the spread of malaria.