USAID Angola: From the American People

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USAID and the Ministry of Health launch Angola Malaria Indicators Survey

Personnel who will conduct the survey attended the Launch after having completed one week of intensive training.
Personnel who will conduct the survey attended the Launch after having completed one week of intensive training. Photo: A. Spiers, USAID/Angola

USAID and the Ministry of Health launched the Angola Malaria Indicators Survey at the Luanda Pediatric Hospital in Maianga under the auspices of the Ministry of Health on November 10th, 2006. His Excellency José Van-Dunem, the Vice-Minister of Health, Filomeno Fortes, Director of the National Malaria Control Program, and Diana Swain, USAID/Angola's Mission Director, were among those present at the launch.

The launch of this survey is among the first large events to take place into the second year of the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) in Angola. This survey is playing an important role in collecting and bringing together data to evaluate malaria programs and better understand the present situation of this ill in Angola. The survey is being financed by USAID/Angola, and is being implemented by ORC MACRO, COSEP-Consulting, Ltd., and CONSAÚDE with UNDP's Global Fund in the Fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria support. It is important to point out that this is one of the first surveys on the subject of malaria to be conducted at national level in Angola.

The PMI was launched in 2005 with a budget of US$1.5 billion for the 15 most affected countries in Africa by malaria. US$7.5 million were originally accredited to Angola, and this amount is due to increase considerably in the coming years. This represents USAID/Angola's continued support for a program that seeks to help reduce malaria deaths and sicknesses by 50 percent, and help thousands of Angolans and their families to live happier and healthier futures after three full years of implementation.