St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region
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Let's go outside!

at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

Collage of photos. Credit: USFWS

Attention schools, scouts and homeschool groups or other educational groups, now is the time to schedule your Free educational field trip to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge!

We currently have 17 programs that are offered, however if a teacher needs a program that is not listed we will do our best to provide something to meet their needs. Programs are designed to accommodate up to 60 students. Students will be divided into smaller groups so each student will get the most from their experiences at St. Marks NWR. Each program may include a game, lesson and a hands-on activity. Unless otherwise noted, schools are expected to provide at least one chaperone for each 15 students attending. Chaperones will actively participate in the presentation of the program under supervision of the Refuge educational staff.

St. Marks NWR hosts over 5,000 students each year through its on-site outdoor classrooms. Students may be dipping nets in the pond behind the Visitor Center or down at Apalachee Bay, exploring for insects, minnows, shrimp and more. Or they may be collecting temperatures of the air and soil, humidity’s, wind speed and direction and the plants and animals observed in three different habitats.

In a different exercise, weather data is collected to determine if the refuge should conduct a prescribed burn. In another learning station, wearing bouncing deely-bopper headbands, students re-enact the life cycle of a monarch butterfly, eluding predators and collecting golf ball eggs.

A different field trip class studies the bones and skins of mammals, reptiles, and birds to determine what characteristics set these vertebrates apart. These are a few of the free outdoor classroom learning stations available to school groups who reserve a date well in advance.
Slide shows about the refuge and guided walks through shady oaks and rustling palms also reinforce that the refuge is an endlessly changing, fascinating, natural

Kids Learning. Credit: USFWS
laboratory. Teachers are also welcome to learn more about north Florida's ecosystems through teacher workshops, including the internationally recognized environmental education program, Project Learning Tree.

Trained volunteers lead the majority of the learning stations and more are needed to strengthen the program. If you are interested in becoming an educational volunteer, please call Volunteer Coordinator David Moody at 850-925-6121.

To learn more about our programs click on the link for the education brochure or on the links below.

PDF of Program Brochure

Pre-Visit Information

Programs Offered at the Refuge

Programs for Specific Age Groups

Classes for all Ages

Self Guiding Tours

Classes may come to the refuge for self guided tours and check out our equipment. These field trips must be scheduled in advance. For more information call 850-925-6121 or email .

Off -Site Programs

Off-site education is an untapped opportunity to reach schools who can't visit the refuge. If a class or school cannot come to the Refuge we have programs that can be brought directly to the classroom. Refuge staff or trained volunteers can come to the classroom and present a 30-45 minute program to your students. To schedule an off site program please call 850-925-6121 oremail:

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Pre-Visit Information

Last updated: September 18, 2008