St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region
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Barney Parker instructing the Wildlife Photography Class. USFWS photo.

St. Marks has a variety of photography opportunities. We offer photography classes (please see Calendar of Events ), an annual photo contest, and have the St. Marks NWR Photo Club, which meets the third Saturday of every month (see below).

Photo Contest

St. Marks NWR Photo Club

St Mark NWR Photo Club

Our club is open to all photographers interested in nature photography. We have beginners wanting to learn, as well as experienced photographers willing to share information.

We are a newly formed club that meets the third Saturday of every month to share our latest photos and exchange information. We share techniques as well as information on related equipment.

We plan to schedule field trips every other month for now with the possibility of a trip every month as things start happening in the refuge. We also encourage impromptu trips that may arise from group discussions.

Joining our group may improve your photography or just show you a different way of looking at your surroundings. It will give you an outlet to show your work to people who appreciate photography as well as make friends with people who share your interest in photography.

If you are interested in more information, please contact Photo Club President Tom Darragh at or 850/421-4228.

Last updated: September 18, 2008