St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region
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New Compatibility Determinations for St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, and Fish and Wildlife Service policy (603 FW2.10) require development of compatibility determinations for all refuge uses. Wildlife-dependent recreation uses, including facilities and developments needed to carry out or manage the use, are subject to compatibility. Refuge management economic activities resulting in the generation of a commodity are also subject to compatibility. These are uses which are, or can be, sold for income or revenue or traded for goods and services. Timber harvesting provides an example. These laws and Service policy also require public involvement as part of the compatibility determination process. Compatibility determinations have been written for 15 refuge uses. These include: 1) environmental education and interpretation; 2) boating in refuge waters (motorized and human-powered); 3) hiking, backpacking, jogging and walking; 4) horseback riding; 5) bicycling; 6) camping; 7) research and surveys; 8) plant gathering; 9) hunting (big game, upland game and migratory bird); 10) wildlife observation and photography; 11) picnicking; 12) fishing; 13) forest management; 14) mosquito management; and 15) placement and operation of a United States Coast Guard communications building.

Comments on the compatibility determination document by the public are welcome. They can be sent in writing to:

Refuge Manager
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
P.O. Box 68
St. Marks, Florida 32355

or by email to the Refuge manager at this address:

The deadline for submitting comments was November 8, 2004.

Last updated: September 18, 2008