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Daily Schedule Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday

Workshops: Morning Sessions | Afternoon Sessions Panel Sessions: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H

RH in Emergencies Conference 2008All sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis to registered conference attendees. No advance sign-up is required, except for the awards banquet, which is a ticketed event at an additional fee.

Please note that agenda items and times are subject to change. We recommend that you view this page again during the week prior to the conference for the latest confirmed times and room locations.

Name badges must be worn to gain entry to all sessions
and events, except for the awards banquet, which requires
a ticket.

4-8 pm Registration Open
West Registration Desk (map)

7 am-5 pm Registration Open
West Registration Desk (map)

9-11 am Auxiliary Event:
Building a Partnership between Communities and their Health Systems in Resource-Poor Settings
Hosted by: the African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)
Blue Room (map)

9-11 am Auxiliary Event:
Sharing Lessons Learned from the AWARE-RH Project: Disseminating Best Practices while Building Regional Capacity for Reproductive Health
Hosted by: the AWARE-RH Project managed by EngenderHealth
Governors Room (map)

9 am-Noon Skill-Building Workshops - Morning Sessions:

W1: Quality Improvement for OVC Programs: Care that Counts, Part I
Must sign up for Part I in order to attend Part II.
(maximum 50 attendees)
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

W2: Leading Teams to Achieve Results
(maximum 50 attendees)
Palladian Ballroom (map)

W3: Linking Data to Programmatic Action: Using CDC’s Reproductive Health Assessment (RHA) Toolkit for Conflict-Affected Women as a Model, Part I
Must sign up for Part I in order to attend Part II.
(maximum 50 attendees)
Congressional Room A (map)

W4: Planning for Sustainable HIV/AIDS Services Using HAPSAT Software, a Hands-on Training
(maximum 24 attendees)
Congressional Room B (map)

W5: From Local to Global: Scaling Up Community-based Programs to Strengthen Health Systems
(maximum 35 attendees)
Empire Ballroom (map)

W6: Social Marketing to Facilitate Behavior Change and Action
(maximum 50 attendees)
Hampton Ballroom (map)

9:30-11 am Panel Session:
Careers in Global Health: How We Got Started
Blue Room Pre-Function (map)

10 am-Noon Auxiliary Event:
Community-Based Integrated Neglected Tropical Disease Control: Early Country Experiences
Hosted by: RTI International
Executive Room (map)

11 am-Noon Helping Handz Volunteer Orientation
Capitol Room (map)

Noon-1 pm Break

1-4 pm Auxiliary Event:
The Private Sector: An Essential Resource for Community Health
Hosted by: USAID’s Private Sector Partnerships One Project (PSP-One)
Note: Registration 12:30-1 pm
Diplomat Ballroom (map)

1-2:30 pm NEW - Opening Plenary Session:
The First Mile: Setting the Framework for Effective Community Health Systems
Regency Ballroom

2-5 pm Skill-Building Workshops - Afternoon Sessions:

W1: Quality Improvement for OVC Programs: Care that Counts, Part II
Must Attend Part I in order to attend Part II
(maximum 50 attendees)

Ambassador Ballroom (map)

W3: Linking Data to Programmatic Action: Using CDC’s Reproductive Health Assessment (RHA) Toolkit for Conflict - Affected Women as a Model, Part II
Must Attend Part I in order to attend Part II
(maximum 50 attendees)

Congressional Room A (map)

W7: Demystifying Health Systems: How to Assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of a Health Care System
(maximum 40 attendees)
Congressional Room B (map)

W8: Using the Arts for Health Education and Communication: The Experience of the Peace Tile Project and HIV/AIDS
Note: This workshop will start at 2:30pm
(maximum 50 attendees)

Capitol Room (map)

2:30-5 pm Global Health Career Fair
Blue Room Pre-Function (map)

2:30-7:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
Biannual Meeting
Hosted by: the Postabortion Care Consortium
Governors Room (map)

3-5 pm Concurrent Panel Sessions - A Series:

A1: Making It Sustainable: Models of Long-Term Investment in Community Health
Blue Room (map)

A2: Getting Creative: Innovative Models of Health Care Financing
Palladian Ballroom (map)

A3: Battle Zone: Reproductive Health of Challenged Populations in Conflict and Refugee Settings
Executive Room (map)

A4: Starting with the Basics: Interventions for Diarrhea Management
Empire Ballroom (map)

3-5 pm Policy Series PS1:
Global Health Council Policy Agenda 2008
Hampton Ballroom (map)

3-7 pm International Exhibition Set Up
Exhibition Hall

5-6:30 pm Welcome Reception and Global Marketplace
Regency Ballroom (map)

6:30-7:30 pm Helping Handz Volunteer Networking Event
Capitol Room (map)

6:30-8 pm Auxiliary Event:
Reception with Private Sector Leaders in Community Health
Hosted by: Abt Associates, Inc.
Diplomat Ballroom (map)

6:30-8:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
Improved Performance, Increased Retention: Strengthening Human Resources Management
Hosted by: USAID's Capacity Project
Executive Room (map)

6:30-8:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
Scaling Up Primary Health Care Interventions for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
Hosted by: the Pan American Health Organization
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

6:30-8:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
Community-Based Approaches for Maternal and Newborn Care
Hosted by: Save The Children
Palladian Ballroom (map)

7-9 pm Auxiliary Event:
A Call to Promote the Practice of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding-the Indonesia Experience
Hosted by: JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. and the Manoff Group
Congressional Rooms (map)

7-9 pm Auxiliary Event:
Moving Toward Eradication: Malaria’s Next Frontiers
Hosted by: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and Jhpiego
Blue Room (map)

7:30-9 pm Student and Young Professional Networking Reception
Hosted by: GlobeMed and the University Coalitions for Global Health
Blue Room Pre-Function (map)

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6:30-7:30 am Final Exhibition Hall Set Up
Exhibition Hall

7:30 am-5 pm Registration Open
West Registration Desk (map)

8-9:30 am NEW - International Exhibition Grand Opening Brunch Reception
Exhibition Hall

8 am-4 pm International Exhibition Hall Open
Exhibition Hall

9 am-Noon Policy Series PS2:
Outreach Workshop Mobilizing Constituencies for Global Health
Hampton Ballroom (map)

9 am-Noon Policy Series PS3:
Research Symposium: Using Research to Strengthen Health Systems and Meet the Needs of Communities
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

9:45-11:45 am Concurrent Panel Sessions - B Series:

B1: B1: The Effectiveness of Community-Based Primary Health Care in Improving Child Health
Diplomat Ballroom (map)

B2: Where Communities Meet Family Planning: New Approaches to Community-Based Programs
Palladian Ballroom (map)

B3: Focus on Women: Cancer Screening, Reproductive Health and Family Planning
Congressional Room A (map)

B4: Community Nutrition Programs: Fuel for a Successful Future
Congressional Room B (map)

B5: On the Ground: Community Partnerships for Malaria Prevention and Control
Blue Room Pre-Function (map)

B6: Ending Violence Against Women: Innovative and Inspiring Community-Based Approaches
Governors Room (map)

B7: Community Feedback on Emerging Techniques for HIV Prevention
Empire Ballroom (map)

10 am-Noon Auxiliary Event - Special Session:
Hot Topics: Communities in Conflict Zones
Hosted by: the Humanitarian Health Caucus
Capitol Room (map)

11:45 am-1:45 pm Break

Noon-1:30 pm Auxiliary Luncheon Session:
Improving Maternal Health and Reducing Child Mortality: Exploring Common Issues for High Impact Solutions
Hosted by: the Abbott Fund
Regency Ballroom (map)

12:15-1:45 pm Auxiliary Luncheon Session:
Financing for Cancer and Chronic Disease Care in Emerging Markets
Sponsored by: Novartis Oncology
Hosted by: Axios International
Blue Room (map)

12:15-1:15 pm Film Series Brown Bag Session:
Please Talk to Kids About AIDS | The Vineeta Foundation
Empire Ballroom (map)

12:15-1:15 pm Brown Bag Session:
Getting A Job in Global Health
Hosted by: The Global Health Fellows Program/ Public Health Institute
Palladian Ballroom (map)

1-4 pm Auxiliary Event:
Fundraising in Global Health Workshop
Diplomat Ballroom (map)

1:45-3:45 pm Concurrent Panel Sessions - C Series:

C1: Neighbor Helping Neighbor: Community-Owned Approaches
Capitol Room (map)

C2: Ability and Influence: Religious Leadership Promoting Reproductive Health
Palladian Ballroom (map)

C3: Rebuilding Afghanistan: Opportunities for Systems Development in Post-Conflict Settings
Governors Room (map)

C4: Fueling the Future: Child Nutrition and Food Security
Congressional Rooms (map)

C5: Moving Mountains: Transforming Communities to Stop Malaria
Blue Room-Pre-Function (map)

C6: Increasing Knowledge to Improve Health Practices
Hampton Ballroom (map)

C7: Faithfulness and HIV Risk Within Marriage: Program and Research Perspectives
Empire Ballroom (map)

C8: Achieving Sanitation and Safe Water for All: New Marketing and Community Approaches
Executive Room (map)

1:45-3:45 pm Policy Series PS4:
The Impact of Weak Health Systems on the Health Care Worker Crisis
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

4-5:30 pm Plenary Session:
Traveling Gear: Key Tools and Innovations for Service Delivery in the Community
Regency Ballroom (map)

5:30-7:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
Get Smart: Technology and Community Health
Hosted by: AED
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

5:30-7:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
Social Reception
Hosted by: the Global Health Fellows Program,
Public Health Institute
Congressional Rooms (map)

5:30-7:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems Worldwide: RPM Plus Accomplishments and Future Directions
Hosted by: Management Sciences for Health
Empire Ballroom (map)

5:30-7:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
50 Years of Innovation in Community Reproductive Health Programming
Hosted by: Pathfinder International
Palladian Ballroom (map)

5:30-7:30 pm Auxiliary Event:
What is New in Health Governance: Country Models from Asia and Africa
Hosted by: RTI International
Governors Room (map)

6-8 pm Auxiliary Event:
Public-Private Collaborations to Improve Community Health: Reports from the Field
Hosted by: Global Health Progress, an initiative of EFPIA, IFPMA and PhRMA
Hampton Room (map)

6-8 pm Auxiliary Event:
“Let’s Get Engaged”: The ACQUIRE Project-A Framework for Engaging Communities in Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programs
Hosted by: the ACQUIRE Project
Executive Room (map)

6-8 pm Auxiliary Event:
Strategic Health Partnerships with NGOs: Linking Global and National Priorities with Community Realities
Hosted by: the CORE Group, CSTS+ and CSHGP
Capitol Room (map)

6-8 pm Auxiliary Event:
Progressive Vision, Positive Change: Building Capacity for a Healthier Rwanda
Hosted by: IntraHealth International
Blue Room (map)

7:30-9:30 pm NEW:
35th Anniversary Party
Featuring the 1st Presentation of the Global Health Council Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof. Carl Taylor
Regency Ballroom (map)

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7:30-8:30 am Continental Breakfast
Exhibition Hall

7:30 am-5 pm Registration Open
West Registration Desk (map)

7:30 am-4 pm International Exhibition Open
Exhibition Hall

8:30-10:30 am Concurrent Panel Sessions-D Series:

D1: Health Systems Strengthening: The Role of the Private Sector
Congressional Rooms (map)

D2: What’s New: Using Technology to Benefit the Community
Palladian Ballroom (map)

D3: Mental Health in Emergency Settings: Guidelines for Humanitarian Action
Governors Room (map)

D4: Nuts and Bolts for Scaling-Up Community Case Management for Children
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

D5: Engaging Underserved Communities in the Delivery of Malaria Interventions
Hampton Ballroom (map)

D6: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Foundation to Last a Lifetime
Executive Room (map)

D7: Community Empowerment: Key to Succesful HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment
Empire Ballroom (map)

8:30-10:30 am Forum:
Empowering Communities
Blue Room (map)

8:30-10:30 am Policy Series PS5:
Next Steps for the Lantos-Hyde US Leadership Act Against HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria
Diplomat Ballroom (map)

10:30 am-12:30 pm Poster Session
Blue Room Pre-Function (map)

11 am-Noon Global Health Council Annual Membership Meeting
Palladian Ballroom (map)

12:30-2 pm Break

12:30-2 pm Film Series at Career Connections Brown Bag Session:
Mountains of Hope: Film and Global Health
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

12:30-2 pm Auxiliary Event:
Mid-Year Meeting
Hosted by: the American Public Health Association, International Health Section
Executive Room (map)

12:45-2:15 pm Luncheon Event:
Media Awards Luncheon Session
Regency Ballroom (map)

12:45-2:15 pm Auxiliary Luncheon Session:
Enhancing Human Resources for Health
Hosted by: Merck & Co., Inc.
Blue Room (map)

2:30-4:30 pm Concurrent Panel Sessions - E Series:

E1: Power to the People: The Role of Community Leaders
Congressional Rooms (map)

E2: Community Advocacy Campaigns: Advancing the Reproductive Health and Family Planning Agenda
Governors Room (map)

E3: Engaging Communities in Behavior Change through Formative Research
Executive Room (map)

E4: Caring for the Newborns: Revisiting PMTCT and Post-Natal Care
Empire Ballroom (map)

2:30-4:30 pm Roundtable Sessions
Ambassador Ballroom (map)
Palladian Ballroom (map)

2:30-4:30 pm Policy Series PS6:
Legislative Landscapes
Hampton Ballroom (map)

5:30-7 pm Pre-Awards Banquet Reception
Banquet schedule | view
Exhibition Hall

6:30-9 pm Gala Banquet & Awards Ceremony
Banquet schedule | view
Regency Ballroom (map)

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7:30-8:30 am Continental Breakfast
Exhibition Hall or Regency Ballroom (map)

7:30 am-4 pm Registration Open
West Registration Desk (map)

8 am-1 pm International Exhibition Open
Exhibition Hall

8:30-10 am Special Session:
Primary Health Care: A New Vision for the Fourth Decade
Regency Ballroom (map)

8:30-10:30 am Special Panel Session:
Leadership and Management Development: Creating Stronger, Healthier Communities
Diplomat Ballroom (map)

8:30-10:30 am Forum:
Women’s and Girls’ Health and Well-Being
Blue Room (map)

8:30 am-2 pm Poster Gallery
Note: Presenters will not be available during this time.
Blue Room Pre-Function (map)

10-11 am Business Meeting
Hosted by: the Spirit of Alma Ata 1978 Caucus
Regency Ballroom (map)

10:15-12:15 pm Concurrent Panel Sessions - F Series:

F2: Integrating Reproductive Health into Community Mobilization Programs
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

F3: Measuring the Impact of Public Health Information: Evidence and Practice
Executive Room (map)

F4: Integrating Community-Based Newborn Interventions into Existing Programs
Congressional Rooms (map)

F5: Mobilizing Communities in the Control of Tuberculosis
Governors Room (map)

F6: In and Out of Conflict: Strategies to Address Community Health Issues
Hampton Ballroom (map)

F7: More than a Game: Youth, Sports and Community Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Empire Ballroom (map)

10:15 am-12:15 pm Policy Series PS7:
International Initiatives, National Agendas and Communities
Palladian Ballroom (map)

12:30-2 pm Break

12:30-2 pm NEW - Late-Breaking Luncheon Session: How Do Current Events Affect Health Care in the Community? A look at Kenya.
Luncheon made possible by an unrestricted grant from Abbott Fund
Regency Ballroom (map)

12:30-2 pm Film Series Brown Bag Session:
A Walk to Beautiful
Engel Entertainment and the Fistula Foundation
Diplomat Ballroom (map)

12:45-1:45 pm Career Connections Brown Bag Session:
Finding Work in Global Health
Capitol Room (map)

1 pm International Exhibition Closes and Tear Down Begins
Exhibition Hall

2:15-4:15 pm Concurrent Panel Sessions - G Series:

G1: Building the Evidence Base for Innovative and Effective Community Mobilization Approaches
Executive Room (map)

G2: Transforming Communications about Reproductive Health
Ambassador Ballroom (map)

G3: Building Community Partnerships for Avian Influenza Control
Hampton Ballroom (map)

G4: Engaging African Communities for Effective Management of Childhood Illness
Congressional Rooms (map)

G5: Taking the Lead: Youth Leadership and Peer Education to Improve Health
Empire Ballroom (map)

G6: Attitude and Access: Abortion and Post-Abortion Care
Governors Room (map)

2:15-4:15 pm Advocacy Training Workshop:
Youth Strategies for Creating Change
Hosted by: the University Coalitions for Global Health
Capitol Room (map)

2:15-4:15 pm NEW SESSION
Unlocking the Power of Social Norms: Empowering Communities to Lead Positive, Systemic Social Change
Presented by: Molly Melching, founder and executive director of Tostan and opening plenary speaker
Palladian Ballroom (map)

4:30-6 pm Plenary Session:
Meeting Along the Diagonal: Where the First Mile and Last Mile Connect
Regency Ballroom (map)

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7:30 am-1 pm Registration Open
West Registration Desk (map)

8:30-10 am Breakfast with a Legend: Chat with Carl Taylor
Palladian Ballroom (map)

9:30-11 am Collaborative Dialogue Session: Global Health Training Curricula:
What’s Working, What Isn’t, What is Needed?
Hosted by: the Global Health Council, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Global Health Programs and the Global Health Education Consortium
Directors Room (map)

9:30-11:30 am Concurrent Panel Sessions - H Series:

H1: Foot Soldiers for Health: Community Health Volunteers for Disease Detection and Treatment
Congressional Room A (map)

H2: A Strong Start: Mobilizing Communities for Safe Delivery
Congressional Room B (map)

9:30-11:30 am Forum:
Executive Room (map)

11:45-1 pm Closing Session: Reflections on Conference and a Look to the Future
Palladian Ballroom (map)

1-2 pm Networking Event: Mingle and Munchies
Palladian Ballroom (map)

The Global Health Council, in presenting its 35th Annual Conference, is sponsoring scientific sessions to discuss issues of concern to individuals working in the field of public health. The Council uses reasonable efforts to provide a balanced presentation of issues in an atmosphere of civility, but the Council is not responsible for the views presented or the discussions that occur. The views presented at the Annual Conference’s scientific sessions and on conference video, website, publications, etc. are those of the presenters and not necessarily those of the Global Health Council.

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