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Featured Speakers
Tuesday | Wednesday | Friday | Research Symposium, Wednesday

Plenary 1: Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The First Mile: Setting the Framework for Effective Community Health Systems
1-2:30 pm
The "last mile" is a common metaphor in the global health community to indicate the importance of ensuring that badly needed resources and services reach their ultimate destination and fulfill their ultimate purpose of improving health at the community level. That last mile delivery of goods and services cannot be achieved, however, without a solid, community-centered roadmap at the outset of the journey. In this session, we will discuss the key components of a successful community health system, and how to maximize factors that enable their adoption while minimizing those that inhibit progress.

Joining the Washington D.C. based panel will be members of a plenary session at the Geneva Forum in Geneva, Switzerland. Through the intercontinental broadcast, speakers will participate in an open dialogue, blending the Geneva Forum's 2008 focus on the strengthening and integration of health systems and the importance of the global health workforce with the Global Health Council's annual theme of Community Health.

Global Health Council Conference Participants

Session Moderator

Nils Daulaire, MD, MPH
President and CEO
Global Health Council

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Fazle Hasan Abed
Founder and Chair
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)

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Gretchen Glode Berggren, MD, MScHyg
International Health and Nutrition

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Molly Melching
Founder and Executive Director

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Geneva Health Forum Participants

Session Moderator

Louis Loutan, MD
Head, Service of International
and Humanitarian Medicine
Department of Community
Medicine of Primary Care

University Hospitals
Geneva, Switzerland

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Halfdan Mahler, MD
Former Director-General
World Health Organization

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Sigrun Møgedal, MD
Norwegian HIV/AIDS Ambassador
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Frank Nyonator, MD, MPH, FGCP
Director for Policy, Planning
Monitoring and Evaluation

Ghana Health Service

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Plenary 2: Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Traveling Gear: Key Tools and Innovations for Service Delivery in the Community
4-5:30 pm
As any experienced traveler will attest, without the right "gear" we won't get very far. In the same way, to reach the last mile, a health system needs an array of tools and solutions that are effective, economical, and responsive to community needs and context. In this session, we will examine the limitations on human capacity that create barriers to reaching the last mile and possible solutions to overcoming these limitations. We will explore the re-emergence of the community health worker as a possible solution for building capacity, the tools and strategies that are most effective in creating local leaders and ownership, and the innovative approaches within the private and social sectors that can contribute to improving the health of the community. View webcast View webcast

Session Moderator

Tamela Hultman, MA, PhD
Co-founder and Chief Editorial Officer, AllAfrica Global Media

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Shobha Arole, MBBS, DCHD
Associate Director
Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed, India

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Daniel Rikichi Kajang, MS, PhD
Head, Procurement and Support
National Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS, Nigeria

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Dan Kaseje, CO, MBChB, MPH, Dip CS, PhD
Professor of Public Health and Vice Chancellor
Great Lakes University of Kisumu, Kenya

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Bishop Dinis Sengulane
Bishop of Lebombo
Anglican Church of Mozambique

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Plenary 3: Friday, May 30, 2008

Meeting along the Diagonal: Where the First Mile and Last Mile Connect
4:30-6 pm
In the complex and congested environment of global initiatives that travel from the macro to the micro level and back again, whether we are standing at the first mile or the last mile is largely a matter of perspective. Whatever context we are beginning from, the most critical stage of the journey is when our perspectives meet, and together we create a system that improves the health and wellbeing of the community it is designed to serve. After many years of debate between vertical versus horizontal programming, in this session, we will discuss whether the most likely road to success lies along a diagonal route. View webcast View webcast

Session Moderator

Susan Dentzer
Health Affairs

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Margaret Chan, MD
World Health Organization

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Nils Daulaire, MD, MPH
President and CEO
Global Health Council

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Jaime Sepulveda, MD, MPH, DrSc, MSc, Conference Chair
Director, Integrated Health Solutions Development
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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no photo available

Henrietta H. Fore
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. United States Foreign Assistance

Friday, May 30, 2008

Special Sessions

Primary Health Care: A New Vision for the Fourth Decade
8:30-10 am
In 2008, we mark the 30th anniversary of the Alma Ata Declaration. The principles of equitable access to affordable health care, using primary health care (PHC) as the tool to turn these principles into practice, remain as valid today as they did in 1978. But times have changed greatly since 1978, and implementing a health system based on PHC, while successful in some countries, continues to face many challenges in general. In this session, we will create a new vision for PHC. What is the new template for reallocating resources to PHC, empowering the community, engaging the government, tracking health outcomes? For moving the principles of Alma Ata forward into the next decade? View webcast View webcast

Session Moderator

Steve Schmidbauer, MDiv
Executive Director
Child Family Health International (CFHI)

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Keynote Speaker

Mirta Roses Periago, MD
Pan American Health Organization

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Jan De Maeseneer, MD, MPH
The Network: Towards Unity for Health
Professor and Head of Department of Medicine
Ghent University

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Hernan Montenegro, MD, MPH
Chief of the Health Services Organization Unit
Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization

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Friday, May 30, 2008

Late-Breaking Lunch Session

How Do Current Events Affect Health Care in the Community? A Look at Kenya
12:30-2 pm
Abbott FundLuncheon made possible by an unrestricted grant from Abbott Fund.

What happens to the health and development of the community when systems break down suddenly? How do communities rebuild after a major disruption in the political, economic and social stability of a country? Join the discussion with a panel of those who have been "on the ground" in Kenya, before, during and now after the wave of violence that threatened the health and well-being of all in its path. View webcast View webcast

Session Moderator

Sheila Mitchell, MBA
Senior Vice President for Global Operations
Family Health International

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J. Salvador Garcia de la Torre, MD, MPH
Country Director
Catholic Medical Missions Board

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Sylvester Kimaiyo, MBChC, MMED
Program Manager

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Florence Muli-Musiime, PhD
Deputy Director

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Peter Okaalet, MD
Senior Director, Health and HIV/AIDS Policy
MAP International

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Research Symposium: Wednesday, May 28, 2008

PS3: Using Research to Strengthen Health Systems and Meet the Needs of Communities
9 am-Noon
Ambassador Ballroom (map)
Practitioners and program implementers face numerous challenges to providing care and delivering interventions at the community level. Both the need and capacity for finding solutions are greater than ever before. The Research Symposium will highlight the important role researchers can play in developing and sustaining health systems at the community level. The topics to be covered include capacity building and the use of appropriate technology in communities, and the ethical considerations for community-based research. Through presentations and breakout group discussions, we will identify the challenges faced by community-level health systems in these areas and determine the potential for researchers, working in partnership with governments and the private sector, to provide feasible solutions. The Research Symposium is co-sponsored by the Global Health Council, Bristol Myers Squibb, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health at the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics and the Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Moderated by Roger Glass of the Fogarty International Center, the symposium will generate a post-conference report and serve to stimulate ongoing discussion on how research can offer new perspectives on strengthening health systems to meet the needs of communities.

Research Symposium Participants

Session Moderator

Roger Glass, MD, PhD
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health

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Oladele Akogun, PhD, MPH
Centre for Research and Development
Professor of Public Health Parasitology
Federal University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria

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Catherine Peckham, CBE, MD, FRCP, FMedSci
Professor of Paediatric Epidemiology
Institute of Child Health, University College London, UK

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Ahbay Bang, MD, MPH
Society for Education, Action
and Research in Community
Health (SEARCH)

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Mwelecele Ntuli Malecela, BSc, MSc, PhD
Director of Research Coordination and Promotion
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania
Tanzania Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Programmme

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Therese McGinn, DrPH, MPH
Associate Professor of Clinical Population and Family Health
Mailman School of Public Health
RAISE Initiative

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Maria Merritt, PhD
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics

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no photo available Seema Shah, JD
Contractor, Bioethicist
Department of Bioethics, NIAID/HJF Liaison Office at the Division of AIDS

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Jeff Spieler
Senior Science Advisor, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, Technology and Utilization Division of the Bureau for Global Health
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

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no photo available Susan Zimicki, PhD
Director of the Communication for Change (C-Change) Program
Academy for Educational Development

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