Income of the Aged Chartbook, 2000

Change in shares of aggregate income, by source, selected years

This line chart shows the change in shares of income from Social Security, asset income, pensions, earnings, and other income from 1962 to 2000. In 1962, the percentage for Social Security (31) rises to a high of 42 in 1994. It then declines to 38 in 1998 and continues at this rate to 2000. Asset income at 16 percent in 1962, rises to 28 in 1984, and a falls to 18 in 2000. Pensions begin at 9 percent, rise to a high of 20 in 1992, and remain at about the level ending at 18 in 2000. In 1962, earnings are at 28, decline to a low of 16 in 1984, and then rise to 23 in 2000. Other income starts at 16, declines to 10 in 1967, drops further in 1976 to 4, then drops slightly to 3 in 1982 where it remains at about that level until slightly declining to 2 before rising back to 3 where it remains.

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