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 Round 2a Arsenic Removal
 Technology Demonstrations


Ten locations were selected for funding for Round 2a of the Arsenic Removal Technology Demonstration Program. The locations, technologies, and project statuses are as follows:

Location Technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Carmel, ME
Elementary School
Reverse Osmosis by Advanced Quality Water Solutions     X X              
Conneaut Lake, PA
Conneaut Lake Park
AD26 Oxidation/Filtration Media by AdEdge Technologies, Inc.     X X              
Fountain City, IN
Northeastern Elementary School
Media G2 by
US Water Sytems, Inc.
    X X X X          
Geneseo, IL
Geneseo Hills Home Owners Assoc.
E33 Adsorption Media by AdEdge Technologies, Inc.     X X X X X X      
Goshen, IN
Christian School
AD26 Oxidation/Filtration Media
and E33 Adsorption Media by AdEdge Technologies, Inc.
    X X X X X X      
Lead, SD
Terry Trojan
Water District
ArsenXnp Media by
SolmeteX, Inc.
    X X X X X X      
Pomfret Center, CT
Seely-Brown Village
ArsenXnp Media by
SolmeteX, Inc.
    X X X            
Waynesville, IL
Greensand Plus Media by Peerless, Inc.
    X X              
Willard, UT
Hot Springs
Trailer Court
DOW Adsorbsia Media by Filter Tech Systems, Inc.     X X              
Woodstock, CT
Middle School
DOW Adsorbsia Media
by Siemens Water
Technologies, Inc.
    X X              
X = completed
1 Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) signed
2 CRADA approved by Legal
3 EPA/contractor site visit
4 Contractor/system agreement
5 Plans submitted
6 Plans approved
7 Equipment installed
8 Study began
9 Study completed
10 Six-month report cleared
11 Final report cleared


Tom Sorg (513) 569-7370

See Also

Round 1 Arsenic Removal Technology Demonstrations

Round 2 Arsenic Removal Technology Demonstrations

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