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What's New in the ADS for July 2002

Note: This chart summarizes new or revised policy/procedures or other changes, as applicable.

Disclaimer: Archived entries may have been recently changed or removed. Please check the current ADS chapters and references, as well as recent interim updates for the latest information.

Series 300 Interim Update 02-04, Expansion of Government Purchase Card Users
Issued: 07/10/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: On May 6, 2002, the Office of Procurement issued Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directive (AAPD) 02-07, "Expansion of Government Purchase Card Users." This AAPD revised purchase card policy by expanding the categories of individuals who may be authorized to use the cards to include certain Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs) and Third Country Nationals (TCNs) - both Direct Hires (DH) and Personal Services Contractors (PSCs) - and U.S. PSCs.
Series 300 Interim Update 02-05, Updated Guidance for Modified Acquisition and Assistance Request Document (MAARD) Usage
Issued: 07/12/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: This notice issued revised MAARD guidance. Mission do not need to complete pages two and three of the MAARD form.
ADS 302, USAID Direct Contracting
Revision: 07/24/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The Mandatory Reference section now includes Series 300, Interim Update 02-05, Updated Guidance for Modified Acquisition & Assistance Request Document (MAARD) Usage.

NOTE: This chapter is still in the old ADS format.

ADS 303, Grants and Cooperative Agreements to Non-Governmental Organizations
Revision: 07/23/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The Mandatory Reference section now includes Series 300, Interim Update 02-05, Updated Guidance for Modified Acquisition & Assistance Request Document (MAARD) Usage.

NOTE: This chapter is still in the old ADS format.

ADS 306, Interagency Agreements
Revision: 07/23/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The Mandatory Reference section now includes Series 300, Interim Update 02-05, Updated Guidance for Modified Acquisition & Assistance Request Document (MAARD) Usage.

NOTE: This chapter is still in the old ADS format.

ADS 308, Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Public International Organizations
Revision: 07/23/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

The Mandatory Reference section now includes Series 300, Interim Update 02-05, Updated Guidance for Modified Acquisition & Assistance Request Document (MAARD) Usage.

NOTE:This chapter is still in the old ADS format.

Country Contracting Handbook, an Internal Mandatory Reference for ADS 305
Revision: 07/15/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: Afghanistan was removed from the list of foreign policy restricted countries in chapters 1, 2, and 3. The change in status is an implementation of this announcement published in General Notice, Foreign Aid Procurement Eligibility of Afghanistan, dated 02/11/2002.
Series 500 Interim Update #9, NMS/AWACS Numbering Convention for Commitments and Obligations
(Note: This link is only available to USAID employees who have access to the intranet.)
Superseded: Superseded by Phoenix procedures that are not ADS related, effective 7/11/2000.
Series 500 Interim Update #16, FY 1998 Guidance for Controlling and Tracking Funds between MACS and AWACS
(Note: This link is only available to USAID employees who have access to the intranet.)
Superseded: Superseded by Phoenix procedures that are not ADS related, effective 7/11/2000.
Series 500 Interim Update 02-20, Changes in the Process and Adjudication of Claims for Personal Property
(Note: This link is only available to USAID employees who have access to the intranet.)
Revision: 07/16/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: Recently, the Department of State adopted certain Department of Defense procedures for the process and adjudication of employees' personal property claims; i.e., claims resulting from an employee's personal property being transported and/or stored at USG expense. Listed below are non-exclusive changes that effect the manner in which he/she will be required to substantiate claims prior to receiving final payment. These changes are to be reflected in ADS 521 in the very near future.
Series 500 Interim Update 02-21, BTEC Quick Hit - Reducing Field Reporting Requirements
(Note: This link is only available to USAID employees who have access to the intranet.)
Revision: 07/26/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: The Agency's Reports Elimination Working Group, sponsored by the Business Transformation Executive Committee (BTEC), recently completed a review of field and USAID/W recommendations for eliminating, simplifying, or reducing the frequency of reporting requirements. This Notices details the Group's findings.
ADS 545, Information Systems Security
Revision: 07/05/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

Information on developing security plans was added to section 545.3. An online tool to assist in providing data for the initial security plan was added as a mandatory reference. The Internal Mandatory Reference, Information Technology Security Roles and Responsibilities, was revised to give more information on who is responsible for developing security plans.

Section 545.3.6.8, Security Incident Reporting, was expanded and revised. The associated Internal Mandatory Reference, Incident Response Guidance for Unclassified Information Systems, was also revised.

Incident Response Guidance for Unclassified Information Systems, an Internal Mandatory Reference for ADS 545
Revision: 07/02/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: This reference document was revised throughout. An "Incident Reporting Process Chart" and an "Information Systems Security Incident Report" were added.
Information Technology Security Roles and Responsibilities, an Internal Mandatory Reference for ADS 545
Revision: 07/03/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: This document was revised throughout. An online tool, which Designated ISSOs and System Managers/IT Specialists must use to provide data for the initial security plan, was added.
Series 600 Interim Update 02-08, BTEC Quick Hit - New Policy on the Distribution of Proceeds from Nonexpendable Property Sales
Issued: 07/16/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: The policy regarding the distribution of nonexpendable property sales proceeds has changed. Starting with sales that take place in FY 2003, the selling Mission will be allowed to retain the proceeds and use them to purchase replacement nonexpendable property within the time-frame provided by law.
ADS 625, Administrative Accounts Receivable
Revision: 07/25/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

This is a new ADS chapter, superseding HB 19, Chapter 7.

The new policy and procedures result from changes in the Federal Claims Collection Standards and Debt Collection Improvement Act, which also prompted a rewrite of 22 CFR 213.

Major changes in USAID processes include referring most uncollectible items to Treasury under a cross servicing arrangement 90 days after USAID issues the Bill for Collection. USDH employee salary and allowance overpayments and other indebtedness will be handled primarily through salary offset using the National Finance Center. Due process requirements are spelled out in 22 CFR 213 for employees and other categories of debtors.

The process of issuing bills for collection covering debts originating under acquisition or assistance instruments has been simplified by having the contractor or agreements officer's final settlement letter serve as the bill for collection.

The waiver of employee indebtedness is being centralized in M/FM. Informal billings to employees for requested services such as non-official use of vehicles at overseas posts, and personal use of telephones and faxes, are still permitted so long as reasonable controls are maintained over the process.

AID Forms 7-128, Notice of Collection/Adjustment, and 7-129, Bill for Collection, Additional Help references for ADS 625
Revision: 07/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: These two AID forms have been revised and developed in electronic format for optional use as billing documents.
CFO Guidelines and Procedures on Waiving Claims against USAID Employees for Erroneous Payments, a mandatory reference for ADS 625
Revision: 07/26/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures: This reference document establishes guidelines and procedures for waiving claims by the Agency against an employee for erroneous payments of (1) pay and allowances (e.g., health and life insurance, post differential, etc.) and (2) travel, transportation, and relocation expenses and allowances.
ADS 629, Accounting for USAID Owned Property and Internal Use Software
Revision: 07/08/2002
New and Revised Policy Directives and Required Procedures:

A new section, 629.5.7, was added to this chapter to implement FASAB Standard No. 10, Accounting for Internal Use Software. This section prescribes the financial management policy to account for Internal Use Software. It also establishes the threshold for capitalization, the methodology for accumulating associated costs, and determining when assets are capitalized and accruals are recognized.

Also added were a new section of financial documentation responsibilities, and the responsibility of all Bureaus to appoint a property officer responsible for maintaining itemized cost records for each software acquired or developed.

The chapter was reissued in the old format due to audit contingencies. The entire chapter will be rewritten in plain language and reformatted in the next revision.

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This document was last updated on Thursday, 20-Mar-2003 09:51:28 EST
