DOQ Keyword Header Description

Domain descriptions in bold and marked with an asterisk (*)indicate standard USGS DOQ values. 

FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (6/8/94) data element name equivalents are
in brackets, e.g., [FGDC Metadata Element], in the Element Description column. 


Keyword Element Description Type Domain/Example BEGIN_USGS_DOQ_HEADER data type
identification QUADRANGLE_NAME data set name 

[Title] Quadrangle name + text(1) 7.5-minute cell name 

e.g. "Half Moon Bay" QUADRANT Quadrant Quadrant directional if image is quarter-quadrangle 

NW, NE, SE, SW WEST_LONGITUDE western-most boundary of the 3.75- or 7.5-minute quadrangle,
excluding overedge 

[West Bounding Coordinate] compound numeric signed degrees, minutes, seconds 


e.g. -110 03 45.000 EAST_LONGITUDE eastern-most boundary of the 3.75- or 7.5-minute quadrangle,
excluding overedge 

[East Bounding Coordinate] compound numeric DDD MM SS.SSS 

e.g. -110 00 00.000 NORTH_LATITUDE northern-most boundary of the 3.75- or 7.5-minute
quadrangle, excluding overedge 

[North Bounding Coordinate] compound numeric DD MM SS.SSS 

e.g. 38 03 45.000 SOUTH_LATITUDE southern-most boundary of the 3.75- or 7.5-minute quadrangle,
excluding overedge 

[South Bounding Coordinate] compound numeric DD MM SS.SSS 

e.g. 38 03 45.000 PRODUCTION_DATE the date the data was produced 

[Publication Date] date YYYY MM DD 


Keyword Element Description Type Domain/Example RASTER_ORDER raster data order 

[Format Information Content] text left_right/top_bottom* BAND_ORGANIZATION raster data

[Format Information Content] text "single file" = single file 

BIP = band interleaved by pixel* 

BSQ = band sequential 

BIL = band interleaved by line BAND_CONTENT data content of each band (repeat keyword as

[Format Information Content] text BLACK&WHITE 



BLUE BITS_PER_PIXEL bits per pixel of raster data 

[Format Information Content] numeric 8 * SAMPLES_AND_LINES number of samples (columns) and
lines (rows) 

[Row and Column Count] compound numeric SSSS LLLL 

e.g. 6320 7665 


Keyword Element Description Type Domain/Example HORIZONTAL_DATUM name of primary
horizontal datum 

[Horizontal Datum Name] text NAD83 = North American Datum 1983* 

NAD27 = North American Datum 1927 

WGS72 = World Geodetic System 1972 

WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984 

"Old Hawaii Datum" 

"Puerto Rico Datum" HORIZONTAL_COORDINATE _SYSTEM coordinate system in which data is

[Horizontal Datum Name] text UTM = Universal Transverse Mercator* 

SPCS = State Plane Coordinate System 

Geographic = geographic COORDINATE_ZONE coordinate system zone 

[UTM Zone Number] numeric 1-60 = UTM zone numbers 

Other coordinate system zone numbers HORIZONTAL_UNITS coordinate system units 

[Planar System Units] text meters * 


"international feet" 

"survey feet" 


"arc seconds" HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION coordinate system (pixel) ground distance specified in
horizontal units 

[Abscissa and Ordinate Resolution] numeric USGS DOQ default is 1.0 SECONDARY_HORIZONTAL
_DATUM name of the secondary horizontal datum 

[Horizontal Datum Name] text NAD83 = North American Datum 1983 

NAD27 = North American Datum 1927* 

WGS72 = World Geodetic System 1972 

WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984 

"Old Hawaii Datum" 

"Puerto Rico Datum" XY_ORIGIN HORIZONTAL_DATUM x and y coordinates of upper left pixel in

[XY_ORIGIN does not have a FGDC metadata element counterpart but this data may be stored under 
Supplemental_Information] compound numeric e.g. 676442.0 4152645.0 SECONDARY_XY_ORIGIN 
SECONDARY_HORIZONTAL_DATUM x and y coordinates of upper left pixel in

[SECONDARY_XY_ORIGIN does not have a FGDC metadata element counterpart but this data may be
stored under 

Supplemental_Information] compound numeric e.g. 676442.0 4152640.0 


Keyword Element Description Type Domain/Example NATION FIPS PUB 10-3 two-letter
nation code (repeat as necessary) 

[Place_Keyword] text US, CA, MX STATE FIPS PUB 6-4 two-letter alpha State code. (repeat as

[Place_Keyword] text e.g. CA NW_QUAD_CORNER_XY HORIZONTAL_DATUM x and y coordinates of
NW quadrangle corner in HORIZONTAL_UNITS 

[NW_QUAD_CORNER_XY does not have a FGDC metadata element counterpart but this data may be
stored under 

Supplemental_Information] compound numeric e.g. 473228.05 4400056.95 NE_QUAD_CORNER_XY 
HORIZONTAL_DATUM x and y coordinates of NE quadrangle corner in HORIZONTAL_UNITS 

[see NW_QUAD_CORNER_XY element description] compound numeric e.g. 478582.44 4400040.14 
SE_QUAD_CORNER_XY HORIZONTAL_DATUM x and y coordinates of NW quadrangle corner in

[see NW_QUAD_CORNER_XY element description] compound numeric e.g. 478563.10 4393103.58 
SW_QUAD_CORNER_XY HORIZONTAL_DATUM x and y coordinates of SW quadrangle corner in

[see NW_QUAD_CORNER_XY element description] compound numeric e.g. 473203.87 4393120.38 
quadrangle corner in HORIZONTAL_UNITS 

[SECONDARY_NW_QUAD_XY does not have a FGDC metadata element counterpart but this data
may be stored under 

Supplemental_ Information] compound numeric e.g. 473227.35 4399847.41 SECONDARY_NE_
QUAD_XY SECONDARY_HORIZONTAL_DATUM x and y coordinates of NE quadrangle corner in

[see SECONDARY_NW_QUAD_XY element description] compound numeric e.g. 478581.88 4399830.60 
quadrangle corner in HORIZONTAL_UNITS 

[see SECONDARY_NW_QUAD_XY element description] compound numeric e.g. 478562.54 4392894.17 


[see SECONDARY_NW_QUAD_XY element description] compound numeric e.g. 473203.17 4392910.07 
RMSE_XY the relative horizontal accuracy of the DOQ in horizontal units 

[Horizontal Accuracy Value] numeric e.g. 3.2 IMAGE_SOURCE description of the type of source data,
film or digital. 

[Type of source media] text "Black & White film" 

"CIR film" 

"Natural Color film" 

other - free text SOURCE_IMAGE_ID source image identification (repeat as necessary; the presence of
more than one source image id indicates that the DOQ is a mosaic.)) 

[Title] text for film source, this should include program identification, roll, and exposure number 

e.g. "NAPP 2370-112" SOURCE_IMAGE_DATE the date of the source image 

(repeat as necessary following SOURCE_IMAGE_ID) 

[Calendar Date] date YYYY MM DD SOURCE_DEM_DATE the date the source DEM was produced 

[Calendar Date] date YYYY MM DD AGENCY name of oversight agency 

[Originator] text "U.S. Geological Survey" 

"Western Mapping Center (WMC)" PRODUCER the name of the producer (USGS mapping centers will
include the center abbreviation; contractors will use their organization's name) 

[Supplemental Information] text "Western Mapping Center (WMC)" 

"John Doe Mapping Company" PRODUCTION_SYSTEM the names of the hardware and software,
including version numbers, used in the production of the DOQ 

[Native Data Set Environment] text free text 

e.g."DV1.2 3/93 OV1.1 04/93" COMPRESSION Compression technique and parameters: data format,
format version (this keyword is present only if the data is compressed) 

[File Compression Technique] text line contains three fields: 

   compression format name 
   format version number 
   decompression name 

e.g."CJPEG" "JFIFV1.01" "DJPEG" STANDARD_VERSION the date (if the version of the standard is
identified only by date) of the DOQ standard to which the file complies 

[Format version date] date YYYY MM METADATA_DATE the date the metadata were created or last

[Metadata Date] date YYYY MM DD DATA_FILE_SIZE the size of the data set in bytes including

[Native_Data_Set_Environment] numeric e.g. 54198774 BYTE_COUNT the size of the header, including
the associated blank fill, in bytes [no FGDC metadata equivalent, place under 
Supplemental_Information] numeric e.g. 6076 


Keyword Element Description Type Domain/Example END_USGS_HEADER 

1. A text data type field must be enclosed in double quotation marks if it contains spaces. If more than
one text field is specified for a keyword (see COMPRESSION keyword example), each field must be
enclosed in double quotation marks. 

Example Header

BEGIN_USGS_DOQ_HEADER                                                        *
QUADRANGLE_NAME "QUINCY WEST"                            3.75 or*
QUADRANT NE                     quadrant indicator if cell size = 3.75minutes*
WEST_LONGITUDE  -91  26  15.000                      signed deg., min. & sec.*
EAST_LONGITUDE  -91  22  30.000                      signed deg., min. & sec.*
NORTH_LATITUDE   40   0   0.000                      signed deg., min. & sec.*
SOUTH_LATITUDE   39  56  15.000                      signed deg., min. & sec.*
PRODUCTION_DATE 1995 07 13                                         yyyy mm dd*
RASTER_ORDER LEFT_RIGHT/TOP_BOTTOM                        video display order*
BAND_ORGANIZATION "SINGLE FILE"             single file or BSQ, or BIL or BIP*
BAND_CONTENT BLACK&WHITE                        black&white or red green blue*
BITS_PER_PIXEL   8                                                           *
SAMPLES_AND_LINES   6076  7641                     number of columns and rows*
HORIZONTAL_DATUM NAD83                               primary horizontal datum*
HORIZONTAL_COORDINATE_SYSTEM UTM                                             *
COORDINATE_ZONE     15                          coordinate system zone number*
HORIZONTAL_UNITS METERS                               coordinate system units*
HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION 1.0 coordinate system geometric resolu. in horiz. units*
SECONDARY_HORIZONTAL_DATUM NAD27                   secondary horizontal datum*
XY_ORIGIN   633063.000  4429328.000     coord. of upper left pixel-pri. datum*
SECONDARY_XY_ORIGIN  633079.000  4429113.000 coor.-upper left pixel-sec datum*
NATION US                                                         nation code*
STATE IL                                                     state fips codes*
STATE MO                                                     state fips codes*
NW_QUAD_CORNER_XY  633377.438  4428926.385 X-Y coords. of pri. NW quad corner*
NE_QUAD_CORNER_XY  638712.782  4429021.805 X-Y coords. of pri. NE quad corner*
SE_QUAD_CORNER_XY  638839.205  4422084.460 X-Y coords. of pri. SE quad corner*
SW_QUAD_CORNER_XY  633498.995  4421989.077 X-Y coords. of pri. SW quad corner*
SECONDARY_NW_QUAD_XY  633380.942  4428716.377 X-Y coords. - sec. NW quad cor.*
SECONDARY_NE_QUAD_XY  638716.426  4428811.800 X-Y coords. - sec. NE quad cor.*
SECONDARY_SE_QUAD_XY  638842.847  4421874.579 X-Y coords. - sec. SE quad cor.*
SECONDARY_SW_QUAD_XY  633502.497  4421779.193 X-Y coords. - sec. SW quad cor.*
RMSE_XY  0.82                                             doq horiz. accuracy*
IMAGE_SOURCE "black & white film"              b&w, color, infra-red or other*
SOURCE_IMAGE_ID "NAPP 2231-   2"                  source image identification*
SOURCE_IMAGE_DATE 1991 03 24                  source image date as yyyy mm dd*
SOURCE_DEM_DATE 1995 07 00                                    source DEM date*
AGENCY "Western Mapping Center (WMC)"                name of oversight agency*
PRODUCER "Western Mapping Center (WMC)"                  name of DOQ producer*
PRODUCTION_SYSTEM "DV1.2 03/93 OV1.1 04/93"    name of the production HW & SW*
STANDARD_VERSION 1996 12                              version of DOQ standard*
METADATA_DATE 1996 7 13                   date created or changed, yyyy mm dd*
DATA_FILE_SIZE  46432792                               data set size in bytes*
BYTE_COUNT  6076                                            header byte count*
END_USGS_HEADER                                                              *