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USGS Hosts a Booth at the Sally Ride Science Festival at Stanford University

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Stephanie Ross and Carol Reiss each meet Sally Ride
Stephanie Ross (far right) and Carol Reiss (far left) took turns staffing the USGS booth, and each had an opportunity to meet astronaut Sally Ride (red shirt) when she stopped by the booth.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) team staffed a booth at the Sally Ride Science Festival held at Stanford University on October 4, 2003.

Sally Ride, America's first woman in space, created this national program with the mission of supporting elementary- and middle-school girls in their exploration of the worlds of science, mathematics, and technology.

USGS scientists Carol Reiss and Stephanie Ross displayed spreading-ridge rocks, minerals, and fauna alongside a video of black smokers (hot-water vents at spreading ridges, where mineral-rich water spews from the vents, mixes with cold ocean water, and precipitates tiny particles that make the vent water look black). Available to view through microscopes were artfully displayed microorganisms sampled off Cordell Bank, north of the Farallon Islands, and provided by Mary McGann. A rack full of USGS brochures was nearly emptied by enthusiastic youth and parents!

The Sally Ride Science Club, which sponsored the festival, was created to increase the number of girls who are technically literate and who have the foundation they need to go on in science, math, or engineering.

According to the Sally Ride Science Club, as many elementary-school girls as boys are interested in math and science, but by eighth grade, girls' interest and confidence in their abilities have eroded, even though they perform as well as boys.

The Sally Ride Science Festivals are open to all ages but are especially targeted at sustaining the natural interest of girls in the critical upper-elementary and middle-school ages. This event, which drew about 750 girls and their parents, was an awesome venue in which to share our enthusiasm for the scientific research we conduct here at the USGS.

Related Web Sites
Sally Ride Science Club
Imaginary Lines, Inc.
Sally Ride Science Festivals
Imaginary Lines, Inc.
Western Region Coastal & Marine Geology
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)