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Picture of Zuzu.
The USAID-supported multi-media educational programme for children called TAKALANI SESAME was launched on July 31, 2000. Rave Reviews are arriving at the production office and at USAID from enthusiastic viewers. Here are a few extracts:

Picture of Neno and Zikwe.

Launches of the radio version of TAKALANI SESAME have recently taken place across the country so even more children can benefit from this widely acclaimed educational opportunity. Only 1 in 9 children nationwide has access to pre-school learning. Takalani Sesame on radio has been specifically produced to help fill this gap. Each programme is a fun-filled, interactive learning experience for pre-school children that makes the educational material come alive with music, drama and comedy.

TAKALANI SESAME is brought to the children of South Africa through a partnership USAID is pleased to have with the South African Department of Education, SABC Education, South African Airways, and Sanlam. It is a co-production of Kwasukasukela, Sesame Workshop and Vuleka Productions.

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