USGS - science for a changing world

Florida Integrated Science Center - Gainesville

Nonindigenous Aquatic Species

Aquatic Wildlife is threatened by some species of animals that are not native to our U.S. waters. These species, which scientists label as nonindigenous aquatic species, change or alter habitats, or homes, of native plants and animals. This can result in significant economic impacts and alter the natural balance within aquatic communities. In aquatic environments, these invasive species can be very harmful, or noxious, because the native species are not able to compete with the new species for food.  Habitats are also threatened and native animals may become prey, or food, for the nonindigenous species. Often these species have no natural enemies in their foreign habitats, and their numbers may increase rapidly. Scientists monitor these nonindigenous species and work to protect aquatic habitats.

To learn more about nonindigenous species click on the FAQs below.

Protect Florida's Native Fish flier - click to download

Download and Print:

 <<< Protect Florida's
Native Fish

Exotic Species
Trading Cards

Acrobat PDF format

Exotic Species Trading Cards - click to download

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Zebra Mussels - click to goto FAQs

Zebra Mussels

Swamp Eels - click to goto FAQs

Asian Swamp Eels

Click to goto NAS - Problems with Releasing Aquarium Fish   Problems with Releasing Aquarium Fish   Click to goto NAS - Problems with Releasing Aquarium Fish
here to go to the Nonindigenous
Aquatic Species website.

Clicking these links will take you out of this site to various Florida Integrated Science Center sites..  To return to the Kid´s Corner website, click the "Back" button on your browser.

List of printable Information Sheets about exotic mussels:
Asian Clam
Green Mussel
New Zealand Mudsnail

Click here to view posters on some of the nonidigenous species found around Florida.



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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 03-Apr-2008 14:17:09 EDT