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Wettability Alteration of Aquifer Solids by DNAPL Wastes

EPA Grant Number: U915325
Title: Wettability Alteration of Aquifer Solids by DNAPL Wastes
Investigators: Mozealous, Karen A.
Institution: University of Michigan
EPA Project Officer: Thompson, Delores
Project Period: January 1, 1998 through January 1, 2001
Project Amount: $60,955
RFA: STAR Graduate Fellowships (1998)
Research Category: Fellowship - Environmental Engineering , Engineering and Environmental Chemistry , Academic Fellowships



The objective of this research project is to determine the conditions under which dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) wastes alter the wettability of aquifer solids. This research project will focus on the effects of DNAPL composition, pH, ionic strength, and the order of contact of the DNAPL and water.


A series of bottle tests will be conducted to determine the effects of aqueous pH, ionic strength, and exposure history on the wettability of aquifer sands. Quartz sands will be exposed to aqueous solutions of varying pH values and ionic strengths. These sands, in addition to dry quartz sands, will be contacted with various DNAPL wastes. After the sands have equilibrated with the DNAPL, aqueous solutions prepared over a range of pH values and ionic strengths will be mixed with the DNAPL/quartz system. The tendency of the DNAPL to coat the solid will provide a qualitative measure of the system's wettability. After a DNAPL capable of altering the system wettability is found, contact angle measurements may be made to quantify the changes in wettability. The contact angle between the DNAPL and solid in an aqueous system provides a direct measurement of wettability. These contact angle measurements will be performed for the conditions that altered the wettability in the bottle tests.

Supplemental Keywords:

fellowship, dense nonaqueous phase liquid, DNAPL, wettability, quartz system, aquifer solids.

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