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Other Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Web Sites

This page provides links to non-EPA web sites that provide additonal information about EPP. You will leave the EPA.gov domain and enter another page with more information. exit EPA

There are a number of national and international organizations committed to developing environmentally preferable purchasing standards and products, and/or promoting environmentally preferable purchasing practices. For additional links, please see the Web links for specific products and services and the Database of Environmental Information for Products and Services.

Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI)
BPI is a multi-stakeholder association which promotes the use, and recycling of biodegradable polymeric materials (via composting). The BPI Logo Program is designed to certify and identify plastic products that will biodegrade and compost satisfactorily in actively managed compost facilities. The BPI Web site also includes a list of approved products.

Green Seal
Green Seal is a nonprofit organization that provides environmental certification standards for a wide range of products and services; maintains lists of certified products; and publishes product guides.

McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry (MBDC)
MBDC sets environmental standards and awards a "Cradle to Cradle" certification to products considered healthy for humans and the environment throughout their lifecycles, and products that are sources of high-quality materials for perpetual cycles of assembly, use, disassembly and recycling or composting.

Northwest Product Stewardship Council (NPSC)
The Council aims to integrate product stewardship principles into the policy and economic structures of the Pacific Northwest.

The Product Stewardship Institute (PSI)
PSI is a national non-profit membership-based organization that works with state and local government agencies to partner with manufacturers, retailers, environmental groups, federal agencies, and other key stakeholders to reduce the health and environmental impacts of consumer products.

Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN)
RPN is a member-based network of procurement stakeholders dedicated to improving human health and the environment through best practices, superior products, improved supply, purchasing tools, market education, and peer networking.

Scientific Certification Systems
SCS is a third-party provider of certification, auditing and testing services, and standards on food safety and quality, environmental protection and social responsibility.

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