Ground-water conditions in southern Florida

All data presented on this site are considered to be PROVISIONAL DATA and subject to revision pending further review.

Station Reporting Status, Water levels Prior to the End of August 2008

(--, Data not available; referenced water levels have been measured during on-site inspections; all elevation values are in feet above sea level as represented by the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929); maximum and minimum values refer to instrument-logged water levels collected since the 1982 water year, and prior to the current water year. Stations with less than 5 years of instrumented record are excluded from comparison. )

Station Name USGS Site ID Water level Date and Time Minimum Maximum
Water Years: 1982 to 2007
L -5734 262755082090902 9.40 2008.07.01 10:14 -- --
L -5668R 262513081472002 -- -- -- --
L -5669R 262513081472001 14.05 2008.08.29 12:00 -- --
L-5745R 261926081454702 7.96 2008.08.28 15:00 -- --
L -1965 263353081335801 23.48 2008.08.25 10:49 -- --
L -1059 264517082022101 11.42 2008.07.21 10:35 -- --
L -1110 264241081582401 -- -- -- --
L -1113 264120082022101 -- -- -- --
L -1121 263327081512001 -60.73 2008.06.25 13:20 -- --
L -1136 263532081592202 5.71 2008.08.27 09:47 -- --
L -1137 263950081355402 17.59 2008.08.15 15:19 -- --
L -1138 262703081340202 23.63 2008.08.20 08:38 -- --
L -1418 263630081375301 12.35 2008.08.15 15:31 -- --
L -1598 263233081550301 -33.70 2008.07.01 07:56 -- --
L -1625 263329081394302 17.50 2008.08.25 10:18 -- --
L -1634 262435081535101 37.50 2008.07.01 11:58 -- --
L -1691 262042081455001 10.31 2008.08.29 14:45 -- --
L -1853 262706081435401 10.56 2008.08.28 12:21 -- --
L -1963 263344081361701 19.72 2008.08.25 10:57 -- --
L -1968 263807081430301 15.36 2008.08.21 11:19 -- --
L -1973 263718081485001 -6.94 2008.07.21 09:21 -- --
L -1974 263718081485002 18.07 2008.07.21 09:24 -- --
L -1975 264359081424701 13.23 2008.08.15 10:16 -- --
L -1976 264359081424702 11.93 2008.08.15 10:15 -- --
L -1977 264320081365701 11.99 2008.08.15 10:00 -- --
L -1983 263041081433101 23.52 2008.08.21 10:16 -- --
L -1985 262713081414701 19.29 2008.08.28 10:44 -- --
L -2187 263950081355401 14.40 2008.08.15 15:21 -- --
L -2192 262659081382501 27.76 2008.08.28 10:13 -- --
L -2200 264329081340401 12.61 2008.08.15 10:51 -- --
L -2202 264329081340402 14.30 2008.08.15 10:53 -- --

(--, Data not available; referenced water levels have been measured during on-site inspections; all elevation values are in feet above sea level as represented by the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929); maximum and minimum values refer to instrument-logged water levels collected since the 1982 water year, and prior to the current water year. Stations with less than 5 years of instrumented record are excluded from comparison. )

Station Name USGS Site ID Water level Date and Time Minimum Maximum
Water Years: 1982 to 2007
L -2204 263329081394301 28.30 2008.08.25 10:20 -- --
L -2212 262831081575901 -3.72 2008.07.01 11:15 -- --
L -2216 264608081454101 17.62 2008.08.15 10:00 -- --
L -2217 264608081454102 25.82 2008.08.15 10:02 -- --
L -2244 263242081572101 -16.21 2008.08.27 11:18 -- --
L -2292 263718081485003 -- -- -- --
L -2295 262552081485702 37.20 2008.08.29 11:02 -- --
L -2311 263344081361704 53.40 2008.08.25 11:00 -- --
L -2313 262703081340203 49.74 2008.08.20 08:41 -- --
L -2315 263004082111701 16.40 2008.07.01 10:23 -- --
L -2328 264608081454103 50.70 2008.08.15 10:05 -- --
L -2341 264517081513201 47.60 2008.07.21 09:49 -- --
L -2435 263307081555901 27.10 2008.08.27 11:34 -- --
L -2524 262622082074401 7.90 2008.07.01 09:51 -- --
L -2526 264517082022102 41.20 2008.07.21 10:33 -- --
L -2527 263955082083101 23.90 2008.07.21 11:53 -- --
L -2528 263907081592701 31.30 2008.07.21 11:02 -- --
L -2529 262944081560801 26.40 2008.07.01 11:26 -- --
L -2530 264308081405402 49.90 2008.08.15 14:31 -- --
L -2531 264427081362601 53.30 2008.08.15 10:34 -- --
L -2549 263955082083103 3.99 2008.07.21 11:57 -- --
L -2642 263257081585701 -16.17 2008.07.23 10:49 -- --
L -2643 263253082014201 -3.18 2008.07.23 10:35 -- --
L -2645 263743082041201 9.10 2008.07.21 12:55 -- --
L -2646 264537081552202 10.68 2008.07.21 10:05 -- --
L -2700 264002082012801 -- -- -- --
L -2820 263955082083102 11.60 2008.07.21 11:53 -- --
L -3207 263440082022002 2.77 2008.07.23 10:27 -- --
L - 331 263125081511801 -- -- -- --
L -5641 263115081483501 45.60 2008.08.25 11:41 -- --
L -5648 263249081474401 16.48 2008.08.25 11:23 -- --
L -5664 262514081393402 12.84 2008.08.28 10:25 -- --
L -5673 262331082383202 11.25 2008.08.28 15:30 -- --
L -5708 264433081360601 52.30 2008.08.15 10:05 -- --
L -5720 263249081474402 20.22 2008.08.25 11:25 -- --
L -5730 262351081485401 15.35 2008.08.29 12:45 -- --
L -5735 262706082080201 10.50 2008.07.01 10:07 -- --
L -5737 262706082080202 15.70 2008.07.01 10:04 -- --
L -5766 263138082112801 29.40 2008.07.01 10:31 -- --
L -5801 263115081483502 -- -- -- --
L - 585 262710082005301 26.90 2008.07.01 08:24 -- --
L - 721 264153082022301 4.59 2008.07.21 10:41 -- --
L - 781 263834082005301 -29.03 2008.07.21 11:31 -- --

Funding for the USGS to design and maintain this site has been provided through a cooperative agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Water-level conditions are monitored by the USGS with support from Federal, State, and local cooperators.

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