Ground-water conditions in southern Florida

All data presented on this site are considered to be PROVISIONAL DATA and subject to revision pending further review.

the Biscayne limestone aquifer Sites Reporting Within the Past 14 Days as of October 17, 2008

(--, Data not available; referenced water levels are daily maximum elevation values for ground-water sites, daily mean values for surface-water sites; all elevation values are in feet above sea level as represented by the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929); maximum and minimum values refer to instrument-logged water levels collected since the 1982 water year, and prior to the current water year. Stations with less than 5 years of instrumented record are excluded from comparison. )

Station Name USGS Site ID Water level Date and Time Minimum Maximum
(for month of October, for the period of record )
G - 970 255709080223701 3.41 2008.10.15 12:00 2.47 5.40
F - 291 260010080085001 3.68 2008.10.15 12:00 1.32 6.60
G -1221 260458080134801 2.84 2008.10.15 12:00 1.81 7.00
G -2147 261501080060701 6.12 2008.10.15 12:00 1.92 8.63
G -1260 261903080065601 7.42 2008.10.15 12:00 0.94 9.41
G -2852 261938080101001 9.04 2008.10.15 12:00 5.17 11.13
G -3818 255036080270501 6.14 2008.10.15 12:00 -- --
G -2866 261641080064801 8.87 2008.10.16 12:00 5.78 11.88
G -3552 254138080284401 5.73 2008.10.15 12:00 4.83 7.73
G -2900 260325080113901 2.76 2008.10.15 12:00 1.74 2.63
G -3621 252115080293701 2.83 2008.10.15 12:00 1.99 3.84
G -3619 252243080335501 3.15 2008.10.15 12:00 2.43 4.24
G -3620 252312080320301 2.82 2008.10.15 12:00 2.07 3.70
G -3355 252332080300501 3.24 2008.10.15 12:00 2.22 5.16
G -3356 252502080253901 2.64 2008.10.15 12:00 1.91 3.81
G -1183 252918080234201 2.26 2008.10.15 12:00 1.71 6.23
G - 789 252928080332401 4.52 2008.10.15 12:00 3.28 7.18
G -3622 252955080340701 5.78 2008.10.15 12:00 3.92 7.04
S - 196A 253029080295601 4.43 2008.10.15 12:00 3.13 9.45
G -3437 253400080340401 7.23 2008.10.15 12:00 4.22 7.36
G -3628 253539080320501 5.71 2008.10.15 12:00 4.46 7.85
G -3627 253632080321101 4.67 2008.10.15 12:00 3.96 8.27
G -3626 253708080304201 5.09 2008.10.15 12:00 4.31 8.03
G - 596 253937080304001 5.99 2008.10.15 12:00 4.52 8.27
G -3272 253952080321501 7.39 2008.10.15 12:00 5.57 8.42
G - 580A 254000080181002 2.67 2008.10.15 12:00 2.37 8.30
G - 620 254000080460001 7.97 2008.10.15 12:00 5.83 8.51
G -1487 254054080295401 6.67 2008.10.15 12:00 4.66 7.70
G -3557 254112080294201 6.24 2008.10.15 12:00 5.53 8.17
G -3553 254152080282101 5.46 2008.10.15 12:00 4.57 7.64
G -3551 254158080294501 6.25 2008.10.15 12:00 5.79 8.03

(--, Data not available; referenced water levels are daily maximum elevation values for ground-water sites, daily mean values for surface-water sites; all elevation values are in feet above sea level as represented by the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929); maximum and minimum values refer to instrument-logged water levels collected since the 1982 water year, and prior to the current water year. Stations with less than 5 years of instrumented record are excluded from comparison. )

Station Name USGS Site ID Water level Date and Time Minimum Maximum
(for month of October, for the period of record )
G -3575 254206080294701 6.74 2008.10.15 12:00 6.30 8.31
G -3577 254207080300201 7.23 2008.10.15 12:00 6.65 8.33
G -3578 254210080304801 7.26 2008.10.15 12:00 6.79 8.39
G -3558 254334080284401 5.65 2008.10.15 12:00 4.75 7.62
G -3576 254442080305201 7.41 2008.10.15 12:00 6.94 8.55
G -3559 254445080295001 6.20 2008.10.15 12:00 5.79 7.97
G -3574 254446080295501 6.52 2008.10.15 12:00 6.17 8.18
G -3465 254823080175201 2.29 2008.10.15 12:00 0.79 5.68
G - 975 255208080274001 6.50 2008.10.15 12:00 5.25 7.65
G - 852 255437080103201 3.97 2008.10.15 12:00 1.58 6.53

Funding for the USGS to design and maintain this site has been provided through a cooperative agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Water-level conditions are monitored by the USGS with support from Federal, State, and local cooperators.

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