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Fact Sheet - July 2007

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USAID/OTI Somalia - Fact Sheet

July 2007

USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) supports peace and reconciliation in Somalia by encouraging inclusive dialogue and processes necessary for the formation of a government of national unity within the framework of the Transitional Federal Charter with an eye toward the 2009 elections. To this end, OTI and USAID's Office of Conflict, Mitigation and Management support the implementation of the National Reconciliation Congress (NRC). A successful and inclusive NRC will further the mandate of the Transitional Federal Charter by broadening and formalizing genuine political dialogue and addressing critical issues of political and social reconciliation.

In support of the NRC, OTI funds the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) peace and reconciliation program in Somalia to promote the independence and strengthen the capacity of the National Governance and Reconciliation Committee (NGRC), which is tasked with organizing the NRC. UNDP provides technical assistance and advice to the NGRC, serves as a coordinating mechanism for the International Advisory Committee Working Group, and promotes progress toward completion of essential tasks related to NRC implementation. The NRC will provide the necessary venue for all the clans and other stakeholders — through their independently selected traditional leaders and civil society representatives — to discuss Somali unity, disarmament and security, property dispute mechanisms, democratization, good governance, preparation for census and elections, and resources- and power-sharing mechanisms as outlined in the Transitional Federal Charter.

For further information, please contact:
In Washington, D.C: Victoria Rames, OTI/Africa Program Manager, 202-712-4899,

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Mon, 16 Jul 2007 08:21:06 -0500