USAID From the American People



HIV/AIDS Multisector

RAPIDS provides pyscho-social support to Orphaned and Vulnerable Children. Photo: Renuka Naj - USAID/Zambia
RAPIDS provides pyscho-social support to Orphaned and Vulnerable Children. (Photo: Renuka Naj,USAID/Zambia).


Zambia is experiencing the health, economic and social impacts of a mature HIV/AIDS epidemic. The epidemic has affected all aspects of social and economic growth in the country. It has devastated individual families, weakened all areas of the public sector, and threatened long-term national development. Despite some evidence that the epidemic may have reached a plateau, there remains an urgent need for an integrated response from all sectors of the GRZ, FBOs, NGOs, the private sector, and collaborating agencies. HIV/AIDS remains an overwhelming development challenge in Zambia.

Sixteen percent of Zambian adults are HIV+ (women - 18%, men - 13%). In urban areas, two in five women aged 25-39 are infected. Prevalence is significantly higher among young females than their male counterparts.. Among those aged 15-19, rates are 7% among females and 2% among males. Prevalence rises, however, among those aged 20-24 (females - 16%, males - 4%). Mother-to-child transmission also contributes significantly to disease burden. Currently, over 20,000 infants are newly infected each year. In addition to those infected, many others feel the impact. It is estimated that 920,000 people in Zambia are infected with HIV out of a total population of approximately 10 million. The number of persons dying as a result of AIDS is estimated at 89,000 per year, leaving behind a growing number of AIDS orphans, currently estimated at 801,000. Nevertheless, new cases appear to be declining as high-risk sexual behaviors become less common. Despite declining incidence, mortality is likely to continue climbing for at least a few more years.

In Zambia, high prevalence rates are fueled by early initiation of sex, unprotected sex with non-regular partners, concurrent sexual partnerships, low incidence of condom use among high risk groups and individuals, sexual violence against women, and poverty that forces women and girls to sell sex for food, good grades, small gifts, or money. The most at risk individual in Zambia, however, is the seronegative partner in a discordant couple. Annually there is an 11.8% seroconversion of negative partners. It is estimated that 21% of couples are discordant in Lusaka. Other groups at comparatively high risk include highly mobile populations such as migrant workers, sex workers, long distance truck drivers, minibus drivers, refugees, prisoners, uniformed personnel (such as the military and police), and fishmongers.

Knowledge of HIV/AIDS is fairly universal in Zambia. The DHS conducted in Zambia in 1996 and 2002 reported that the proportion of men and women having ever heard of AIDS remained at 99%. The 2002 survey showed that 77.9% of women and 85.5% of men knew of two or more ways of avoiding HIV/AIDS. From 1996 to 2002, the percentage of Zambians that believed that there was no way to prevent HIV/AIDS increased for men from 2.3% to 4.2% and decreased for women from 8.6% to 6.1%.

The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is providing significant financial resources to fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic and increase prevention, care and treatment services in Zambia. In Zambia, PEPFAR is implemented through a joint agency team that includes USAID, CDC, DOD, Peace Corp and the State Department under the leadership of the US Ambassador. PEPFAR goals set for Zambia are:

• 398,000 new HIV infections averted by 2010, • 600,000 individuals affected by HIV/AIDS receiving care including people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) by 2008 • 120,000 individuals with advanced AIDS receiving ART by 2008

All HIV/AIDS activities in the mission are PEPFAR funded through the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator. The SO9 Team coordinates PEPFAR planning, monitoring and evaluation within the USAID/Zambia mission and facilitates participation of all development sectors in HIV/AIDS activities.

The SO9 Team has developed an intense, integrated and coordinated response through multisectoral approaches to deal with the challenges posed by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. SO9 is also supporting other sectors—agriculture and economic growth, health, education and democracy and governance to rapidly scale up prevention, care and treatment programs to respond to sector needs. In addition, SO9 is strategically expanding private and public sector HIV/AIDS workplace programs which are initiated with leadership and planning from the key sectors and ministry teams beyond the health sector. Establishing program ownership and direction in additional sectors -- especially economic growth, agriculture, education and the judiciary enhances new HIV/AIDS approaches, open new channels of communication and strategically take advantage of the unique structure and cultural dimensions of diverse training institutions, work settings and community constituencies. Specific details of activities being implemented are outlined in the following section.


RAPIDS is a consortium led by World Vision International in partnership with Africare, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Expanded Church Response (ECR), Salvation Army, World Vision Zambia, and the Population Council. This is a six-year (2004-2010) Program, $57,481,437 Program. RAPIDS covers 53 districts throughout Zambia to provide home- and community-based care for people living with AIDS, care and support for Orphans and vulnerable children, youth livelihood and promotion of abstinence among youth, and household resilience and improved food security for those affected by HIV/AIDS. In addition, RAPIDS provides policy and programmatic support at the National Level for OVCs.

RAPIDS Offices are situated at Plot No. F/377A/29/E Sable Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka.

Contact details: Tel: +260-211-263609, +260-211-263476, +260-211-263575; Fax: +260-211-263718; Email:

SHARe is a six-year (2004-2010), $20,967,314 program implemented by JSI Research and Training Institute with the following sub-partners: Initiative, Inc., Abt. Associates, ZHECT and CHAMP. The purpose of the SHARe is to: (1) expand access to HIV prevention, treatment and services through workplace programs that will result in increased use of prevention, care and treatment services leading to reduced employee absenteeism; (2). strengthen the capacity of coordinating bodies in the public and private sector at the national, provincial and district level as well as faith-based, community-based and other local organizations, to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate HIV/AIDS activities; and, (3). strengthen the policy and regulatory environment to protect PLWHA and those affected by HIV/AIDS. SHARe works to make religious, political, and traditional leaders (including leaders among PLWHA) to be a driving force in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

SHARE offices are situated at Stand No. 26031, Football House, Alick Nkhanta Road, Lusaka.

Contact details: Tel: +260-211-255616-19; Fax: +260-211-254548: Email:

BizAIDS is a three-year (2005-2008), $1,625,909 implemented by the International Executive Service Corp (IESC). The project has three interrelated components: (1) basic HIV/AIDS information/workplace program, (2) business planning in light of HIV/AIDS; and (3) legal rights and opportunities in light of HIV/AIDS. BizAIDS trains participating businesses in HIV/AIDS prevention, mitigation and care and support. It provides information to business owners and their employees on how they can protect themselves from contracting HIV, plan their business in light of HIV/AIDS, and on how they can access legal services to deal with the challenges brought by HIV/AIDS in the business operations, including the role of Wills on protecting business enterprises from collapse in case of death of the owner. BizAIDS promotes HIV Counseling and Testing among owners and employees of micro and small businesses in Eastern, Southern, and Western Provinces and trains local trainers through the District Business Associations.

BizAIDS offices are situated at Stanchart Building in the Show Grounds, Lusaka.

Contact details: Tel: +260-211-255046-19; Fax: +260-211-252369: Email:

SUCCESS "RETURN TO LIFE" is a two–year (2006-2008), $9,750,000 program implemented by Catholic Relief Services(CRS) focusing on palliative care. SUCCESS prioritizes building local capacities to: first, increase access to comprehensive home-based care (HBC)and support; and second, increase the capacity of SUCCESS partners to implement and manage sustainable, effective HBC programs. SUCCESS HBC partners with the Catholic Dioceses in Mongu, Mansa, Mpika and Solwezi for implementation of SUCCESS activities and is expanding to three additional Dioceses. Through the support of USAID and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, SUCCESS strengthens services offered as well as logistical support to faith-based hospices and is fostering linkages with other USG funded programs for support to OVCs and for anti-retroviral treatment (ART). SUCCESS also works with the American Health Alliance (AIHA) to support twinning between the Zambia Palliative Care Association (PCAZ) and regional palliative care institutions such as the African Palliative Care Association (APCA).

CRS SUCCESS offices are situated at Plot No.106/108, Great East Road, Rhodespark, Lusaka.

Contact details: Tel: +260-211-224126; +260-211-224131; +260-211-224135; Fax: +260-211-224118; Email:

AFRICA KIDSAFE (AKS) Program is a three–year (2004-2007), $1,715,782 program implemented by Project Concern International (PCI). The primary purpose of this program is to consolidate and expand a safety net of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that work with communities and families to effectively meet the immediate and long-term needs of street and at-risk children throughout Zambia. Funding for this program was provided by Displaced Children and Orphan Fund (DCOF) in Washington, DC. activities include: (1) building the capacity of local NGOs and CBOs to design, implement, evaluate, and sustain effective programs meeting the needs of street children and those at risk of ending up on streets; (2) reducing the movement of at-risk children to the streets by increasing the care-giving capacity of families; (3) reducing the number of children on the streets, through outreach, family tracing and re-integration; and (4) meeting the basic needs of street children through on-going service provision on the streets and at AKS centers.

Africa Kidsafe offices are situated at Plot No. 9086 Kasiba Road, off Lubu Road, Longacres, Lusaka:

Contact details: Tel: +260-211-256735/36/37; Fax: +260-211-256737; Email:

The Zambian Corridors of Hope HIV/AIDS Prevention Initiative (COH II) is a three-year, $11 million comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention project concentrated on seven of the highest HIV prevalence border and transport corridor areas in Zambia: Livingstone, Kazungula, Chipata, Katete, Kapiri Mposhi, Chirundu, and Ndola. The prime contractor for Corridors of Hope II is the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) and Family Health International FHI) is the primary implementing partner. Three Zambian NGOs deliver the services at the sites. These are Zambia Health Education and Communications Trust (ZHECT), Afya Mzuri, and the Zambia Interfaith Networking Group on HIV/AIDS (ZINGO). In addition, COH II works with the District Health Management Teams (DHMTs), District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs), and other service delivery teams.

COH II HIV/AIDS prevention activities target residents of the border and corridor communities and most at risk populations (MARPs). Services include counseling and testing (CT) services, STI screening and treatment, condom social marketing, interpersonal counseling for behavior change, outreach work, and youth prevention activities for in- and out-of-school youth.

Corridors of Hope offices are situated at Plot 560, Independence Avenue, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-211-256493/5; Fax: +260-211-256494

SO9 coordinates numerous centrally funded projects that focus on providing care and support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) including:

World Concern - World Concern is working through six faith-based organizations in Zambia to provide services to OVCs. The program provides quality services to OVCs such as education, health care services. The program also trains church and community leaders on sustainability of OVC programs. Families/caregivers for OVCs are trained in home-based care for OVCs and Income Generation.

World Concern offices are situated at Multimedia Zambia Premises, Bishops Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-211-260508, Cell: +260-966-751481.

Opportunity International – Opportunity International in partnership with Habitat for Humanity is working to improve the ability of OVCs and their caretakers to obtain secure livelihoods and address basic shelter needs. In Zambia, Opportunity International has partnered with Christian Enterprise Trust of Zambia (CETZAM), a micro enterprise institution which provides micro-finance. The major portion of funding will be used for renovation and construction of shelter for 120 OVC families.

CETZAM offices are situated at Mukuba Pension House, Dedan Kimathi Road, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-211-260508, Cell: +260-966-751481.

CRS CHAMP OVC Project – This project improves the lives of children and their guardians affected by HIV/AIDS in three CRS SUCCESS home-based care project areas to integrate OVC support and palliative care services. The project provides psychosocial support to OVCs, trains guardians on parenting skills, mobilizes communities to meet the needs of OVCs, and provides comprehensive, high quality services such as education, health care, psychosocial, nutrition, economic and legal support.

CRS OVC offices are situated at Plot No.106/108, Great East Road, Rhodespark, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-211-224126; +260-211-224131; +260-211-224135; Fax: +260-211-224118.

Christian Aid – This is a 5-year project whose objective is to strengthen, develop and expand effective community based approaches to support and care that lead to improved quality of life for boy and girl OVC. Christian Aid has Ndola Diocese, Lusaka Diocese, CHEP and FHT as sub-partners.

Christian Aid offices are situated at 49 Independence Avenue, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-211-256510, Fax: +260-211-256511.

FHI FABRICS – The objectives of this project are to increase implementing partners’ technical and management capacity to implement OVC programs and also to increase community support for OVC and their families. This project also strengthens the economic status of OVC households.

FHI offices are situated at Plot 2055, Nasser Road, Rhodespark, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-211-257331/2

Hope Worldwide – This project increases comprehensive and integrated care and support for OVC. It also increases the capacity of affected families to care for and support OVC.

Hope Worldwide offices are situated at 6 Wusakile Crescent, Off Paseli Road, Northmead, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-955-748210, +260-977-748210

Hope for African Children Initiative (HACI) – The objectives of this project are to improve access to quality education, psycho-social support and community based care for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS and, increase the capacity of OVC, families and communities to best mobilize and manage the resources needed for outreach.

HACI offices are situated at Plot 3552, Chikwa Road, Cathedral Hill, Lusaka. Contact details: +260-211-256284, Fax: +260-211-256286.

PCI BELONG Project – This project increases the availability of critical OVC support services, including formal or informal education, literacy/numeracy training, life skills education, medical care, nutritional support and psychological support. It also strengthens the capacity of older OVC and of households providing care for OVC to support themselves and their children through economic empowerment initiatives.

Project Concern International- Zambia, Plot No. 9086 Kasiba Road, off Lubu Road, Longacres, Lusaka. Contact details: Tel: +260-211-256735/36/37; Fax: +260-211-256737; Email:

In addition to the above-mentioned centrally funded projects, five more New Partnership Initiative (NPI) have just started activity implementation. These are: (1) Kara Counseling, (2) Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, (3) Luapula Foundation, (4) Catholic Missions Medical Board, and (5) Mothers2Mothers. For additional information on these activities please contact the SO9 Team Team on Tel: 254303/6, extension 177.

For additional information on these activities please contact the SO9 Team on Tel: +260-211-254303/6, Extension 177.

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