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Alternatives to Submitting a FOIA Request

Much EPA information is already available to the public without having to make a FOIA request. Please consider the following options before you submit a FOIA request. If the information is not available on the Web, please send e-mail to the Region 5 FOIA office at r5foia@epa.gov or submit a FOIA request using our online form.

Region 5 Office of Public Affairs maintains numerous publications, brochures, applications, and other printed material for general distribution to the public. Phone them at (312) 353-2072 or (800) 621-8431 (from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin).

Region 5 Superfund Division maintains a FOIA Web site.

EPA publications
Publications - Full text or abstracts of EPA publications.
Publications (NSCEP) - Central repository for EPA publications which are available free of charge.
Publications (NEPIS) - Print or order EPA publications including many which may no longer be available in print.

EPA databases
Envirofacts - Envirofacts is a data warehouse which permits access to all EPA databases currently available for public use. Search the databases and generate reports from this partial list of databases:

Other online databases which contain information directly from EPA or relevant information through their respective missions:

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Environmental Collection - Search this database for many EPA publications available for purchase.
Government Information Locator System (GILS) - GILS identifies public information resources within the Federal Government. GILS is a decentralized collection of agency-based information locators which directs users to relevant Federal Government information resources.

Other Federal agencies that work regularly with Region 5:
Army Corps of Engineers
Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Coast Guard


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