USAID From the American People



USAID/Zambia's Economic Growth Program

1. Increased Private Sector Competitiveness

Despite Zambia's potential in the agricultural and natural resources sectors, the country has been unable to register itself as a competitive market player locally, regionally and internationally. The main constraints to agricultural development and small-scale rural agribusiness competitiveness in the last decade have been: 1) lack of capacity, clarity and consistency within Zambian Government to generate and implement liberalization policies conducive to private sector-led agricultural growth; 2) poor market access and under-developed markets that limit production; 3) inadequate sources of finance and capital; 4) low farm and firm-level production and productivity due to inadequate provision of technical information, limited use of modern production and value-adding technologies, and absence of business management services.

To respond to these issues, the Economic Growth Program, as part of USAID/Zambia's Country Strategic Plan for 2004-2010, aims to contribute towards increasing competitiveness of Zambian farmers and firms, and has adopted "Increased Private Sector Competitiveness" as the theme of its program. Activities under the program focus on attaining significant improvements in Zambia's competitive position within the region and internationally, enabling Zambia to achieve trade-based rural economic growth and poverty reduction.

2. Activities and Partners

2.1. USAID Funded Projects

PROFIT (Production, Finance and Improved Technologies) Project - CLUSA

The project’s aim is to increase smallholder client production and productivity by reducing costs of production and, together with private and public sectors, extend services to some 100,000 small farmers in high economic potential areas in Zambia. The project focuses on value chains and on the development of support industries, such as financial services and inputs. (Chief of Party: Mike Mailloux, Tel. +260-211-251-371,

MATEP (Market Access, Trade and Enabling Policies) Project - DAI

MATEP focuses on increasing the level of Zambian agriculture and natural resources exports into regional and international markets through overcoming policy, tariff, non-tariff barriers to trade and forging linkages. (Chief of Party: Dr. Scott Simons, Tel. +260-211-291-569,

FSRP (Food Security Research Project) - Michigan State University

FSRP builds capacity among agricultural sector planners to achieve improved policy making through applied agricultural economic research, policy analysis, outreach and dialogue. (Chief of Party: Prof. Mike Weber, Tel. +260-211- 234-539,

Land O'Lakes

The Land O'Lakes dairy development program targets vulnerable small-scale farmers who are taught animal husbandry and fodder crop production, and subsequently provided with one dairy cow and veterinary services. Milk collection centers are provided with technical assistance to ensure quality and timely sale to urban-based processors. (Chief of Party: Tim Durgan, Tel. +260-211-265-046,

2.2. USAID Funding To Zambian Institutions

Zambia Agribusiness Technical Assistance Center (ZATAC) - Copperbelt Economic Diversification Project

This is a public-private partnership (Global Development Alliance), providing technical assistance and equipment to farmer business groups in a traditional Copperbelt mining area. These groups are engaged in adding value to primary commodities through modern farming methods such as irrigation, and small-scale processing, as well as developing market linkages. (CEO: Likando Mukumbuta, Tel. +260-211-263-512,

Zambia Agricultural Commodity Agency (ZACA)

ZACA issues warehouse receipts against agricultural commodities stored in warehouses, which they certify to be safe and secure. The receipts, defining the quality and quantity of a given commodity are used as collateral (instruments of title) in obtaining commercial loans against the stored commodities. (The Warehouse Examiner: Tel. +260-966-862-671,

The Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF)

The Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF), established in 1998, is a platform for stakeholder consultation, information sharing, networking, and institutional capacity strengthening within the agricultural sector. Through ACF Advisory Notes, the government is provided with key inputs for policy decisions, representing the views of sector stakeholders. (Coordinator: Dr. Hyde Haantuba, Tel. +260-211-260-767)

For further information about the USAID/Zambia Economic Growth program, please contact Mr. Dann Griffiths (+260-211-254-303/304/305/306 Ext. 110, or Mr. Jan Nijhoff (+260-211-254-303/304/305/306 Ext. 226,

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