USAID From the American People



Doing Business with USAID/Zambia

Company Registration

USAID/Zambia strongly encourages our Partner organizations to make every effort to fully comply with all Zambian laws. Zambia requires many businesses to register with the Patents and Companies Registration Office. The PACRO website provides very useful information on who must register and what procedures must be followed.

Employment Permits

Zambia requires all non-diplomatic expatriates who plan to work in Zambia to obtain an Employment Permit. This may be obtained from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Immigration. Detailed procedures for obtaining Employment Permits are outlined on this link.

Study Permits

Study Permits are required for foreign nationals of all ages who intend to study at a recognized learning Institution in Zambia. Recognised learning Institutions are those that are registered with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Persons planning to undertake formal studies at registered educational institutions in Zambia should apply for a Student Permit before travel to Zambia. Applications should be lodged with the Head Office of Zambia Immigration Lusaka.

Vehicle Registration

The registration/redbook for project vehicles must not be in the name of USAID or the U.S Embassy. It is the responsibility of the Implementing Partners to register title of all vehicles they operate in the name of their parent organization. USAID will provide a letter to Zambian Customs to certify that the vehicle being registered is funded through USAID.

For those vehicles that have already been registered in the name of USAID, U.S. Embassy, the name of the project, or any name other than the legal parent organization, the following procedure will allow them be to be re-registered correctly:

1. Submit the original Customs book (Red Book) and Customs clearance documents to the USAID Executive Officer with a memo clearly stating the correct legal name of the parent company or organization.

2. The Executive Officer will sign a letter to Zambia Revenue Authority, Customs, requesting to have the Customs registration book re-issued in the correct name: e.g. SHARE project- registration will be changed to the parent organization, John Snow Inc.

3. Implementing Partner will take the USAID letter and the Customs books to the Customs Office, along Dedani Kimathi Road, Room 4 (off Church Road near Zambia Central Police Post). If the vehicle/s were cleared recently (less than six months ago), use the same clearing agent to re-clear the vehicle(s). The process to change the books should take no more than four days.

4. When the revised Redbook(s) is/are issued by Customs, take them to the Road Safety Agency (along Lumumba Road) to re-register the vehicle/s.

For new purchases, please ensure that the clearing agent is advised in advance that the vehicle must be registered the correct name of the parent organization

Schools in Lusaka

Bullseye American International School

Bullseye International School of Lusaka

Bullseye Baobab College

For further information or assistance, contact Executive Officer, Mr. Jeff Sharp, or Deputy Executive Officer, Ms. Mwansa Deurwaarder. USAID/Zambia, P.O. BOX 32481, Lusaka, Zambia, Tel +260-211-254-303 and
Fax No.+260-211-254-532.

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