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OFG > Help Page > Quick Order
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If you are familiar with UNICOR part numbers, use Quick Order to add products to your cart without having to navigate throughout the store. If you encounter a problem, please review the following circumstances for possible resolution:

1. The part number is available for purchase in another UNICOR store in which case you must navigate to that store using the Home button to make your purchase. A message will appear to advise which store carries that product.

2. The product requires some configuration (color, inc, imprinting, etc.) in which case you will be offered a link to navigate to the product page to finalize your selection.

3. The stock number is valid but not available for purchase online. You may request a price quote online or you may call our Customer Services Center at 1-800-827-3168 for assistance. You may also FAX a purchase order to 1-859-254-9692.

4. The stock number you entered does not match anything sold by UNICOR. Please check your entry carefully for accuracy or call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-827-3168 for assistance or e-mail custserv@central.unicor.gov.

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