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Visiting Atlanta?

The EPA Region 4 office is located in the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center (AFC) at 61 Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303-8960. EPA is located on floors 9 through 16 of the building.

Access for Visitors

The AFC is a 24-hour building with visitor hours of access from 8 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. on weekdays. There is limited access to the building after hours and on weekends. The main entrance to the building is located on Forsyth Street. Visitors to the AFC must go through the metal detector, sign in with the security desk and be accompanied by an employee.

About this Web site

This Web site was designed to help those visiting Region 4 on business. We have specifics about hotels and restaurants in the area, transporation around Atlanta and a few things that you might like to do while you are here visiting our fair city. We do not endorse any of the establishments on this Web page, but have provided links as a service for our visitors.


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