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Ecological Tools for Contaminated Sediments


Contaminated sediments are of interest to a broad group of programs in the agency.

  • OERR and the Regions are interested in monitoring contaminated sediments to characterize/assess existing conditions, determine remediation alternatives, track spatial and temporal changes, and determine if post-remediation goals have been achieved.
  • The Office of Water, Regions, and states are interested in contaminated sediments because they impact designated uses established in State water quality standards.
  • Office of Science and Technology (OST) is interested in contaminated sediments because they have been given a charge to conduct a comprehensive national data survey regarding the quality of aquatic sediments in the United States.

Because of these varied needs, a consistent approach to monitoring the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics/conditions of contaminated sediments across all of EPA's programs would be advantageous. To address the chemical, physical, and biological monitoring issues associated with contaminated sediments, collaborative efforts will be sought across ORD labs and Regions to work on sites where multiple issues can be addressed simultaneously.

Various approaches, methods, and techniques can be tested in a common contaminated environment, maximizing the efficiency and comparability among the results of the proposed activities. For example, NERL, NRMRL and NHEERL have proposed to use a site based approach (e.g., Lake Hartwell) to develop and demonstrate various remote sensing and ecological tools and approaches.

NERL/EERD research has focused on the use of small short-lived fish as indicators of pre- and post-remediation to determine if changes can be detected sooner in these fish than in longer-lived game or bottom dwelling fish. This research will provide OERR and OW with a valuable tool to rapidly determine the effectiveness of remedial clean up operations without having to wait to observe the effects in longer-lived or bottom dwelling fishes.

In addition, research will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of remediation operations by conducting pre- and post-remediation toxicity assessments, bioassessments (periphyton, macroinvertebrates and fish monitoring), and toxicogenomic assessments. Included in this proposed research effort will be the development of molecular biological methods to provide new data on the bioavailability, fate and transport of contaminants in sediments. These methods will use several water column and sediment organisms to monitor the real-time bioavailability of these contaminants and their movement between compartments.

New and unique data would be integrated into the aquatic components of existing aquatic ecosystem compartmental models (NERL-RTP) to assist in the characterization of the mass balance of sediment contaminants at a collaborative ORD contaminated sediments field study site (e.g., Lake Hartwell). In addition, we have proposed to use an emerging tool in stream ecology, stable isotope analysis, to develop a mechanistic understanding of energy and material flux within PCB contaminated streams and lakes and their food webs.

Stable isotopes techniques have been used to track biomagnification of PCBs in marine and lake food webs but similar applications in streams have not been explored. We also hypothesize that PCBs cycling in littoral (i.e., near-shore) and pelagic (i.e., open water) food webs of PCB contaminated sites may delay natural recovery. An analysis of food web dynamics and biomagnification pathways would improve our ability to forecast recovery and interpret current data on PCB levels in fishes of concern.

We propose to evaluate new and existing data sets for parameterizing a food web model of Lake Hartwell. Other ecological tools will be assessed for their ability to monitor real-time bioavailability of contaminants as they partition across media.


The objective of this research is to address the risk management goals of ORD's Contaminated Sites Research Program in the area of contaminated sediments: "How can we better assess and document the short- and long-term effectiveness of remediation approaches (e.g., dredging vs capping vs monitored natural attenuation (MNA)?" and "How can any short-term negative impacts from the use of one of these options be reduced?". The areas in this research include: the miniturization of sediment toxicity tests & elutriate comparability with whole sediment assays; and bioassays; development and demonstration of ecological tools for sediment monitoring to assess toxicity; and the use of stable isotope analysis, to develop a mechanistic understanding of energy and material flux within PCB contaminated streams and lakes and their food webs. Stable isotopes techniques will be used to track biomagnification of PCBs and other persistent bioaccumulative contaminants in lake food and stream food webs using a site based approach in collaboration with other ORD labs' contaminanted sediment research.


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