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Set pixels to NULL using a mask cube

Overview Parameters


This program masks (or NULLs) pixels in an input cube. The input cube is NULLed using a mask cube. This is done by specifying a minimum/maximum pixel range in the mask cube. Pixels which fall outside the range in the mask will be set to NULL in the output cube. Pixels inside the range will be propogated from the input cube to the output. An option exists to reverse the masking process so that pixels outside the range are preserved, and pixels inside the range are NULLed.



Kris Becker1990-12-03 Original version
Tracie Sucharski2002-06-19 Ported to Isis 3.0
Kim Sides2003-05-13 Added application test
Stuart Sides2003-05-16 Modified schema location from astogeology... to isis.astrogeology..."
Stuart Sides2003-07-29 Modified filename parameters to be cube parameters where necessary

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube to mask
MASK Mask cube
TO Output cube

Mask Options

Name Description
MINIMUMMinimum value of range to mask
MAXIMUMMaximum value of range to mask
PRESERVEIndicates whether to preserve pixels inside or outside of range.

Special Pixels

Name Description
SPIXELSSpecial pixels to include as mask

Files: FROM


Use this parameter to select the filename. All bands within the file will be masked.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Files: MASK


Use this parameter to select the filename to be used as the mask.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
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Files: TO


This file will contain the results of the masked cube

Type cube
File Mode output
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Mask Options: MINIMUM


This defines the minimum range of valid data in the mask cube.

Type double
Internal Default ISIS minimum
Less Than or Equal MAXIMUM
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Mask Options: MAXIMUM


This defines the maximum range of valid data in the mask cube.

Type double
Internal Default ISIS maximum
Greater Than or Equal MINIMUM
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Mask Options: PRESERVE


This parameter indicates whether the pixels chosen to mask are within the range given or outside of the range given. If INSIDE, pixels inside of given range will be masked. If OUTSIDE, pixels outside the range will be masked.

Type string
Default INSIDE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
INSIDE Mask inside range If the mask pixel is inside the given range (indicated with the MINIUMUM and MAXIMUM parameters), the input pixel will be preserved in the output cube, otherwise it will be NULLed.
OUTSIDE Mask outside range If the mask pixel is outside the given range (indicated with the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM parameters), the input pixel we be preserved in the output file, otherwise it will be NULLed.
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Special Pixels: SPIXELS


This indicates which special pixel values are to be included as valid pixels in the mask. For example, a NULL in the mask cube will cause the output to be NULL if the NULL or ALL option is selected. If NONE was selected, then the input pixel would be propagated to the output cube.

Type string
Default NULL
Option List:
Option Brief Description
NONE None No special pixels are considered valid in the mask.
NULL Null pixels Null pixels will be included in the mask.
ALL All special pixels All special pixels included in the mask range
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