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Cleans a HiRISE image using Alan Delamere's's clean_image application

Overview Parameters


hiclean implements Alan Delamere's version of HiRISE image radiometric calibration as coded in his IDL program called clean.pro. Mike's general approach is to use the calibration data acquired for each image and compute statistics from it used to characterize instrument conditions at the time the image is acquired. This data includes the reverse clock, mask, buffer and dark current data that is stored in Isis objects within all HiRISE Isis cubes. These objects are sometimes referred to as Binary Large OBjects,

Excerpts from Alan's description of his algorithm:

Step 1. Average all the usable masked pixels in each column including buffer and
 dark for the 18 binned lines for bin 1, 9 lines for bin 2 and 4 lines for bin 4
. Floating point array of 1052 columns for bin 1, 540 columns for bin 2 and 284 
columns for bin 4.
Step 2. Subtract this line from every line in the image.

Cimage_dark, image, info
The dark region has had subtracted from it the dark current generated in the mas
k area by the above procedure. It should be a nominal zero value except for drif
t and temperature change during imaging
Step 1. Average the last twelve columns of each line and produce a floating poin
t array of n lines long.
Step 2. Apply an 11 point smoothing to this dark array. [I have tried a number o
f different smoothing approaches including using median and averaging of differe
nt lengths. For the recent dark images the 11 point smoothing produced the minim
um observable degradation.]
Step 3. Subtract the smoothed value from each line in the array.

The actual code used is given below.

What are the residual errors from this method?
1.      The masked area pixels are closer to the hot amplifier than the image pi
xels. The temperature of the CCD will rise during imaging so insufficient dark c
urrent may not be removed.
2.      There is an unexplained negative value in the binned area prior to the d
ark area. This is the biggest error. For bin 2 it is about 15-30 DN.
3.      Other?

Essential algorithm extracted from code below
  ave_lines,image,21,20+maskbinend,masked       ;All columns in masked
for I = 0L,nlines-1 do a(0,i)=image(*,i)-masked         ;all columns have masked
dark   = smooth(dark,11)
for i  = 0L,nlines-1 do a(12:(nc-17),i)  = image(12:(nc-17),i)-dark(i)*bin
;Note bin not bin^2
for i  = 0L,nlines-1 do a(0:12,i)  = image(0:12,i)-dark(i)
for i  = 0L,nlines-1 do a(nc-16:nc-1,i)  = image(nc-16:nc-1,i)-dark(i)

In addition to those changes, some consideration has been given to situations where bad missing (null) data exists in the mask and dark calibration data. Bad data could occur in these areas when gaps occur in the dowlink of the file from the spacecraft or other anomolies. Also, LookUp Tables (LUTs) can cause data saturation if they are not carefully considered prior to use.

In cases of missing data in the mask region, the minimum and maximum of the data after averaging each column is computed. For low saturated and null special pixels, the minimum mask average value is used. For high saturation special pixels, the maximum is used.

For the dark pixel calibration data, an 11 pixel wide filter is applied after averaging each line in this region. This replaces any missing data with the average of the 11 pixel filter. If data is wider than 11 pixels in this data, nulling of image data will result.

Under any condition valid data is nulled due to insufficent calibration data in either region, hiclean terminates with and error. The resulting output files is retained, however - just in case it is useable.



Kris Becker2005-12-19 Original Version
Kris Becker2006-02-19 Discovered an off-by-one index issue when computing drift correction. It amounted to approximately 2 DN difference.
Kris Becker2006-03-14 Changed to use the median statistic for computations involving calibration. The average is still used to gather quantitative data on the radiometric calibration process.
Elizabeth Miller2006-06-21 Modified the cleaning sequence and added the propagation of the cleaned blobs
Kris Becker2006-08-04 There was a bug in how the line-by-line cleaning was being performed. Basically, drift correction for all lines were done using dark and buffer statistics from the first line. Also, the 100 line filter was not being used in the drift correction. These problems have been fix. This fix has also nearly halved the processing time. Image statistics are now added to the Application log file instead of standard output.
Kris Becker2006-10-26 This version is a nearly complete rewrite based upon a simplified version of an Alan Delamere algorithm. It also targets bloody IR10_1 and avoids using the last 2000 lines or so of calibration data, propagating the last occuring dark current drift. Furthermore, it will terminate with an error if any valid data is NULLed due to bad calibration, which can occur in gaps or bad LUTing.
Kris Becker2006-11-06 Not enough lines in IR10_1 were being ignored in the dark current drift corection. Changed 2000 to 3100.
Kris Becker2006-11-22 Separately count nulls induced through mask and dark correction and report them to user and add to labels. Also throws a Math error when either of these counts are not zero. This can be detected when the exit status is 9. The ouput TO image is retained for further use when this condition is raised so decisions can be made as to its usefulness.
Steven Lambright2008-05-12 Removed references to CubeInfo

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input cube to calibrate
TO Output cube
CLEANSTATS Produce output of statistics generated for the cleaning operation

Files: FROM


The name of the cube to which the cleaning operation is to be applied. Note that although it is possible to take the ancillary data from one file, compute the statistics from it, and apply it another, this is currently not supported.

Type cube
File Mode input
Filter *.cub
Close Window

Files: TO


Use this parameter to specify the name of the output cube. If you do not include an extension of ".cub" it will be added automatically.

Type cube
File Mode output
Pixel Type real
Close Window



The contents of this file will contain all the statistics generated for the cleaning process. This includes mask pixels and dark buffer calibration data applied to the image data.

Below is a partial listing of what is being written to the output file:

Group = ImageStatistics
  File          = TRA_000865_1905_BG12_0.cub
  Lines         = 2500Group = ImageStatistics
  File          = TRA_000865_1905_BG12_0.cub
  Lines         = 2500
  Samples       = 256
  MaskAverage   = 1072.7843309859
  MaskStdDev    = 44.159718656799
  BadMaskPixels = 0
  DarkAverage   = 17.311132445657
  DarkStdDev    = 6.9278509333753
  BadDarkPixels = 0

Group = CalibrationStatistics
  Binning           = 4
  TDI               = 32
  CPMM              = 4
  Channel           = 0
  FirstImageSample  = 12
  FirstImageLine    = 33
  FirstBufferSample = 0
  FirstDarkSample   = 268

*** Dark and Mask Correction Buffers ***
       Row      Dark    Column      Mask
       -33  -9.69508       -12      1110
       -32   -9.9678       -11      1041
       -31  -9.83144       -10      1050
       -30  -9.83144        -9      1050
       -29   -9.9678        -8    1054.5
       -28  -10.1042        -7      1059
       -27  -9.83144        -6      1076
       -26  -9.83144        -5   1063.25
       -25  -10.1042        -4      1059
       -24  -9.69508        -3      1059
       -23  -9.28598        -2      1076
       -22  -9.28598        -1      1059
       -21  -9.28598         0    968.25
       -20  -9.14962         1      1050
       -19  -8.87689         2    1084.5
       -18  -8.60417         3   1114.75
          .        .                   .          .
          .        .                   .          .
          .        .                   .          .

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Close Window