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Tonematches cubes prior to mosaicking

Overview Parameters Example 1


This program can be used to tonematch or equalize the brightness and/or contrast of the input cubes prior to mosaicking. All cubes must be in a common map projection as this program will use the mapping information to gather statistics in overlapping areas. This is done on a band-by-band basis as well. The statistics are used in a least squares solution to determine multiplicative and additive corrections to each image. The user has the option to stop the processing and examine the statistics and corrective factors. Alternatively, the processing can continue and the corrective factors will be applied to each image (by making sure the APPLY checkbox is ticked). The actual equation to be used for each band in each cube is:

            newdn(s,l,b)   =   (olddn(s,l,b) - avg(b)) * MULT(b) + avg(b) + BASE(b)
            s = sample index
            l = line index
            b = band index

While equalizing, the user can think of adjusting the brightness and/or contrast of the cubes. The default is to adjust both, however, if the brightness (average) of all the cubes is the same, then simply adjusting the contrast may suffice. Likewise, if the standard deviation of all the cubes is similar, then a contast adjustment is not necessary. Adjusting for contrast only implies the BASE values will be held to zero. Similarly, adjust for brightness implies the MULT values will be held to one.

The BASE and MULT values are computed independently for each image, therefore we have two least squares computations with N unknowns, where N is the number of cubes to be equalized. The overlaps, M, between all the cubes are computed and in some cases M < N. This implies an underdetermined system. The program will report an error if this occurs. You can hold one or more cubes to alleviate this problem. Holding a cube forces MULT and BASE to 1.0 and 0.0 respectively.

If the APPLY option is selected, the equalized cubes will be named the same as the input cubes with the addition of a '.equ' prior to the '.cub' extension.


Related Applications in Previous Versions of Isis

This application replaces the following applications existing in previous versions of Isis, which have been deprecated from the current version of Isis:
  • b4equal
  • equalizer


Kay Edwards1994-05-24 Original version
Elizabeth Ribelin2005-06-25 Ported to Isis 3.0
Elizabeth Ribelin2005-10-04 Changed categoryItem to Photometry and Radiometry
Brendan George2005-11-07 Added application test
Elizabeth Miller2006-01-12 Made SD default contrast mode (PCA may have errors)
Jeff Anderson2007-07-16 Fixed memory leak
Jeff Anderson2008-04-09 Modified to solve system using QRD which is faster the SVD
Steven Lambright2008-05-12 Removed references to CubeInfo
Tracie Sucharski2008-06-12 Modified call LeastSquares Solve due to change to LeastSquares Solve method.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROMLIST List of cubes to equalize
TO Text file containing thorough equalization related statistics
HOLDLIST List of filenames to hold
APPLY Apply correction to the cubes


Name Description
ADJUST Algorithm type used to adjust the pixel values.
CMODE The constrast mode to use for the equalization


Name Description
MINCOUNT Minimum number of points in overlap area required to be used in the solution
WEIGHT Weight overlaps



A list of map projected cubes to equalize. The Mapping groups must match in order to do the equalization.

Type filename
File Mode input
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Files: TO


This file will contain the statistics of all of the overlapping areas in every band along with the computed equalizing factors (BASE and MULT). Specifying this output file is optional.

Type filename
File Mode output
Internal Default None
Filter *.txt *.lis *.lst
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List of cubes that are to be held in the equalization. An additive and a multiplicative factor of 0 and 1 will be applied to all cubes that were held. All cubes listed in this file must also be contained in FROMLIST.

Type filename
Internal Default None
Filter *.txt *.lis *.lst
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Files: APPLY


This option allows the user to decide whether they want to do the equalization calculations only, or do the calculations and apply the correction to the images. If the APPLY option is not selected, you must specify a TO file. If it is selected you can still optionally specify a TO file and the MULT/BASE values will be applied to each input cube. The output cubes will be named the same with the exception of ".equ" extension (e.g. "foobar.cub" becomes "foobar.equ.cub").

Type boolean
Default TRUE
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LeastSquaresOptions: ADJUST


Choose the fit option to select the algorithm to use to adjust the pixel values. The CONTRAST mode will equalize using only a multiplier (the base will be set to 0.0), and the BRIGHTNESS mode will equalize using only a base (the multiplier will be set to 1.0). The BOTH option will equalize using both a base and a multiplier. In most cases this option will give you the best results.

Type string
Default BOTH
Option List:
Option Brief Description
BOTH Adjust the Brightness and Contrast of the images. This option will use an algorithm that equalizes both the brightness and contrast of the images.
CONTRAST Adjust the Contrast of the images only This option will use an algorithm that only equalizes the contrast of the images. This option should only be used if the brightness of the images are already close.
BRIGHTNESS Adjust the Brightness of the images only This option will use an algorithm that only equalizes the brightness of the images. This option should be used only if the variance/standard deviation of the images is close.


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LeastSquaresOptions: CMODE


The input images can be mosaicked together using one of two contrast modes, principal component analysis or standard deviation. The pricipal component analysis mode fits pixels using the slope of a line of best fit of brightness between the cubes, and the standard deviation mode fits pixels using the ratio of the standard deviations of the brightness values in each cube. This option only effects the computation of the MULT.

Type string
Default SD
Option List:
Option Brief Description
SD Standard Deviation Fit Mode Calculates the contrast adjustment using the ratio of the standard deviations of the brightness values in each cube.
PCA Principal Component Analysis Fit Mode Calculates the contrast adjustment using the slope of a line of best fit of the brightness values between the two cubes.
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OverlapOptions: MINCOUNT


If the number of points in the overlap area meets or exceeds this value, the area will go into the solution. Otherwise it will not be included.

Type integer
Default 1000
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OverlapOptions: WEIGHT


This option allows the user to decide whether they want to weight the least squares solution based on how large the overlap area is, or if they want no weighting at all.

Type boolean
Default FALSE
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Example 1

Io Images Equalized


This example shows the use of the equalizer application. The defaults are adjusting both the brightness and contrast in the Standard Deviation Fit Mode (SD).

Command Line

equalizer fromlist= ../FromList.lst holdlist= ../HoldList.lst
Specify a list of Io images to equalize along with a holding list that enables the necessary calculations to be performed. All other options are at default values.

Input Image

Mosaic of unequalized input images

Mosaic of the input images for equalizer

Parameter Name: FROMLIST

This is a a small section of the input images for the equalizer example mosaicked together.

Output Image

Output image of mosaic showing results of the equalizer application.

Mosaic of the output images for equalizer

This is a small section of the equalized output images mosaicked together.