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Isis 3

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Isis 3 Documentation

Installing Isis

Downloading and installing Isis 3



Isis 3 applications are compiled and linked on our local systems. We provide copies of some of the necessary third party libraries, but we can not provide them for all operating system, hardware and distribution combinations. Other libraries are assumed to be available from your installation. As we upgrade to new software and hardware we may introduce incompatibilities with older platforms. In some cases we will not have the resources to resolve all problems, but we will attempt to remain compatible within reason and our resource limits.

1) Find Disk Space

The current distribution of Isis 3 contains over 200 applications. It includes the complete source, binaries, documentation, and libraries necessary to run the applications. Note: This does not include 3rd party binaries and header files necessary for developing Isis applications. The data area is available as a seperate download. Be aware, the full data area is very large (many 10s of GBs). This includes SPICE kernels for CASSINI, Clementine1, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Viking, and others. Other missions are included as they become available in Isis.

We suggest you install Isis3 in a work area, away from any existing Isis2.x installations. Change your current working directory to where you want isis3 installed and create a directory named isis3. The rsync commands in step 2 will place all of Isis and the SPICE kernels under this directory. If you are looking for Isis 2, please refer to the Isis 2 Installation Guide for instructions on downloading and installing Isis 2.


        $ cd /work1
        $ mkdir isis3
        $ cd isis3

2) Download Isis3

We are distributing Isis3 using an rsync server. If the "rsync" command is is not available on your system please see your system administrator. To download Isis3 follow the example for your hardware and operating system combintion. Make sure to include the "." at the end of the "rsync" commands - if you don't, you will only get a download listing.

Example for Linux x86:

        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3_x86_linux/isis .

Example for Linux x86 64-bit:

        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3_x86-64_linux/isis .
Warning: We are no longer building Isis 3 for Linux SuSE 9.X, RedHat Enterprise 3, 4 or equivalent systems.

Example for Solaris Sun:

        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3_sparc_sunos/isis .
Isis 3.1.17 will be the last version to support the Sun Solaris platform.

Example for MacOSX PowerPC:

        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3_powerpc_darwin/isis .

Example for MacOSX Intel:

        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3_intel_darwin/isis .

3) Get the Isis3 data files

The data area is seperate from the source code. This data area is crucial to Isis3 and must be downloaded too.

Perform this step from the same directory you ran the previous rsync command from. In the example it was "/work1/isis3".

To download all Isis3 data files use the following command.

        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3data/data .

To download specific Isis3 mission data files use the following commands. Please note: Reguardless of the mission you must have the base data. Some valid missions are: cassini, clementine1, galileo, lo, messenger, mgs, mro, odyssey, viking1, viking2.

        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3data/data/base data/
        rsync -azv --delete isisdist.wr.usgs.gov::isis3data/data/{missionName} data/ 

4) Set up your environment

Isis3 needs to know where all its pieces are located. We use an environment variable called "ISISROOT" to do this. For the above example set ISISROOT to as follows:

for C shells:

        setenv ISISROOT /work1/isis3/isis

for Bourne shells:

        export ISISROOT

Run the startup script for Isis. This script assumes you installed the Isis 3 data area in the same directory you installed the Isis 3 package. If you did not do this, you will need to modify the script to meet your needs.

for C shells:

        source $ISISROOT/scripts/isis3Startup.csh

for Bourne shells:

        . $ISISROOT/scripts/isis3Startup.sh

If you encounter any problems we will be monitoring our discussion board daily and will respond to any questions as best we can.

Isis Support Center

Information and Warnings

Isis 3 and Isis 2 will have collisions of executable names (e.g., pds2isis exists in both systems). It is best to remove initializations of Isis 2 from your startup file otherwise you may get unpredictable results.

The shell script used to set your environment to run Isis3 modifies the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. This may cause problems for other programs as we utilize several 3rd party libraries (Qt, Xerces, etc)

The installation for Isis 3 does not allow the installer to choose what data sets to install or where to put them. The only control is through the destination directory in the rsync command. If you choose to move the data area you will need to modify the isis3Startup.xxx script.

Document History

Deborah Lee Soltesz2004-03-24Added missing flags to rsync command
Stuart C. Sides2005-09-27Updated for isis 3.0.8
Stuart C. Sides2006-05-12Updated for isis 3.0.18
Jeff Anderson2006-10-30Remove references to beta version
Jac Shinaman2007-01-18Updated for isis 3.1.5 - Mac OS X
Steven Koechle2008-04-09Added rsync options for data
Stuart sides2008-09-22Updated for 3.1.17