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Home > News Room > USAID and IIAM hand-over cassava seedlings
10 October 2007

In a ceremony held at the National Institute for Agriculture Research (IIAM), attended by the Vice Minister of Agriculture Catarina Pajume, USAID/Mozambique Mission Director Todd Amani and representatives of CARE and Save the Children (SCF), took place the first hand-over of disease-free cassava plantelets generated by the IIAM's tissue culture laboratory. These plantelets will be taken to CARE and SCF sites in Nampula Province for subsequent hardening off and multiplication.

USAID Mission Director Todd Amani and Vice Minister of Agriculture Catarina Pajume hand-over disease-free cassava seedlings to partners
USAID Mission Director Todd Amani and Vice Minister of Agriculture
Catarina Pajume hand-over disease-free cassava seedlings to
representatives of CARE and Save the Children.