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IPEC University of Tulsa (TU)

Grant Number R827015

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  • Abstract (9)
  • Book (1)
  • Book Chapter (6)
  • Dissertation/Thesis (7)
  • Journal Article (19)
  • Meeting (23)
  • Paper (1)
  • Presentation (46)
  • Proceedings (17)
  • Symposium (6)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Abstract Gieg LM, Duncan KE, Suflita JM. Anaerobic paraffin biodegradation. In: Abstracts of the 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Vienna, Austria, August 20-25, 2006. X832428C002 (2006)
    not available

    Kirkpatrick WD, White PM, Thoma GJ, Wolf DC, Reynolds CM, Gbur EE. Field study to evaluate phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil. In: Agronomy Abstracts. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, 2001.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available

    Kirkpatrick WD, White, Jr PM, Wolf DC, Thoma GJ, Reynolds CM. Germination and survival of plant species in a crude oil-contaminated soil. In: Agronomy Abstracts. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, 2000, p. 256.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available

    Kirkpatrick WD, White PM, Thoma GJ, Wolf DC, Reynolds CM, Gbur EE. Plant response to N addition in petroleum-contaminated soil. In: Agronomy Abstracts. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, 2001.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available

    Kuder T, Philp P. Stable isotope analysis in remediation of gasoline oxygenates and hydrocarbons. In: Abstracts of the International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, 2005.

    R827015C032 (2005)
    not available

    Nanny MA, Andrus VE, Philp RP. Evidence for adsorption and biodegradation mechanisms facilitating humate-induced remediation of petroleum-contaminated surface soils. In: Extended Abstracts of the 21st International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Krakow, Poland, September 8-12, 2003.

    R827015C022 (Final)
    not available

    Nanny MA, Andrus VE, Philp RP. Humate-enhanced remediation of crude oil-contaminated surface soils: Adsorption studies and microcosm results. In: Extended Abstracts for the Environmental Chemistry Division, 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 23-27, 2003.

    R827015C022 (Final)
    not available

    White, Jr, PM, Kirkpatrick WD, Wolf DC, Thoma GJ, Reynolds CM. Survival and growth of five plant species in a petroleum-contaminated soil. In: Agronomy Abstracts. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, 2000, p. 255.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available

    White Jr. PM, Wolf DC, Thoma GJ, Reynolds CM, Gbur EE. Effects of plants and fertilizer on the remediation of crude oil-contaminated soil. In: Abstracts of the International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, November 10-14, 2002 (available on CD-ROM).

    R827015C018 (Final)
    not available

    Smith DK. Handbook on Well Plugging and Abandonment. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Corp. 1993, pp. 1049-1057.

    R827015C024 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter D. Parkinson and E.A. Paul, "Microbial Biomass." in Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiolocical Properties, A.L. Page, Ed., American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. (1983) p. 821. R827015C003 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter

    Evans GW, Carter LG. Bonding studies of cementing compositions to pipe and formations. Drilling and Production Practice 1962. New York, NY: American Petroleum Institute, 1963.

    R827015C024 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter

    Gilmour JT. Carbon and nitrogen mineralization during co-utilization of biosolids and composts. In: Brown S, Angle JS, Jacobs L, eds. Beneficial Co-utilization of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial By-products. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, pp. 89-112.

    R827015C018 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter Janzen HH, Carter MR. Soluble salts. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 1993:161-166 R827015C002 (2000)
    not available
    Book Chapter Page AL. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2: Chemical and Microbiological Properties. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. 1983: R827015C003 (Final)
    not available
    Book Chapter K. Demnerova, M. Mackova, P. Kucerova, M.B. Leigh H. Novakova, J. Burkhard and T. Macek. 2000. Practical use of bioremediation for PCB removal from contaminated soil. Focus on Biotechnology, M. Hofman and J. Anne, series eds., Vol. 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Bowen, M.L. 1999 A mathematical model of phytoremediation of hydrocarbon impacted soils including an L-system approach to rhizosphere volume estimation, Masters Thesis Univ. Arkansas, Fayetteville. R827015C007 (2000)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Busch-Harris J. Assessing microbial ecology and intrinsic biodegradation in groundwater impacted by benzene, methyl tertiary-butyl ether, and tertiary-butyl alcohol using Bio-sep.® The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 2006. R830633 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Coughlin, S. 2002. A conceptual model of ecological risk in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Oklahoma State University, Department of Zoology. MS Thesis. R827015C011 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Lam TB. Novel approach to measurement of rhizosphere effect in phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soils. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 2006. R830633 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Singh S. Remediation of brine contaminated soils with hay. Thesis. Unversity of Tulsa, 2004. R827015C025 (Final)
    R830633C002 (Final)
    not available
    Dissertation/Thesis Youssef N. Bacillus lipopeptide biosurfactants: purifications, structure-activity relationship, and in-situ production in oil reservoirs. The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 2006. R830633 (Final)
    not available

    White Jr. PM. Phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil. M.S. Thesis. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 2002.

    R827015C018 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Childs JD, Acosta E. Surfactant-enhanced treatment of oil-based drill cuttings. Journal of Energy Resources Technology 2005;127(2):153-162. R827015C009 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Davidova I, Hicks MS, Fedorak PM, Suflita JM. The influence of nitrate on microbial processes in oil industry production waters. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2001;27(2):80-86 R827015C008 (2000)
    R827015C008 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Duncan, K. E., R. Kolhatkar, G. Subramanim, R. Narasimhan, E. Jennings, S. Hettenbach, A. Brown, C. McComas, W. Potter, K. Sublette. 1999. "Microbial dynamics in oil-impacted prairie soil." Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 77-79: 421-434. R827015C002 (2000)
    not available
    Journal Article Geyer R, Peacock AD, Miltner A, Richnow H-H, White DC, Sublette KL, Kastner M. In situ assessment of biodegradation potential using biotraps amended with 13C-labeled benzene or toluene. Environmental Science & Technology 2005;39(13):4983-4989. R830633 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
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  • Journal Article

    Kopinke FD, Georgi A, Voskamp M, Richnow HH. Carbon isotope fractionation of organic contaminants due to retardation on humic substances: implications for natural attenuation studies in aquifers. Environmental Science & Technology 2005;39(16):6052-6062.

    R827015C032 (2005)
    not available
    Journal Article Kuder T, Wilson JT, Kaiser P, Kolhatkar R, Philp P, Allen J. Enrichment of stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes during anaerobic biodegradation of MTBE: Microcosm and field evidence. Environmental Science & Technology 2005;39(1):213-220. R827015C032 (2005)
    R830633C005 (2005)
  • Full-text: ACS Publications Full Text
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  • Abstract: ACS Publications Abstract
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  • Other: ACS Publications PDF
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  • Journal Article Kuder T, Philp P. Modern geochemical and molecular tools for monitoring in-situ biodegradation of MTBE and TBA. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 2008;7(1):79-91. R830633C005 (2006)
    R830633C005 (Final)
  • Full-text: SpringerLink Full Text
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  • Abstract: SpringerLink Abstract
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  • Other: SpringerLink PDF
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  • Journal Article Nanny, M.A.; Andrus, V.E., and Philp, R.P. (2003) "Chemical Characterization of Humate." in progress, to be submitted to Organic Geochemisty. R827015C012 (2001)
    not available
    Journal Article Nanny, M.A.; Andrus, V.E., and Philp, R.P. (2003) "Humate-enhanced Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Surface Soils: Combined Sorption and Biodegradation Processes." in progress, to be submitted to Environmental Science and Technology. R827015C012 (2001)
    not available
    Journal Article Nanny, M.A.; Andrus, V.E., and Philp, R.P. (2003) "Petroleum Sorption Capacity of Humates: A Potential Organic Geomaterial for Remediation." in progress, to be submitted to Environmental Science and Technology. R827015C012 (2001)
    not available
    Journal Article Rios-Hernandez, L. A., Gieg, L. M., and Suflita, J. M. Biodegradation of an alicyclic hydrocarbon by a sulfate-reducing enrichment from a gas condensate-contaminated aquifer. (2003) Applied and Environmental Mirobiology, 69, (1), 434-443. R827015C017 (2002)
    R827015C017 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Sublette KL, Tapp JB, Fisher JB, Jennings E, Duncan K, Thoma G, Brokaw J, Todd T. Lessons learned in remediation and restoration in the Oklahoma prairie: a review. Applied Geochemistry 2007;22(10):2225-2239. R830633 (Final)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Journal Article Sublette K, Jennings E, Mehta C, Duncan K, Brokaw J, Todd T, Thoma G. Monitoring soil ecosystem recovery following bioremediation of a terrestrial crude oil spill with and without a fertilizer amendment. Soil and Sediment Contamination 2007;16(2):181-208. R830633 (Final)
  • Abstract: InformaWorld Abstract
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  • Journal Article

    Thoma GJ, Lam TB, Wolf DC. A mathematical model of phytoremediation for petroleum contaminated soil: sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Phytoremediation 2003;5(2):125-136.

    R827015C018 (2002)
    R827015C018 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Thoma GJ, Lam TB, Wolf DC. A mathematical model of phytoremediation for petroleum-contaminated soil: model development. International Journal of Phytoremediation 2003;5(1):41-55. R827015C018 (Final)
    R830633 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Townsend GT, Prince RC, Suflita JM (2003) Anaerobic oxidation of crude oil hydrocarbons by the resident microorganisms of a contaminated anoxic aquifer. Environmental Science and Technology 37:5213-5218 R827015C004 (2001)
    R827015C017 (2002)
    R827015C017 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article White PM, Wolf DC, Thoma GJ, Reynolds CM. Influence of organic and inorganic soil amendments on plant growth in crude oil-contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation 2003;5(4):381-397. R827015C018 (Final)
    R830633 (Final)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Ziegler SE, White PM, Wolf DC, Thoma GJ. Tracking the fate and recycling of 13C-labeled glucose in soil. Soil Science 2005;170(10):767-778. R830633 (Final)
  • Full-text: Soil Science Full Text
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  • Abstract: Soil Science Abstract
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  • Journal Article

    de Acevedo GT, McInerney MJ. Emulsifying activity in thermophilic and extremely thermophilic microorganisms. Journal of Industrial Microbiology 1996;16(1):1-7.

    R827015C021 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Fletcher, John S. Phytoremediation of Organic Contaminants. Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. Mar 28-30, 2002. Okayama, Japan. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Thoma, G.J., T.B. Lam, S. Ziegler, D.C. Wolf, R.M. Reynolds. 2001. A mathematical model of phytoremediation of crude oil contaminated soils. In 8th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference. 6-9 November 2001. Houston, TX. R827015C018 (2002)
    not available
    Meeting Kropp, K.G.; Mormile, M.R.; and Suflita, J.M. 2000. Anaerobic biodegradation of MTBE and alternative gasoline oxygenates. Environmental Protection Agency/American Petroleum Institute MTBE Biodegradation Workshop, February, Cincinnati, OH. R827015C004 (2000)
    not available
    Meeting Ulrich, G.A., Suzuki M., Hollingsworth M., Suflita, J.M., Steger J., Davidova I.A. 2001. Evaluation of enhanced anaerobic biodegradation via sulfate amendment to treat an aquifer at a refinery. The Eighth International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Issues and Solutions in Exploration, Production and Refining. November 6-9, 2001, Houston, Texas. R827015C014 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Leigh, May Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle, Martina Mackova and Thomas Macek. Field Studies Examining Rhizosphere-enhanced PCB Degradation in the Czech Republic. Seventh Annual International petroleum Environmental Conference, November 7-10, 2000. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Leigh, Mary Beth, J.S. Fletcher, D.P. Nagle, M. Mackova, T. Macek. Field Studies in Rhizosphere Bioremediation of PCBs. ISEB 2001 Meeting on Phytoremediation. May 15-17, 2001, Leipzig, Germany. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting White, Jr., P.M., G.J. Thoma, D.C. Wolf, and E.E. Gbur. 2002. Field scale phytoremediation Phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil. In 8th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference. 6-9 November 2001. Houston, TX. R827015C018 (2002)
    not available
    Meeting White, P.M., W.D. Kirkpatrick, G.J. Thoma, D.C. Wolf, C.M. Reynolds, and E.E. Gbur. 2001. Field study to evaluate phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. R827015C018 (2002)
    not available
    Meeting Andrus, V.E.; Nanny, M.A.; Philp, R.P. (2002) "Humate-enhanced remediation of crude oil-contaminated surface soils: Adsorption studies and microcosm results." Extended Abstracts of The 225th American Chemical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2003. R827015C012 (2001)
    not available
    Meeting Lee R. Krumholz, and Chao-Hsiang Wang. Microbial Treatment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). The 7th International Petroleum Environmental Conference. Albuquerque, NM. R827015C006 (2000)
    R827015C006 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Lee R. Krumholz, and Mark Hasegawa. Microbial Treatment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). The 6th International Petroleum Environmental Conference. Houston, TX. R827015C006 (2000)
    R827015C006 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Leigh, Mary Beth and John Fletcher. Mulberry root flavones as stimulators of rhizosphere remediation. Seventh International Petroleum Environmental Conference, November 7-10,2000. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Leigh, Mary Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle, Petra Kucerova, Martina Mackova and Tomas Macek. PCB-degrading bacteria in the rhizosphere: a field study in the Czech Republic. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Missouri and Missouri Valley Branches. April 5-6, 2002, Kansas City, MO. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Kirkpatrick, W.D., P.M. White, G.J. Thoma, D.C. Wolf, C.M. Reynolds, and E.E. Gbur. 2001. Plant response to N addition in petroleum-contaminated soil. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. R827015C018 (2002)
    not available
    Meeting Fletcher, John S., Mary Beth Leigh, Paul Olson. Remediation of recalcitrant soil contaminants through the action of nature's injection system, the root. Organic Soil Contaminants Conference, Sept. 2-5, 2001. Copenhagen, Denmark. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Fletcher John, Mary Beth Leigh, David P. Nagle, Petra Kucerova, Martina Mackova, Tomas Macek. Rhizosphere Remediation: A Field Study in the Czech Republic. 8th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment. Sept. 1-4, 2002, Athens, Greece. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Childs J., Sabatini D. A., Acosta E., and Scamehorn J. F. Surfactant Enhanced Ex-Situ Washing of Oil-Impacted Soils and Drill Cuttings. 9th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference. Albuquerque, N.M. October 24, 2002. R827015C009 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Childs J., Sabatini D. A., Acosta E., and Scamehorn J. F. Surfactant Enhanced Treatment of Oil-Based Drill Cuttings and Oil-Contaminated Soils. 8th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference. Houston, TX. November 7, 2001. R827015C009 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Childs J., Sabatini D. A., Acosta E., and Scamehorn J. F. Surfactant Enhanced Treatment of Oil-Based Drill Cuttings and Oil-Contaminated Soils. 7th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference. Houston, TX. November 8, 2000. R827015C009 (2001)
    R827015C009 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Childs J., Sabatini D. A., Acosta E., and Scamehorn J. F Surfactant Phase Behavior with Hydrophobic Oils: From Drill Cuttings to Detergency. 93rd AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 7, 2002. R827015C009 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting G. Todd Townsend, Roger C. Prince, and Joseph M. Suflita. The Anaerobic Biodegradability of Whole Gasoline. IPEC Meeting, Albuquerque, NM - October. R827015C004 (2001)
    not available
    Meeting Fletcher, John S., Paul Olson, Mary Beth Leigh. The Plant Root: A Natural Injection System to Stimulate Microbial Degradation of Recalcitrant Soil Contaminants. ISEB 2001 Meeting on Phytoremediation. May 15-17, 2001, Leipzig, Germany. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Meeting Kim Carter, Brooke Mason, Laura Ford, Thomas Harris, and Kerry Sublette, The Use of Hay in the Remediation of Oilfield Brine-impacted Soil. 8th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, November 2001. R827015C016 (2002)
    not available

    Plaza J. A stock tank emissions model based on gas solubility. Technical paper submitted to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Technical and Career Conference 2004 Chicago, IL, January 7-11, 2004.

    R827015C023 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Arjunan J, Yeri S, Stevens EW, Barfield BJ, Gasem K. Application Of Polyacrilimide To Enhance Silt Fence Performance. Presentation at IPEC Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. R827015C030 (Final)
    R830633C003 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Ford L, Singh S, Carter K, Sublette KL, Duncan K. Remediation of brine spills with hay, continued. Presented at the 10th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 2003. R827015C025 (Final)
    R830633C002 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Ford L, Singh S, Cater K, Sublette KL, Duncan KE. Remediation of brine-impacted soil with organic matter: microcosms. Presented at the 11th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 2004. R827015C025 (Final)
    R830633C002 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Gieg LM, McInerney MJ, Suflita JM, Jenneman G. Evaluation of commercial, microbial-based products to treat paraffins in oil production operations. Presented at the 11th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 12-15, 2004. R827015C021 (Final)
    R830633C006 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Gieg LM, Duncan KE, Suflita JM. Anaerobic paraffin biodegradation. Presented at the 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Vienna, Austria, August 20-25, 2006. X832428C002 (2006)
    not available
    Presentation Greer KM, White Jr. PM, Wolf DC, Thoma GJ, Ziegler SE. Evaluation of field scale phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil. Presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Fayetteville, AR, April 4-5, 2003. R827015C018 (Final)
    not available

    Greer KM, Ziegler SE, Thoma GJ, Davis KJ, et al. Influence of abiotic factors on hexadecane biodegradation in a Captina silt loam. Presented at the Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium, Tulsa, OK, October 12-15, 2004.

    R827015C028 (2004)
    not available

    Greer KM, Ziegler SE, Thoma GJ, Davis KJ, et al. Influence of abiotic factors on hexadecane biodegradation in a Captina silt loam. Presented at the 11th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 12-15, 2004.

    R827015C028 (2004)
    not available

    Greer KM, Ziegler SE, Thoma GJ, Davis KJ, et al. Microbial degradation of hexadecane in soil. Presented at the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Annual Meetings, Madison, WI, 2004 (available on CD-ROM).

    R827015C028 (2004)
    not available

    Harestad K, et al. New tool improves success ratio for balanced plug cementing. SPE paper 35084. Presented at the 1996 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, LA, March, 12-15, 1996.

    R827015C024 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P, Wilson J, Allen J. Compound-specific isotope analysis applied to MTBE biodegradation studies. Presented at the 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Seville, Spain, 2005. R827015C032 (2005)
    R830633C005 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P. Stable isotope analysis in remediation of gasoline oxygenates and hydrocarbons. Presented at the 12th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, 2005. R830633C005 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T. Stable isotope analysis of MTBE. Presented at the Evaluating Monitored Natural Attenuation of MTBE & TBA Preconference Workshop, 2005 NGWA Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals, Costa Mesa, CA, 2005. R830633 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P. Stable isotope analysis in remediation of gasoline oxygenates and hydrocarbons. Presented at the 13th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2006. R830633C005 (2006)
    R830633C005 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P, Allen J. Forensic geochemistry—stable isotope fingerprinting of gasolines. Presented at the 14th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, 2007. R830633C005 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P, Yang X, Allen J. Monitoring of MTBE attenuation by stable isotope analysis. Presented at the Stable Isotope Conference—Stable Isotope Tools for the Assessment of Chemical and Microbial Transformation Reactions in Complex Natural and Contaminated Environments, Mt. Verita, Switzerland, 2007. R830633C005 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P, Allen J. Stable isotope fractionation resulting from biotic and abiotic MTBE attenuation processes. Presented at the 2007 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2007. R830633C005 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P, Allen J. Stable isotope fractionation resulting from biotic and abiotic MTBE attenuation processes. Presented at the 23rd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Torquay, United Kingdom, 2007. R830633C005 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Kuder T, Philp P, Allen J. Stable isotope fractionation resulting from biotic and abiotic MTBE attenuation processes. Presented at the 2007 AEHS Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments & Water, Amherst, MA, 2007. R830633C005 (Final)
    not available

    Kuder T. Stable isotope analysis of MTBE included in: evaluating monitored natural attenuation of MTBE & TBA. To be presented at the Preconference Workshop, 2006 NGWA Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference, Houston, TX, November 6-7, 2006.

    R827015C032 (2005)
    not available

    Lam TB, Thoma G, Wolf D, Ziegler S. Novel approaches to measurement of rhizosphere effects in phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils. Presented at the 11th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 12-15, 2004.

    R827015C028 (2004)
    not available

    Lam TB, Thoma G, Wolf D, Ziegler S. Novel approaches to measurement of rhizosphere effects in phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils. Presented at the Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium, Tulsa, OK, October 12-15, 2004.

    R827015C028 (2004)
    not available

    Plaza J. A stock tank emissions model based on gas solubility. Poster submitted to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Midwestern Expo, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, November 6-9, 2003.

    R827015C023 (Final)
    not available

    Plaza J, Babcock RE. A stock tank emissions model based on gas solubility. Presented at the 10th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 11-14, 2003.

    R827015C023 (Final)
    not available

    Savin MC, Ziegler SE, Thoma GJ, Davis KJ, et al. Nematodes as ecological indicators during phytoremediation of a crude oil-contaminated soil. Presented at the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Annual Meetings, Madison, WI, 2004 (available on CD-ROM).

    R827015C028 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Shah SN, Jeong YT. Development of an environmentally friendly and economical process for plugging abandoned wells. Presented at the 10th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 11-14, 2003. R827015C024 (Final)
    R830633C001 (2003)
    R830633C001 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Shah SN, Jeong YT. The flow characteristics of fly ash slurry for plugging abandoned wells using coiled tubing. Presented at the 2003 International Ash Utilization Symposium, Lexington, KY, October 20-22, 2003. R827015C024 (Final)
    R830633C001 (2003)
    R830633C001 (Final)
    not available

    Shah SN, Zhou Y. An experimental study of drag reduction of polymer solutions in coiled tubing. SPE paper 68419. Presented at the 2001 SPE/ICoTA, Houston, TX, March 7-8, 2001.

    R827015C024 (Final)
    not available

    Shah SN. Standard specification for fly ash and raw calcined natural pozzolan for use as a mineral admixture in Portland cement concrete. Presented at the ASTM C 618-94a, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1995.

    R827015C024 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Stevens EW, Christianson RD, Barfield BJ. Hydraulics of flow through and along silt fences. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Meeting Paper No. 04-2234. Joint ASAE and CSAE/SCGR Annual International Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 2004. R827015C030 (Final)
    R830633C003 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Stevens EW, Barfield BJ, Gasem K, Yeri S, Arjunan J. The Failure Avoidance And Effective Silt Fence Technology (FAEST): Modeling And Laboratory Evaluation. Paper and presentation at IPEC Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. R827015C030 (Final)
    R830633C003 (2004)
    not available
    Presentation Sublette KL, Jennings EM, Busch-harris J, Mehta C, Duncan K, Brokaw J, Todd T, Thoma G. Nematodes as ecological indicators in monitoring soil ecosystem recovery following bioremediation of a terrestrial crude oil spill. Presented at the 1st International symposium on Nematodes as Environmental Bioindicators, Edinburgh, UK, June 2007. R830633 (Final)
    not available

    Thoma GJ, Lam TB, Wolf DC, Beyrouty CA. A mathematical model of phytoremediation of crude oil contaminated soils. Presented at the Sixth International In Situ and On Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, CA, June 4-7, 2001.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available

    Thoma G, Wolf DC, Lam TB, Ziegler S. Mathematical modeling of phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soils. Presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 3-8, 2002.

    R827015C018 (Final)
    not available

    Thoma G, Wolf D, Thanh L, Ziegler S. Mathematical modeling of phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soils. Presented at the Ninth Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 22-25, 2002.

    R827015C018 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation "Ceramic-Derived Magnetic Extractants for Wastewater Remediation." American Ceramic Society 104th Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, April 30, 2002. R827015C010 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation "Removal of Petrochemicals from Water Using Magnetic Filtration." 8th Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium Conference, Houston, TX, November 9, 2001. R827015C010 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Thoma, G.J., T.B. Lam, S. Ziegler, D.C. Wolf, R.M. Reynolds. 2001. A mathematical model of phytoremediation of crude oil contaminated soils. Presented at the Battelle On-site and In-situ bioremediation conference. 3-5 June 2001. San Diego, CA. R827015C018 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Duncan, K., M. Carey, P. Rider, A. Stepp, B. Miller, R.P. Lanno, and J.B. Wells. 1999. Assessing the bioavailability of petrochemicals in soils using chemical and biological measures. Platform presentation. 6th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, Nov. 16-18, 1999. R827015C002 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Lanno, R.P., Coughlin, S., Focht, W., Cross, A., Duncan, K. 2001. Development of Relevant Ecological Screening criteria (RESC) for petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil at exploration and production sites. International Petroleum Environhental Conference, Nov. 6-9, Houston, TX. R827015C011 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Shah, S.N. and Cho, H.: "Development of an Environmentally Friendly and Economical Material for Plugging Abandoned Wells." presented at the 8th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, Texas, Nov. 6-9, 2001. R827015C013 (2002)
    not available
    Presentation Coughlin, S.L. and R.P. Lanno. 2000. Development of relevant ecological screening criteria (RESC) for petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated exploration and production sites. International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Nov. 7-10. R827015C011 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Coughlin, S.L. and R.P. Lanno. 2900. Development of relevant ecological screening criteria (RESC) for petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated exploration and production sites. SETAC 21st Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, Nov. 12-16. R827015C011 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Lanno, R.P., Wells, J.B., and K.L. Duncan. 2000. Estimating the bioavailability of hydrocarbons in soil using passive sampling devices. Platform presentation, 7th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Nov. 7-10. R827015C002 (Final)
    not available

    White Jr. PM, Thoma GJ, Wolf DC, Gbur EE. Field scale phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil. Presented at the Ninth Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 22-25, 2002.

    R827015C018 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Leigh, Mary Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle, Martina Mackova and Thomas Macek. Vegetation and Fungi at Czech PCB-Contaminated Sites as Bioremediation Candidates. Platform Presentation. The Sixth International Symposium on In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation. July 4-7, 2001, San Diego, California, USA. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings TM Harris, J. McConnell and K. Schulte, "Physicochemical Characterization of Brine-Impacted Soil." in Proceedings of the 5th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, K. Sublette, Ed., October 20, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico. R827015C003 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Shah SN, Jeong Y-T. Development of an environmentally friendly and economical process for plugging abandoned wells. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 11-14, 2003. R830633 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Stevens EW, Gasem KA, Barfield BJ, Matlock MD. Better sediment control using engineered silt fence. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, June 2004. R830633 (Final)
    not available

    Thoma GJ, Lam TB, Dempsey DN, Wolf DC, Beyrouty CA. A mathematical model of phytoremediation of oil contaminated soil. In: Sublette KL, ed. Proceedings of the Seventh International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 7-10, 2000.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available

    White Jr, PM, Kirkpatrick WD, Thoma GJ, Wolf DC. Using plants to remediate crude oil-contaminated soil. In: Sublette KL, ed. Proceedings of the Seventh International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 7-10, 2000.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Bowen, M., G. Thoma, D.C. Wolf, and C.A. Beyrouty. 1998. A mathematical model of phytoremediation for hydrocarbon-impacted soils. In K.L. Sublette (ed.) Proc. 5th International Petroleum Environmental Conf., Albuquerque, NM, 20-23 Oct. 1998. Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium, Tulsa, OK. R827015C007 (2000)
    not available
    Proceedings Thoma, G.J., M.L. Bowen, C.A. Beyrouty, and D.C. Wolf. 1999. An L-systems approach to rhizosphere volume estimation. p. 125. In K.L. Sublette, G.J. Thoma, and T.J. Ward (ed.) Proc. 6th International Petroleum Environmental Conf., Houston, TX. 16-18 Nov. 1999. Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium, Tulsa, OK. R827015C007 (2000)
    not available
    Proceedings Duncan, K., M. Carey, P. Rider, A. Stepp, B. Miller, R.P. Lanno, and J.B. Wells. 1999. Assessing the bioavailability of petrochemicals in soils using chemical and biological measures. Proceedings of the 6th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, Nov. 16-18, 1999. R827015C002 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Demnerova, Katerina, Hana Stiborova, Mary Beth Leigh, Dietmar Pieper, Jarmila Pazlarova, Vladimir Brenner, Martina Mackova and Thomas Macek. 2001. Degradation of PCBs and CBs by Indigenous Bacteria Isolated from Contaminated Soil. Proceedings of the First European Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, July 2-5, 2001. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Lanno, R.P., Wells, J.B., Duncan, K., Carey, M., Rider, P., Stepp, A., Miller, B.. 2000. Estimating the bioavailability of hydrocarbons in soil using passive sampling devices. Proceedings of the 7th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, NOV. 7-10. R827015C002 (Final)
    R827015C011 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Sanders, D., Snethen, D., and Veenstra, J. (2000) "Evaluation of Roadbase Mat erial Derived from Crude Tank-Bottom Sludges." Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM. R827015C001 (2000)
    R827015C001 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Leigh, Mary Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle, Martina Mackova and Thomas Macek. 2000. Field Studies Examining Rhizosphere-enhanced PCB Degradation in the Czech Republic. Abstract published in The Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 17th Biochemical Congress, Sept. 7-10, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic. Chemicke Listy 94 (8): 732. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Demnerova, K., M. Mackova, J. Pazlarova, M. Vosahlikova, H. Novakova, E. Ryslatava, T. Macek, N. Vrchotova, V. Brenner, L. Pavlu, S. Totevova, T. Kristoffer, D.D. Focht, F. Fava, D. Di Gioia, L. Marchetti, J.S. Fletcher, M.B. Leigh, P. Kucerova, H. Stiborova, V. Mateju, M. Sobotka, F. Kastanek, P. Kastanek, L. Kasak. 2001. PCBs: Approaches to Possible Removal from the Environment: Current Status of Bioremediation in the Czech Republic. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute: Innovative Approaches to the On-Site Assessment and REMEDIATION of Contaminated Sites. May 24-June 2, 2001, Prague, Czech Republic. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available

    White Jr. PM, Kirkpatrick WD, Wolf DC, Thoma GJ, Reynolds RM. Phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil. In: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 6-9, 2001.

    R827015C004 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings T.M. Harris, C. Dewan, A. High, B. Tapp and K. Sublette, "Remediation of Brine-Impacted Soil with Subsurface Drainage: Year 2 of the Barnard No. 1 Project." in Proceedings of the 6th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, K. Sublette, Ed., November 18, 1999, Houston, Texas. R827015C003 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings TM Harris, K. Schulte, A. High, R. Yates, K. Sublette and B. Tapp, "Remediation of Brine-Impacted Soil with a Leachate Collection System." in Proceedings of the 5th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, K. Sublette, Ed., October 20, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico. R827015C003 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings A.W. Apblett, S. M. Al-Fadul, M. Chehbouni, and T. Trad "Removal of Petrochemicals from Water Using Magnetic Filtration." Proceedings of the 8th International Environmental Petroleum Consortium, 2001. R827015C010 (Final)
    not available
    Symposium Fletcher, John S. Phytoremediation from a Biologists Perspective. 12th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium. July 14- 18,2002, Prague, Czech Republic. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Symposium Kyle, Michael D., J. Fletcher, and D. Nagle. Apparent Enrichment for PAH- Degrading Bacteria in the mulberry Rhizozone. 8th International Petroleum Environmental Conference: Issues and Solutions in Exploration Production and Refining. Nov. 6-9, 2001, Houston, Texas, USA. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Symposium Leigh, Mary Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle, Martina Mackova and Thomas Macek. 2000. Field Studies Examining Rhizosphere-enhanced PCB Degradation in the Czech Republic. Prague 2000: Fifth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Sept. 12-14,2000. Prague, Czech Republic. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Symposium Leigh, Mary Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle. Petra Kucerova, Martina Mackova and Tomas Macek. Rhizoremediation of PCBs Based on Field Studies in the Czech Republic. 12th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium. July 14-18, 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Symposium Leigh, Mary Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle, Martina Mackova and Tomas Macek. Rhizoremediation of PCBs in the Czech Republic. 8th International Petroleum Environmental Conference: Issues and Solutions in Exploration, Production and Refining. November 6-9,2001, Houston, Texas, USA. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available
    Symposium Leigh, Mary Beth, John S. Fletcher, David P. Nagle, Martina Mackova and Thomas Macek. 2001. Vegetation and Fungi at Czech PCB-Contaminated Sites as Bioremediation Candidates. In Phytoremediation, Wetlands and Sediments, the Sixth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, Calif., June 4- 7,2001; Leeson, A., Foote, E. A., Banks, M. K. Magar, V., Eds. Battelle Press: Columbus, Ohio. 2001. P 61-68. R827015C005 (Final)
    not available

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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