Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Freedom of Information Act

We hope you found the information you need or want on the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) website.  But if you didn’t, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act (PA) grant you the right to access many government records about how the government operates.

Guide for FOIA or Privacy Act Requesters

Under the FOIA, any person has a right to a copy of certain records possessed by the executive offices, agencies, corporations, administrations, commissions, boards and services. However, some records are protected from disclosure, such as sensitive personal, commercial, and governmental information. Find out more about what information is exempt. You also may be required to pay fees for costs related to providing the requested documents. There are several fee categories.

Under the PA, if an agency files information about you by your name, or any other means that identifies you (such as social security number), you have the right to see the information; keep other people from seeing it; and correct the information if it is wrong. 

Making an FOIA or Privacy Act Request

There are a few things you need to know before making a request. First, you must submit your request directly to:

Bob Monniere
Attorney Advisor
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
E35-330, RTC
Washington, DC 20590
202-366-5498 (tel)
202-366-3671 (fax)

Also, if you want the records in a form or format other than paper, please be specific in describing the format you would like to receive the information.

Second, your request must be in writing and include the following information:

  • Provide your name, address and telephone number. Also, if you have an e-mail address, please provide it, so that we can contact you if we have questions about your request.
  • Specify whether you are making an FOIA or PA request.
  • Provide as much detail as possible about the records you seek.
  • Indicate whether you are requesting the information in a form or format other than paper.
  • State your willingness to pay any fees, and how much you are willing to pay as advance authorization

If you are mailing the request, please mark prominently on the envelope "FOIA Request".

Finally, before you submit a request, you may want to search our website to find out if the information is already available.

Ready to submit a request?

You may submit your request by mail, fax, or in person. We do not accept FOIA requests by telephone.  If you need more information, or need help in submitting a request, please contact us.

How to Follow-up on a Request

Within a few days after receiving your request, we will send you an acknowledgment letter.  This letter will include the tracking number for your request. For us to follow-up on your request, you must provide the tracking number.

Small Purchase Credit Card Holders

The following RITA-BTS Headquarters employees are purchase credit holders:

Name Telephone Building Room Routing Symbol
Cara Fitzgerald 202-493-0768 DOT 4117 RTS-43
Sharon Herman 202-366-9059 DOT 4125 RTS-42
Ava Miller 202-366-9267 DOT 2440 RTD-40
Tonya Tinsley-Grisham 202-366-6268 DOT 3100 RTS-20
Lisa Garland 202-366-1272 DOT 3100 RTS-20
Herbert MacDonald 202-366-3550 DOT 4117 RTS-41
Marline Reese 202-366-4153 DOT 3430 RTS-34

Related Resources

FOIA Public Liaison: Fern Kaufman, telephone number (202) 366-8067