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Map of West Africa
Niger - The Millennium Challenge Cooperation
On March 17, 2008 MCC Niger launched a three year program which focuses on bolstering girl's education, reducing public corruption, streamlining business creation procedures and improving rights and access to land.
President Bush during his visit to Ghana.
President George W. Bush pounded shea nuts, snacked on cashews and chatted with Ghanaian entrepreneurs during an extraordinary visit to an export showcase organized by the West Africa Trade Hub on February 20. Accompanied by First Lady Laura Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Bush made the stop during their 36-hour stay in Ghana, part of a five-country tour of Africa to highlight U.S. government aid efforts. The exporters he met are working in some of Ghana's leading, non-traditional growth sectors — apparel, handcrafts, shea butter and specialty foods — and have received training, technical assistance and trade show sponsorship from the Hub.




Food For Peace: Success Stories
The USAID funded program works in 61 MCHN sites throughout the Department of Podor providing support for health services and a robust direct distribution program that provides nutritional support to pregnant and lactating women and malnourished children.
Promoting HIV/AIDS Awareness The Action for West Africa (AWARE-HIV/AIDS) Project supports the replication of policies and improved technical and managerial models within the region to contribute to a reduction of sexually transmitted infections and HIV infections.
Peace and Security - Niger Rural Radio Rehabiliation Africare/Niger achieved the rehabilitation of 13 existing rural radios in the Agadez region and the set up of one new radio in the rural commune of Tassara. As a result of the broadcasts now reach the maximum number of people living in this wedged northern region.
Last Updated on: September 26, 2008