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National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)
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Complete listing of NAWQA headlines, activities, and publication releases:

Publication release: USGS Perspective on Monitoring and Assessment in the Journal of Environmental Monitoring (Released May 2006)

Publication release: Volatile Organic Compounds in the Nation's Ground Water and Drinking-Water Supply Wells (Released April 2006)

New NAWQA webpage: Urban Water-Quality Issues Addressed through Multiple Studies (Released April 2006)

Publication release: Pesticides in the Nation's Streams and Ground Water (Released March 2006)

Publication release:Parking-Lot Sealcoat: A Major Source of PAHs in Urban and Suburban Environments (Released January 2006)

New NAWQA webpage:  USGS health-based guidelines: A tool for evaluating what water-quality data may mean to human health (Released April 2006)

Publication release: USGS health-based screening levels are applied to ground-water quality data in New Jersey (USGS Fact Sheet 2005-3059 ; USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5174) (Released June 2005)

Publication release on NAWQA's Regional Ground Water Studies: NAWQA assesses ground-water quality in 19 aquifer systems used for drinking-water supplies across the Nation (USGS Fact Sheet 2005-3013) (Released May 2005)

Congressional Briefing Sheets: 

Report released on connecting NAWQA assessments to decision making: NAWQA information provides an unbiased scientific basis for managers, planners, and policy makers at all levels--local, state, and national--to make decisions for the protection of drinking water, the health of aquatic ecosystems, and for resource management. (Updated January 25, 2005)

Meeting minutes: Program Objectives in the Second Decade  (Released at the NAWQA National Liaison Meeting, September 24, 2004)

Publication release: Summary water-quality assessments available for 15 river basins and aquifer systems (Study Units), studied 1997-2001 (Released May 2004). 

Publication release: Water Quality in the Nation's Streams and Aquifers--An Overview of Selected Findings, 1991-2001 (USGS Circular 1265) (Highlights)  (Released May 2004)

Data release:USGS Announces Online Access to Nationwide Fish Community Data

Publication release:Monitoring and Assessing our Nation's Water Quality (USGS Fact Sheet 076-02) (Released August 2002)

Program review: National Academy of Sciences Review (Released February 13, 2002)

Publication release: USGS completes drinking-water reservoir pilot program (Released January 2002)

Publication release:MTBE and other volatile organic compounds—New findings and implications on the quality of source waters used for drinking-water supplies (USGS Fact Sheet 105-01) (Released November 15, 2001)

Publication release:The National Water-Quality Assessment Program--Entering a new decade of investigations. (USGS Fact Sheet 071-01) (Released August 2001)

Publication release: Summary water-quality assessments available for 16 river basins and aquifer systems (Study Units), studied 1994-98 (Released May 2001). Highlights of Study-Unit findings

Publication release: Selected findings and current perspectives on urban and agricultural water quality. - Studies by NAWQA in nearly 120 agricultural and 35 urban watersheds show that nonpoint chemical contamination is an agricultural and urban issue. Released April 20, 2001)

Data release: NAWQA's online data warehouse of 12.9 million records enables water resource managers, scientists, and the public to find data about the quality of the water at 6,800 stream sites and 7,800 wells across the country. (Released April 2001)


 U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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 Last Update: 16:45:52 Tue 29 May 2007