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EPA's Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP)

The 2008 MSGP regulates discharges of stormwater from industrial activities. The MSGP includes requirements affecting 29 different industrial sectors (PDF) (7 pp, 255KB). The 2008 MSGP specifies steps that facility operators must take prior to becoming eligible for permit coverage, including submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI), installing stormwater control measures to minimize pollutants in stormwater runoff, and developing a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). The MSGP also includes effluent limits, monitoring, inspection, and reporting requirements, and corrective action requirements. View the general two-page fact sheet (PDF) (2 pp, 72KB) summarizing the final 2008 MSGP.

EPA Issues Final 2008 MSGP

On September 29, 2008, EPA announced in the Federal Register (PDF) (7 pp, 113KB) publication of the final 2008 MSGP (PDF) (240 pp, 2.8MB). This final 2008 MSGP replaces the previous permit, the 2000 MSGP (PDF) Information at this link provided for reference purposes only (136 pp, 1.3MB), which expired on October 30, 2005. The 2008 MSGP provides coverage for industrial facilities (PDF) (7 pp, 255KB) located in 5 States, and in certain Indian Country lands, as well as at various Federal Facilities in other States (see Appendix C of the 2008 MSGP (PDF) (5 pp, 211KB)), where EPA still remains the NPDES permit authority.

Deadlines for filing Notices of Intent (NOI) and the dates for becoming authorized depend on whether the industrial facility was covered under the 2000 MSGP or the facility is new and was not covered by the 2000 MSGP.

NOI Submittal Deadlines/Discharge Authorization Dates

Discharger Category

NOI Submission Deadline

Discharge Authorization Date

Existing Dischargers - covered under the 2000 MSGP

No later than January 5, 2009.

30 days after EPA posts the NOI at

New Dischargers or New Sources - if started discharging between October 30, 2005 and January 5, 2009.

As soon as possible but no later than January 5, 2009.

30 days after EPA posts the NOI at

New Dischargers or New Sources - start discharging after January 5, 2009.

A minimum of 60 days prior to commencing discharge, or a minimum of 30 days if the SWPPP is posted on the Internet during this period.

If the SWPPP is posted on the Internet, 30 days after EPA posts your NOI. Otherwise, 60 days after EPA posts the NOI at

Note: Coverage under the MSGP is not yet available for industrial facilities located in Alaska and Idaho; for Federal Facilities in Washington State; and for facilities located within Indian Country lands located in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Permit coverage for existing facilities in Alaska, Idaho, Washington, and Indian Country lands will be administratively continued. EPA expects coverage to be available in December 2008.
MSGP Webcast

EPA will host a webcast presentation on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm EST to introduce industrial dischargers, members of the public, and State or Tribal permitting authorities to the new requirements of the 2008 MSGP. Registration information will be available on EPA’s Training page in mid October. An announcement will also be sent through the NPDES News listserve when registration opens.


Final 2008 MSGP

How to Become Authorized Under the Final 2008 MSGP

  • Filing an NOI - Industrial facilities are encouraged to file their NOI electronically, using EPA’s fast and easy eNOI system. Use of the eNOI system has the benefit of providing user-friendly forms, ensuring fast processing, and emailed reminders of monitoring and reporting requirements.
  • Water Locator Tool - The Water Locator Tool helps industrial facilities complete their NOIs by pinpointing each site’s latitude and longitude, approximating the nearest receiving water, and providing information on the impairment status of the water, applicable total maximum daily loads (TMDLs), and potential pollutants of concern.
  • List of Tier 2 and Tier 3 Waters - You should consult this list of waters currently designated by states as Tier 2 or Tier 3 for antidegradation purposes to help you complete your NOI.

Developing SWPPPs, Reporting Monitoring Data and Annual Reports

  • MSGP SWPPP Guidance (Coming Soon) - EPA will issue new guidance on how to develop a SWPPP that meets the requirements of the 2008 MSGP. This guidance will be available in December 2008.
  • Industrial Stormwater Monitoring Guidance (Coming Soon) - EPA will issue guidance on conducting industrial stormwater monitoring. This guidance will be available by December 2008.
  • Reporting MSGP Monitoring Data (Coming Soon) - EPA is finalizing its electronic reporting system, which will enable permittees to electronically file all benchmark, effluent limitation guidelines, and impaired waters monitoring data through the eNOI system. This site will be available by April 1, 2009.
  • Annual Reporting Form (PDF) (6 pp, 484KB) - Permittees are now required to submit to EPA annual reports summarizing their annual comprehensive site inspection and corrective actions taken during the year. EPA has developed an Annual Reporting Form, which can be used by permittees to submit this information to EPA.
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Last updated on October 15, 2008 11:48 AM