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Interactive maps > Data download > Catalog > Land > North America > United States
Baraga (1 items)
Berrien (2 items)
Gogebic (1 items)
Houghton (1 items)
Keweenaw (2 items)
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For general USGS information see Science in your back yard: Michigan

Results 1 - 16 of 16 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Bedrock soil and lichen geochemistry from Isle Royale National Park, Michigan [New Window]
Geochemical analyses conducted as part of a larger study of the Midcontinent Rift in the Lake Superior region.
Data base for undiscovered deposits of base and precious metals [New Window]
Probabilistic estimates of the amounts of undiscovered gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in conventional types of mineral deposits in the United States.
Potential for new nickel-copper sulfide deposits in the Lake Superior region [New Window]
Explains what these deposits are, where the occur and why, and why they are likely to be important
Digital Aeromagnetic Datasets for the Conterminous United States and Hawaii - A Companion to the North American Magnetic Anomaly Map [New Window]
Digital and analog archives comprising more than 1,000 surveys, covering approximately 8,000,000 line-km of data, flown at various flight heights and line spacings
Pan-American Center for Earth and Environmental Studies (PACES) gravity data portal [New Window]
Digitized Aeromagnetic Datasets for the Conterminous United States, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico [New Window]
Aeromagnetic anomaly values digitized from older surveys
Chemical analyses of soils and other surficial materials of the conterminous US [New Window]
Geochemistry of soils and other regoliths collected and analyzed by Hans Shacklette and colleagues from 1958 until about 1976.
PDF Element concentrations in soils and other surficial materials of the conterminous United States [New Window]
Geochemistry of soils and other regoliths collected and analyzed from 1958 until about 1976
Precambrian basement structure map of the continental United States-an interpretation of geologic and aeromagnetic data [New Window]
Principal basement structures formed during the Precambrian in the continental United States based on interpretation of regional aeromagnetic anomaly data of North America.
Geological map data [New Window]
Characteristics of bedrock and surficial geologic terranes and structural features at various levels of detail. The information provided here are intended for use in the synoptic study of large areas, and are likely not suitable for detailed study of geog
Michigan geologic map data [New Window]
A GIS database of geologic units and structural features in Michigan, with lithology, age, data structure, and format written and arranged just like the other states.
Geology and mineral deposits of the Keweenaw Peninsula and vicinity, Michigan [New Window]
Geospatial data and tabular data on the geology, structure, mines and mineral deposits, including lithology, age, tectonic setting, and stratigraphy.
Aerial magnetic, electromagnetic, and gamma-ray survey, Berrien County, Michigan [New Window]
CD-ROM containing maps, grids, and flight-line databases of a detailed aerial survey and maps and grids of satellite data
PDF Time-domain electromagnetic soundings near Antioch, Illinois,and Berrien Springs, Michigan [New Window]
Study to help constrain 3-dimensional geologic maps of surficial materials in these glacial deposits
Digital bedrock geologic map of the Ashland and northern part of the Ironwood 30' x 60' quadrangles, Wisconsin and Michigan [New Window]
Geologic units and structural features, GIS data files
Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana [New Window]
Digital geologic map information with a consistent set of attributes, part of a national compilation of similar maps. Available in formats compatible with GIS.

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