SOCMA Headlines

SOCMA Releases Its Statement on the 2008 Election Results

SOCMA published the following statement: “It is clear that a majority of Americans have chosen the Democratic Party to lead the country in a different direction. Democrats wield significant...
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56 Final Significant New Use Rules Including Nanomaterials from EPA

The EPA has published 56 final SNURs. Two of the 56 substances were nanomaterials, marking the first time EPA has published final SNURs for such substances. The two nanomaterials...
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SOCMA's "Last 100 Days" plan
SOCMA recently released our “Last 100 Days” initiative to prepare for the end of the current presidential administration, and I’m very excited to share the...

South America: Sweet Prospects Hit Sour Note
South America has experienced a period of relative stability in recent years with most countries enjoying strong currencies, enhanced consumer confidence, and sustained GDP...

Which of the following dates holds the most significance for you?

Nov. 4, 2008 – The Election of Barack Obama
Sep. 11, 2001 – Terrorist Attack on the US
Nov. 9, 1989 – Fall of the Berlin Wall
Jan. 28, 1986 – Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
Jul. 20, 1969 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassinated
Dec. 7, 1941 – Attack on Pearl Harbor

Cast your anonymous vote to see results.