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Posting Fact Sheet

Current as of September 12, 2008

EPA is requiring important new safety measures for soil fumigant pesticides. This fact sheet summarizes new requirements for posting buffer zones around fumigated fields. Buffers zones will help protect agricultural workers and bystanders - people who live, work, or otherwise spend time near fields that are fumigated. It is important that bystanders stay out of buffer zones. When new fumigant labels appear in the market place around 2010, in some situations fumigant users will need to post buffer zones to help make sure people know where buffer zones are and stay out.

Due to their volatile nature, soil fumigants have the potential to pose risk concerns to people involved in the application (handlers), workers who re-enter fumigated fields (workers), and people who may be near the treated area (bystanders). EPA's Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs) for the fumigants chloropicrin, dazomet, metam sodium/potassium, and methyl bromide include a suite of measures designed to work together to reduce exposures, enhance safety, and facilitate compliance and enforcement. These measures include:

EPA is accepting public comment until October 30, 2008, on implementation of the risk mitigation measures in the soil fumigant REDs. For additional information, please see the Agency's August 29, 2008, and July 16, 2008, Federal Register notices announcing these decisions, and Web page on risk mitigation measures for the soil fumigants.

New Requirements for Posting Buffer Zones

Current soil fumigant labels require treated areas to be posted, and handlers are required to wear specific personal protective equipment when they are in a treated area. For buffer zones to be effective risk mitigation, bystanders need to be informed of the location and timing of the buffer to ensure they do not enter areas designated as part of the buffer zone. EPA has determined that to ensure the protectiveness of buffers, the perimeter of the fumigant buffer zones must be posted as described below and in the example.

Posting Example

The following example clarifies the buffer zone posting requirements.

diagram showing an example of buffer zone posting requirements.

Diamond Houses = Structure within 300 feet of the buffer zone edge. Yellow Dots = posted signs

Additional Posting Requirements

Exception: If multiple contiguous blocks are fumigated within a 14-day period, the entire periphery of the contiguous blocks' buffer zones may be posted. The signs must remain posted until the last buffer zone period expires and signs may remain posted until three days after the buffer zone period for the last block has expired.

Contents of Signs

Signs must meet the general standards outlined in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for text size and legibility (see 40 CFR §170.120). Registrants must provide generic buffer zone posting signs that meet these criteria at points of sale for applicators to use.

The treated area sign (currently required for fumigants) must state the following:

-- Skull and crossbones symbol

pictogram hazard sign of a skull and crossbones.


-- "Area under fumigation, DO NOT ENTER/NO ENTRE,"

-- "[Name of fumigant] Fumigant in USE,"

-- the date and time of fumigation,

-- the date and time entry prohibition is lifted

-- Name of this product, and

-- name, address, and telephone number of the certified applicator in charge of the fumigation.

The buffer zone sign must include the following:

-- Do not walk sign

pictogram hazard sign for don't walk or do not enter.


-- "[Name of fumigant] Fumigant BUFFER ZONE,"

-- the date and time of fumigation,

-- the date and time buffer zone restrictions are lifted (i.e., buffer zone period expires)

-- Name and EPA registration number of the product applied, and

-- name, address, and telephone number of the certified applicator in charge of the fumigation

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