Water Resources of Arkansas

Information Requests: "Can I help you?"

Water information and data and hydrologic publications from the Arkansas Water Science Center are available to the public. There may be a charge for some requests, depending on the type, size, and urgency of the request. Information for the topics listed below can also be found on the NWISWeb site. Types of information include:

  • Printed publications
  • Field measurement notes of surface-water measurements
  • Surface-water unit values (data transmitted via satellite from the site)
  • Historical surface-water, ground-water, and water-quality data
  • Plots of peak streamflows, low-flow frequencies, and flow duration analyses
  • Site descriptions
  • Copies of well records
  • Ground-water and surface-water model programs
USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
401 Hardin Road
Little Rock, AR 72211
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00pm Mon - Fri
General number
(501) 228-3600
(501) 228-3601
Surface Water Data
Information Requests
Troy Brossett
(501) 228-3657
Surface Water
General Information
Jaysson Funkhouser
(501) 228-3663
Ground Water Data
Information Requests
Tony Schrader
(501) 228-3612
Ground Water
General Information
John Czarnecki
(501) 228-3617
Water Quality Data
Information Requests
Dennis Evans
(501) 228-3644
Water Quality
General Information
Joel Galloway
(501) 228-3625
Water Use General
Information and Data Requests
Terry Holland
(501) 228-3615
Reports and Publication Requests
Bobbie Louthian
(501) 228-3611
General Web
Requests / Questions
Barry Jackson
(501) 228-3614
Media Requests
James Petersen
(501) 228-3620
Director of USGS Arkansas Water Science Center
John Terry
(501) 228-3613

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Page Contact Information: GS-W-AR_webmaster@usgs.gov
Page Last Modified: Thursday, 06-Nov-2008 16:43:36 CST btj