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19 January 2005
ABSA  Amalgamated Banks of South Africa 
ACT  Agriculture and Commercial Trade Program 
ADR Center  Center for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 
AFR/SD  USAID's Africa Bureau/Sustainable Development 
AGOA  African Growth and Opportunity Act 
AIDS  Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome 
ANE  Mozambique's National Road Administration 
APHIS  Agricultural Plant Health Inspection Service 
ATRIP  Africa Trade and Investment Program 
BIM  Banco Internacional de Moçambique 
BVD  Brussels Determination of Value 
CBNRM  Community-Based Natural Resource Management 
CBOs  Community-Based Organizations 
CDC  US Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
CHA  Community Health Agents 
CNCS Conselho Nacional de Combate ao SIDA (National AIDS Council) 
CSRH/HIV  Child Survival and Health/Human Immune-Deficiency Virus 
CSP  Country Strategic Plan 
CTA  Confederation of Mozambique Business Associations 
DA  Development Assistance 
DAPs  Development Assistance Programs 
DBSA  Development Bank of Southern Africa 
DCA  Development Credit Authority 
DCHA/DG  Democracy, Conflict, Humanitarian Assistance//Democracy and Governance 
DfID  Department for International Development (United Kingdom) 
DG  Democracy and Governance 
DHS  Demographic and Health Survey 
EBA  Everything But Arms 
EC  European Commission 
EGAT  USAID's Economic Growth Agriculture and Trade 
EPZ  Export Processing Zone
ESF  Economic Support Fund 
EU  European Union 
FAO  United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 
FDC  Mozambique's Foundation for Community Development 
FIAS's  Foreign Investment Advisory Services (World Bank) 
FMFIA  Federal Management Financial Integrity Act 
FRELIMO  Frente de Libertação de Moçambique 
GCP  Global Conservation Program 
GDA  Global Development Alliance 
GDP  Gross Domestic Product 
GPA  General Peace Agreement 
GRM  Government of Mozambique 
GTZ  German Technical Co-operation Agency 
HIPC  Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative  
HIV/AIDS Human Immune-Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immunity-Deficiency Syndrome 
HSDS  Health Service Delivery and Support 
IEC  Information, Education and Communication 
IEHA  Presidential Initiative to End Hunger in Africa 
IFAD  International Fund for Agricultural Development 
IFC  International Finance Corporation 
IHN  Integrated Health Network 
IMCI  Integrated Management of Childhood Illness 
IMF  International Monetary Fund 
IQC  Indefinite Quantity Contract 
IR  Intermediate Result 
MAP Mozambique's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 
MAP/TAP World Bank AIDS Program 
MCA  Millennium Challenge Account 
MCAP  Maputo Corridor AIDS Program 
MCH/FP  Maternal and Child Health/Family Planning 
MER  Monitoring Evaluations Report 
MFIs  Micro Finance Institutions 
MIC  Mozambique's Ministry of Industry and Trade 
MOH  Mozambique's Ministry of Health 
MOU  Memorandum of Understand  
MTCT  Mother to Child Transmission 
NAC  Mozambique's National AIDS Council (also CNCS) 
NEC  New Embassy Compound 
NGO  Non-Government Organization 
NORAD  Norwegian Development Agency 
NPA  Non-Project Assistance 
NRM  Natural Resources Management 
NSP  National Strategic Plan 
NTBs  Non-Tariff Barriers 
OBO  Office of Overseas Building Operations 
OE  Operating Expenses 
OPIC  Overseas Private Investment Corporation 
ORT  Oral Rehydratation Therapy 
OYB  Operation Year Budget 
PARPA Plano de Acção para Redução da Pobreza Absoluta (Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth Strategy) 
PESS  Mozambique's Health Sector Strategic Plan 
PLWHA  People Living with HIV/AIDS 
PMTCT  Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission 
PRGF  Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility 
PROAGRI  Mozambique's Agricultural Sector Public Investment Program  
PVOs  Private Voluntary Organizations 
QUIBB  Basic Indicators of Well-Being Survey 
RCSA  USAID's Regional Center for Southern Africa 
RENAMO  Resistência Nacional de Moçambique 
RSA  Republic of South Africa 
SADC  Southern African Development Community 
SADC-FTA  Southern Africa Development Community Free Trade Area 
SAEDF  Southern Africa Enterprise Development Fund  
SDC  Swiss Development Cooperation 
SME  Small and medium enterprises 
SO  Strategic Objective 
SPO  Special Program Objective 
SPS  Sanitary and Phytosanitary 
SPU  Special Project Unit 
STIs  Sexual Transmitted Infections 
SWAP  Sector-Wide Assistance Program 
TB  Tuberculosis 
TF  Trust Fund 
TIA Mozambique's National Agriculture Survey 
UK  United Kingdom 
UNCDF  United Nations Capital Development Fund 
UNCTAD  United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 
UNDP  United Nations Development Program 
UNFPA  United Nations Population Fund 
UNICEF  United Nations Children's Fund 
UNIDO  United Nations Industrial Development Organization 
US  United States 
USAID  United States Agency for International Development 
USDA  United States Department of Agriculture 
USG  United States Government 
VAT  Value Added Tax 
VCT  Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV 
WTO World Trade Organization