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Cumulative Methodology and Risk Assessments

This subject was discussed at the following meeting(s):

February 15 - 18, 2005: N-methyl Carbamate Cumulative Risk Assessment: Pilot Cumulative Analysis

Meeting Minutes (PDF) (113 pp, 677K, About PDF)
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December 11-12, 2003: Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic Modeling (PBPK): Pilot Analysis with a n-methyl Carbamate Pesticide

Final Report - Not yet available.
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June 26-27, 2002: Determination of the Appropriate FQPA Safety Factor(s) in the Organophosphorus Pesticide Cumulative Risk Assessment: Susceptibility and Sensitivity to the Common Mechanism, Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitions

Final Report (PDF) (30 pp, 214K, About PDF)
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February 5-8, 2002: Organophosphate Pesticides: Preliminary OP Cumulative Risk Assessment

Final Report (PDF) (94 pp, 203K, About PDF)
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September 5-6, 2001: Preliminary Cumulative Hazard and Dose-response Assessment for Organophosphorus Pesticides: "Determination of Relative Potency and Points of Departure for Cholinesterase Inhibition"

Final Report
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December 7-8, 2000: Case Study of the Cumulative Risk of 24 Organophosphate Pesticides; Cumulative Risk Assessment Method for Dietary (Food) Exposure; Cumulative Risk Assessment for Residential Exposure; Cumulative Risk Assessment for Drinking Water; Integrated Cumulative Risk Assessment

Final Report (PDF) (41 pp, 94K, About PDF)
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December 8-9, 1999: Characterization and Non-Target Organism Requirement for Protein Plant Pesticide and Cumulative Risk Assessment Methodology Issues of Pesticide Substances that have a Common Mechanism of Toxicity

Final Report (PDF) (47 pp, 146K, About PDF)
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